STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION Skin of Evil "f.k.a.'The Shroud'" #40271-122 Story by Joseph Stefano Teleplay by Joseph Stefano and Hannah Louise Shearer Directed by Joseph L. Scanlan THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1988 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. REVISED FINAL DRAFT FEBRUARY 1, 1988 STAR TREK: "The Shroud" - 2/1/88 - CAST STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Shroud" CAST PICARD ARMUS (THE SHROUD) RIKER BEVERLY DATA TROI TASHA WORF GEORDI WESLEY LIEUTENANT COMMANDER LELAND T. LYNCH NURSE LIEUTENANT BEN PRIETO [PRONOUNCED: "PREE-ET-TOE"] Non-Speaking TWO MEDICAL TECHNICIANS TRANSPORTER CHIEF Voice-Over COMPUTER VOICE STAR TREK: "The Shroud" - 2/1/88 - SETS STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Shroud" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE MAIN BRIDGE MAIN ENGINEERING SHUTTLECRAFT TRANSPORTER ROOM SICKBAY VAGRA 2 [PRONOUNCED: "VAY-GRA"] OBSERVATION LOUNGE PASTORAL AREA SHUTTLECRAFT STAR TREK: "The Shroud" - 2/1/88 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "The Shroud" TEASER FADE IN: 1 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as it travels through space on impulse power. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, stardate 41801.3. We are crossing through the Zed Lapis sector, where we will rendezvous with Shuttlecraft Thirteen carrying Deanna Troi, who is returning from a psychology conference. 2 INT. ENTERPRISE - MAIN BRIDGE The usual CREW is in place, except for Troi and Wesley. PICARD (V.O.) (continuing) Because Engineering is taking this opportunity to complete preventive maintenance on dilithium crystals, we are traveling on impulse power. Tasha and Worf are at the Aft station, working the console. WORF Routine deep sensor probe indicates no obstacles, no vessels within a range of three light years. TASHA Short-range sub-space radar confirms. Worf turns to her. WORF The martial arts competition is in three days. Are you prepared? STAR TREK: "The Shroud" - 2/1/88 - TEASER 2. 2 CONTINUED: TASHA If you'll meet me on the Holodeck later. I need your help on the Mishiama wrist-lock and break. If it works on you, I can use it on anyone. WORF A valid assumption. Who is your first competitor? TASHA The aikido match is with Science Officer Swenson. WORF You will defeat him easily. TASHA (nodding) I'm more concerned with Lieutenant Minnerly's kick-boxing. WORF You are favored in the ship's pool. Tasha just looks at him, then smiles, surprised. TASHA You bet on me. WORF A sure thing. 2A ANOTHER ANGLE GEORDI Sir, estimated rendezvous with the shuttle in one hour, ten minutes. PICARD Very good, Lieutenant. (to Riker) It's not the same around here without Counselor Troi, is it, Number One? Riker's not sure if Picard's needling him. STAR TREK: "The Shroud" - 2/1/88 - TEASER 3. 2A CONTINUED: RIKER No, sir. It seems... WORF ... Sir! I am receiving an emergency transmission from the shuttle! PICARD Put it on the Main Viewer. GEORDI I can't. We are receiving audio only. PICARD Then open the frequency. GEORDI Aye, sir. BEN'S COM VOICE (crackling; calm) ... what a jolt! PICARD Position report. BEN'S COM VOICE Sir, I have an onboard systems failure. You'll have to tell me where I am. GEORDI I read coordinates three-zero-seven mark one-two-six. Confirm! BEN'S COM VOICE Can't confirm. My instruments are haywire. The bridge crew REACTS with concern. PICARD Lieutenant Prieto, is Counselor Troi all right? BEN'S COM VOICE Yes, sir. Just a little shaken. We're being buffeted a bit... A GREAT STATIC ECHOES through the bridge. STAR TREK: "The Shroud" - 2/1/88 - TEASER 4. 2A CONTINUED: (2) BEN'S COM VOICE (continuing; slightly panicked; breaking up) ... losing more power! My flight control computer's fried. PICARD Main Engineering! 3 INT. MAIN ENGINEERING (INTERCUT WITH MAIN BRIDGE AS NECESSARY) where LIEUTENANT COMMANDER LELAND T. LYNCH and his crew are working on DILITHIUM CRYSTALS. The door to the chamber is OPEN. Lynch touches his insignia. LYNCH Engineering. Lieutenant Commander Leland T. Lynch reporting, sir. PICARD How long will it take to return to warp power? LYNCH Captain! I'm in the middle of realigning the dilithium crystals. PICARD There's an emergency, Lynch. I need warp drive. How long? LYNCH Twenty minutes. Maybe more. PICARD We don't have it. LYNCH I'll align it by hand. Then power up the core. PICARD Whatever it takes. A frustrated Lynch starts to move quickly. LYNCH Aye, sir. (to his workers) Let's go! STAR TREK: "The Shroud" - 2/1/88 - TEASER 5. 4 INT. MAIN BRIDGE the crew is very tense. GEORDI Shuttle, this is the Enterprise. Coordinates now read two-thirty-seven mark one-oh-one. You're moving in too close towards a large mass. BEN'S COM VOICE I can see it. The planet's getting closer. More STATIC fills the bridge. DATA The planet is Vagra Two of the Zed Lapis system. Uninhabited. PICARD Lieutenant, report! TROI'S COM VOICE This is Counselor Troi. I'll relay, sir. The pilot is... busy. We've lost most of our impulse power. PICARD Engineering! Status report! LYNCH'S COM VOICE Working on it. Three minutes, Captain. But there are no guarantees. PICARD Deanna, we'll be right there. Riker and the crew become very anxious as the STATIC again fills the bridge. TROI'S COM VOICE ... We're spinning around... BEN'S COM VOICE We're caught in the planet's gravity. TROI'S COM VOICE (very controlled) We're going to crash. STAR TREK: "The Shroud" - 2/1/88 - TEASER 6. 4 CONTINUED: The faces of her friends reflect their fear and anguish, as WE: FADE OUT. END OF TEASER STAR TREK: "The Shroud" - 2/1/88 - ACT ONE 7. ACT ONE FADE IN: 5 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) still on impulse power. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, supplemental. We've lost all contact with Shuttlecraft Thirteen -- and can only assume they've crash-landed on Vagra Two. Main Engineering is working at top speed to return us to warp power. 6 INT. MAIN ENGINEERING where Lynch places the dilithium crystals on their proper tray. LYNCH Forget the final check. 7 CLOSER ANGLE as the tray with the crystals is placed within the chamber and the door CLOSES. Lynch WALKS to the Computer. 7A LYNCH AT THE COMPUTER LYNCH Computer -- initiate start-up sequence. COMPUTER VOICE Beginning check list. LYNCH Override. We are going directly to start-up. COMPUTER VOICE That procedure is not recommended. STAR TREK: "The Shroud" - 2/1/88 - ACT ONE 8. 7A CONTINUED: LYNCH Understood. Now. Prime matter/antimatter injectors. Set ratio at twenty-five to one... COMPUTER VOICE Ratio set. LYNCH Power engine core. Inject reactants. At which point the SOUND WHINES AND BUILDS TO A RUMBLE. The ENGINE LIGHTS BRIGHTEN AND BEGIN THE FAMILIAR WARP DRIVE EFFECT. LYNCH (continuing) Captain, this is Lieutenant Commander Leland T. Lynch. You have minimum warp drive. 8 INT. MAIN BRIDGE as Geordi watches his console closely. He waits for Data's signal. DATA Computer indicates alignment of matter-anti-matter completed, sir. GEORDI Course plotted and set for Vagra Two. PICARD Warp eight. LYNCH'S COM VOICE Minimum warp drive, Captain. PICARD You heard the order. Make it so. 9 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as the ship MOVES OUT IN WARP SPEED. 10 OMITTED STAR TREK: "The Shroud" - 2/1/88 - ACT ONE 9. 11 INT. MAIN BRIDGE The crew calmly but rapidly performs their duties. Riker sits almost immobilized next to Picard. Beverly puts her hand on his arm. GEORDI Approaching Vagra Two. DATA Strange, sir. No emergency signal from the shuttle as yet. RIKER (reassuring himself) They're designed to withstand almost any impact. WORF Beginning a deeper probe, sir. PICARD What is this place, Mister Data? DATA There is no information in the library computer, sir, other than the fact of its existence. No signs of any known higher life-form. Virtually no vegetation. RIKER Atmosphere? DATA Minimum for our needs. PICARD Standard orbit. GEORDI Standard orbit, aye. 11A EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) (FORMERLY SC. 10) as it ENTERS orbit around Vagra 2. 12 CLOSE ON PICARD AND RIKER Riker's scared for Troi. STAR TREK: "The Shroud" - 2/1/88 - ACT ONE 10. 12 CONTINUED: RIKER I could have set up the rendezvous in a dozen alternate sites. Picard knows what he's really saying. PICARD She means a lot to all of us. RIKER She's not dead. I'd know it. 13 WIDER ANGLE INCLUDING Worf. WORF I've located the shuttle! PICARD Life signs? WORF Not yet, sir. Riker REACTS to the possibility that Troi is dead. WORF (continuing) Still probing. It appears to be buried under a lot of debris. Worf shakes his head, then sees a FLICKER on the console. WORF (continuing) I may have something, sir! He makes an adjustment on his instruments. Riker's out of his chair instantly, looking over Worf's shoulder. WORF (continuing) Faint life signs. Very faint. RIKER How many? STAR TREK: "The Shroud" - 2/1/88 - ACT ONE 11. 13 CONTINUED: WORF There's no way of telling from here. PICARD Can we beam up the injured? DATA No. Our sensors are not fully penetrating whatever the debris is, sir. I cannot explain it. A puzzled concerned REACTION from Picard. PICARD That's very unusual. DATA Yes. I cannot explain it. Picard gets a call. LYNCH'S COM VOICE Captain, this is Lieutenant Commander Leland T. Lynch. Can I shut down the warp drive now for a full realignment? PICARD (distracted) Yes. LYNCH Thanks. That's fine... PICARD No. Wait. (something is picking at him) Not yet. LYNCH You'll have full impulse. PICARD I understand, but for the moment I want all systems at full readiness -- especially propulsion. LYNCH As you wish, Captain. STAR TREK: "The Shroud" - 2/1/88 - ACT ONE 12. 13 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD Assemble your team, Number One. RIKER Right away. BEVERLY I'll meet you in Transporter Room Four. Riker gets up quickly. RIKER Yar, Data. They're already halfway out of their positions and HEADING for the Transporter Room. 14 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM FOUR (OPTICAL) The team is assembled on the pad when Beverly COMES IN with TWO MEDICAL TECHNICIANS and gear. They MOVE ONTO the pad. RIKER Do it. The Transporter Chief works the console and the away team DISAPPEARS. 15 EXT. VAGRA 2 (OPTICAL) Vagra 2 is arid, desolate, with very rocky terrain. It's always dusk. The team BEAMS IN about ten meters from the crash site. The shuttle appears to have crashed into a hill. It's almost completely buried, obscured by ROCKS. There is an eerie stillness, a deadness about the place. Tasha takes readings. TASHA Ben must have had no control left, otherwise he would have picked a better spot. BEVERLY Let's go. The life signs are weak. Tasha starts to lead the team quickly and cautiously towards the shuttle. STAR TREK: "The Shroud" - 2/1/88 - ACT ONE 13. 16 ANOTHER ANGLE As they near the shuttle, they run into an obstacle - a BLACK, SHINY, VISCOUS MASS lying on the ground. 16A ANGLE ON THE AWAY TEAM They STOP for a beat and look at the slime. Data takes a tricorder reading. RIKER What is it? No one has an answer. TASHA No idea. We'll go around. Just to be on the safe side. 16B ANGLE ON TASHA As she leads the away team around the slick, it MOVES PARALLEL with them so it stays between them and the shuttle. The team STOPS. TASHA We'll go the other way. 16C ANOTHER ANGLE The away team CIRCLES AROUND the other way. And again, the slick stays between them and the shuttle. RIKER (touching his communicator) Enterprise, this is Riker. We've got a problem. PICARD'S COM VOICE What kind of a problem, Number One? RIKER I'm not sure yet. There's some kind of a slick blocking our path. We'll keep you apprised. PICARD'S COM VOICE Maintain an open frequency. STAR TREK: "The Shroud" - 2/1/88 - ACT ONE 14. 16C CONTINUED: RIKER Aye, sir. 17 CLOSER ANGLE RIKER Analysis, Mister Data. Data takes readings. DATA Inconclusive, sir. I cannot tell you what it is -- only what it is not. RIKER Explain. DATA There is no evidence of neural or circulatory systems. No internal organs. Cellular structure unknown. It does not have any proteins which are known to us. The slime remains SILENT and STILL... Until: BEVERLY It's narrower over here. Can we get over it? They try -- but it EXPANDS, so they can't pass. RIKER Wait, Beverly. How is it moving, Data? DATA I do not know, sir. It does not appear to have any skeletal framework or musculature. RIKER Then what's causing it to move? DATA Perhaps we are. It appears to be following us, sir. STAR TREK: "The Shroud" - 2/1/88 - ACT ONE 15. 18 WIDER ANGLE The slime continues to BLOCK THEIR PATH, BLOCKING ANY WAY THEY TRY TO APPROACH the shuttle. RIKER No readings of intelligence. No brain as we know it. But evidence of thought, Mister Data? DATA Insufficient information. PICARD'S COM VOICE Number One, can you beam around it? RIKER Negative, not enough room, sir. It seems to be trying to keep us away from the shuttle. PICARD'S COM VOICE Data, is it alive? 19 THE CREATURE DATA It is possible. It possesses two of the requisites for life. 20 WIDER ANGLE A SHRIEK is emitted, and the BLACK SHROUD, ARMUS, LIFTS ITSELF off the ground and blocks the away team's path. ARMUS Very good, tin man. They STEP BACK, startled... phasers ready. Riker gathers himself and steps forward. Tasha's alert. 20A INT. MAIN BRIDGE Picard and the others listening. PICARD What is it, Number One? What are you seeing? STAR TREK: "The Shroud" - 2/1/88 - ACT ONE 16. 20A CONTINUED: RIKER I wish I had an answer, Captain. The truth is... I'm not sure. FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE STAR TREK: "The Shroud" - 2/1/88 - ACT TWO 17. ACT TWO FADE IN: A21 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as the ship orbits the planet. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, supplemental. While on the planet Vagra Two to rescue members of the crew who were injured in a rather strange and unexplained shuttle crash, the away team, lead by Commander Riker, has encountered a strange creature which seems to be able to take many forms, including something which is humanoid. B21 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Picard touches his arm panel. PICARD Go easy, Number One. Let's find out what it is we are dealing with here. RIKER'S COM VOICE Agreed, Captain. PICARD And Number One, I don't believe the location shuttle crash and the proximity of this creature is necessarily a coincidence. C21 EXT. PLANET VAGRA 2 Riker moves a STEP CLOSER to the creature. RIKER I am Commander William Riker of the USS Enterprise. ARMUS I am ARMUS. Why do you intrude into my space? STAR TREK: "The Shroud" - 2/1/88 - ACT TWO 18. C21 CONTINUED: RIKER We mean you no harm. We have an injured crew in that shuttlecraft. We need to get to them. May we pass? ARMUS That is important to you? That they live? RIKER Yes. Preserving life -- all life -- is very important to us. ARMUS Why? RIKER We believe that everything in the universe has a right to exist. ARMUS Interesting. Irrelevant. But you may now leave if you wish. Riker and the crew are startled. TASHA We won't without the shuttle crew. The shroud REMAINS SILENT as Tasha makes a slight MOVE TO GO AROUND IT. ARMUS You will not like it here. TASHA What are you saying -- that you are going to try and deny us access and attempt to force us to leave without our comrades? ARMUS I told you what you can do. You can leave. Tasha has had enough of this and starts to move toward the narrowest strip of slime. TASHA Enough. We have people who need attention. We mean you no harm, but do not interfere. STAR TREK: "The Shroud" - 2/1/88 - ACT TWO 19. 21 ANOTHER ANGLE (OPTICAL) as ARMUS FLICKS HIS FINGER, sending an ENERGY FORCE towards Tasha, JERKING HER BACK and SLAMMING HER DOWN to the ground. 22 ON THE TEAM (OPTICAL) Everything from here on must happen in a blur of action. Beverly and the medical personnel jump to Tasha's side. Riker and Data MOVE BETWEEN the others and BLAST ARMUS with their phasers. 23 OMITTED 24 ANGLE ON THE CREATURE (OPTICAL) who appears to thrive and grow on the energy. 24A ANGLE ON RIKER AND DATA They BACK AWAY - still FIRING. PICARD'S COM VOICE Number One? RIKER The creature attacked us. Lieutenant Yar is down. DATA It appears to feed on our phaser energy. RIKER We have no effect on it. 24B INT. MAIN BRIDGE Picard and the others are monitoring. PICARD Transporter Room. Get them up. Now! STAR TREK: "The Shroud" - 2/1/88 - ACT TWO 20. 24C ANGLE ON TASHA AND THE OTHERS Beverly quickly takes a reading. She can't believe the instruments. BEVERLY She's dead. 24CC ANGLE ON THE BRIDGE CREW stunned. 24D ANGLE ON RIKER AND DATA They REACT to the words. Then look back at ARMUS. 24E ANGLE ON ARMUS watching. 25 ANGLE ON BEVERLY AND TASHA There is a piece of slime on Tasha's face. Beverly digs at it, desperate to remove it. 25A ANGLE ON AWAY TEAM (OPTICAL) The lock on is complete -- the away team is BEAMED UP. Leaving only Armus and the shuttle. 26 OMITTED 26A INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM (OPTICAL) as the away team BEAMS IN. Beverly and the Technicians are still working on Tasha. Beverly gives her an injection in the neck. Riker and Data can REACT for the first time. BEVERLY I need her in Sickbay right now! Get a gurney. 27 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Picard is out of his seat -- the whole crew is alert. STAR TREK: "The Shroud" - 2/1/88 - ACT TWO 21. 27 CONTINUED: PICARD Yellow Alert, Lieutenant Worf. I'll be in Sickbay. REACTIONS from the bridge crew. 28 thru OMITTED 29 30 INT. SICKBAY The medical team is easing Tasha onto the operating table as Picard ENTERS. Beverly barely glances up at him. He MOVES OFF TO THE SIDE and watches silently, with Data and Riker, as: 31 CLOSE ON DIAGNOSTIC SCREEN which shows her bodily readings to be totally askew. 32 WIDER ANGLE Beverly and the Nurse work together as if they'd done this a hundred times before, attaching the clamshell device onto the bed, over Tasha's body. PICARD Status, Doctor? BEVERLY She's dead. PICARD Bring her back. BEVERLY I'm trying. PICARD You've saved people before. You can save her. BEVERLY Neural stimulator. STAR TREK: "The Shroud" - 2/1/88 - ACT TWO 22. 32 CONTINUED: The Nurse immediately helps her attach the device, which clips onto the bed and slips over Tasha's head like a loose headband. As soon as both devices are activated, Beverly and the Nurse anxiously watch the diagnostic screen. A FEW KEY INDICATORS APPROACH NORMALITY. Picard is anxious and impatient. RIKER There. You did it. BEVERLY No. I've got her on total support. There's no independent brain activity. Beverly grimly and quickly works the neural stimulator. She pushes programming keys furiously, then hits the start button. No reaction. NURSE She's not responding, Doctor. Her synaptic network is breaking down. BEVERLY No! Inject norep. The Nurse complies as Beverly reprograms the stimulator. Nothing happens. BEVERLY (continuing) We're going for direct reticular stimulation. NURSE Risky. PICARD What does that mean? BEVERLY Doesn't matter! Do it! The Nurse punches it in, and Tasha's body TWITCHES SLIGHTLY. Picard looks hopefully at Beverly. PICARD She moved! STAR TREK: "The Shroud" - 2/1/88 - ACT TWO 23. 32 CONTINUED: (2) NURSE Neurons are beginning to depolarize. Beverly is desperate, but calm. BEVERLY Increase to seventy microvolts. The Nurse complies. Beverly pushes the button. Tasha MOVES SLIGHTLY -- VERY SLIGHTLY. Beverly checks the readout. Data and Riker looks at each other -- it's not good. PICARD (urgently) Doctor? BEVERLY Eighty-five microvolts. They quickly try again. And again. Finally, there is NO MOVEMENT in Tasha at all. 33 ON BEVERLY AND PICARD She slowly turns to him. BEVERLY She's gone. PICARD Gone? BEVERLY There's too much synaptic damage. That thing just sucked all the life out of her. There's nothing I can do... Picard, Riker and Data seem rooted to the spot. 34 ANOTHER ANGLE Beverly reluctantly pushes in a code on the overbed life support clamshell. She and the others look up at the big diagnostic wall screen and watch all the LIFE FUNCTION INDICATORS FALL TO ZERO. They REACT to the finality of this. STAR TREK: "The Shroud" - 2/1/88 - ACT TWO 24. 35 EXT. VAGRA 2 as ARMUS SLITHERS AND SLIDES close to the shuttle. 36 INT. SHUTTLECRAFT It is greatly damaged. The PILOT, LIEUTENANT BEN PRIETO, is slumped forward, unconscious. Troi tries to move, but is in a great deal of pain. She touches her communicator, but it doesn't work. 36A EXT. VAGRA 2 (FORMERLY SCENE 39) ARMUS has slithered up the shuttle and covered the little bit that isn't buried by rubble. 36B INT. SHUTTLECRAFT (FORMERLY SCENE 40) Troi is startled. She feels very uncomfortable and looks around, seeing nothing, but feeling -- an intimate sense of evil. ARMUS (O.S.) Your friends have deserted you. They're not coming back. TROI You're wrong. ARMUS (O.S.) I killed one of them. Troi is very sad. TROI Yes. I know. ARMUS (O.S.) How could you be in there and know that? TROI I felt her die. ARMUS (O.S.) Do you want to know why I killed her? TROI Meaningless. That act had no reason. STAR TREK: "The Shroud" - 2/1/88 - ACT TWO 25. 36B CONTINUED: ARMUS (O.S.) Exactly. I did it because I could. TROI But you felt no satisfaction. ARMUS (O.S.) No, none. It was too easy. TROI You wanted her to suffer. You have a great need. ARMUS (O.S.) I need nothing. TROI Liar. (there is a pause) End this. Let us go. ARMUS Not yet. TROI They won't give you what you want. ARMUS (O.S.) And what is that? TROI To break their spirit. ARMUS (O.S.) Oh, is that what I want?... Then that's what I will have. TROI Never. 37 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as it orbits Vagra 2. 38 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE The bridge crew GATHERS around the table. STAR TREK: "The Shroud" - 2/1/88 - ACT TWO 26. 38 CONTINUED: BEVERLY (enraged) She didn't do anything, Captain. Her phaser was lowered. She only wanted to get to Troi and Lieutenant Prieto. RIKER There was nothing provocative about what she did. Riker slams the table and fights back tears of outrage. BEVERLY It just killed her. No reason. No justification. A senseless, brutal act. Picard waits, while the members of his crew purge their anger. PICARD All right. This is very emotional for all of us, but we still have members of this crew down on that planet, so, until the shuttle crew is safely aboard this ship, our feelings will have to wait. There are QUIET MURMURS OF ASSENT. PICARD (continuing) Lieutenant Worf, you are now chief of security. WORF I will do my best, sir. PICARD Doctor, what is the status of the shuttle crew? BEVERLY We're still receiving faint life signs. But the sensor readings are fluctuating -- and I don't know how accurate they are. STAR TREK: "The Shroud" - 2/1/88 - ACT TWO 27. 38 CONTINUED: (2) DATA ARMUS is capable of creating undefined forcefields. In effect, we are powerless to communicate or use our transporter unless it allows us to. PICARD A powerful creature against whom we seem to have no defense. Number One. Riker begins PACING. RIKER This creature that calls itself ARMUS is down on that planet waiting for us to come back. It wants us to come back. It killed Tasha. It could have just as easily killed us all. It didn't. Troi and Ben Prieto are still alive. For a reason. It wants something -- and it knows we will not leave so long as Troi and Ben are alive. PICARD What does it want? RIKER The only way we're going to find out is to go back down. The crew REACTS. DATA Sir, request permission to accompany Commander Riker. He may need help -- and ARMUS may allow us through its forcefield only once. BEVERLY I am going too. There are injured people down there. GEORDI Captain, perhaps I can see something in the creature which will be helpful. (to Worf) Worf -- are you coming? STAR TREK: "The Shroud" - 2/1/88 - ACT TWO 28. 38 CONTINUED: (3) WORF I will remain on the ship. Everyone is mildly surprised. WORF (continuing) The object here is not to engage this creature in battle. The goal is the safe return of Counselor Troi and Lieutenant Prieto. I can best accomplish this from the Tactical Station. Picard admires his courageous choice. PICARD Agreed, Lieutenant... Number One, I see no other choice. Prepare your away team. 39 thru OMITTED 40 40A INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM (OPTICAL) Riker, Data, Beverly and Geordi prepare to beam down. RIKER Is there anything left to say? SILENCE. RIKER Energize. 41 EXT. VAGRA 2 (OPTICAL) as the away team BEAMS DOWN near the shuttle, which is lying there, quiescent, waiting for them. FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO STAR TREK: "The Shroud" - 2/1/88 - ACT THREE 29. ACT THREE FADE IN: 42 EXT. VAGRA 2 The away team MAKES ITS WAY, very cautiously, towards ARMUS. The shroud is still on top of the shuttlecraft. Riker and the team take an involuntary STEP BACK when they see this. RIKER Enterprise. PICARD'S COM VOICE Number One. RIKER We're approaching the shuttlecraft. The creature's covering it. 42A INT. SHUTTLECRAFT Troi feels the presence of the away team. ARMUS (O.S.) I lied to you. They came back. TROI Let me talk with them. ARMUS (O.S.) No. TROI Why not? Does the thought of my having contact with them make you uneasy? ARMUS (O.S.) No, it makes them uneasy. They are worried. TROI Yes. Yes, they are worried. ARMUS (O.S.) They care for you. You must be very special. STAR TREK: "The Shroud" - 2/1/88 - ACT THREE 30. 42A CONTINUED: TROI We are members of a community. We all care for one another. ARMUS (O.S.) Equally? None more than another? TROI Yes, equally. ARMUS (O.S.) Now it is you who lie. There is one who is loved more. Troi changes the direction of this conversation. TROI You were really surprised that they came back. ARMUS (O.S.) Yes. TROI Why? Because the others did not? ARMUS (O.S.) (now it is the creature who is uncomfortable) What others? TROI You can't hide the emptiness from me. The others. The ones who hurt you. Who left you -- alone -- rejected. The ones who make you so angry. ARMUS (O.S.) What do you know of them? TROI Only what you tell me. 42B EXT. SHUTTLECRAFT ARMUS SLITHERS OFF the craft and MOVES TOWARDS the away team. RIKER Enterprise, Armus is moving towards us. STAR TREK: "The Shroud" - 2/1/88 - ACT THREE 31. 42C INT. MAIN BRIDGE (FORMERLY SC. 45) WESLEY and Worf lean over the Aft console. On the bridge they spot the change -- and again... WORF Captain. Look at this. Picard APPROACHES the Aft station. WORF (continuing) The force of the energy field around the shuttle just took a dip. It was almost low enough for us to beam them out. Now, as the creature approaches the away team, the energy field increases. Picard is pensive for a moment. PICARD Chart it. 43 thru OMITTED 44 44A ANGLE ON AWAY TEAM (FORMERLY SC. 43) The shroud is half-standing near the team. ARMUS She said you'd be back, but I didn't think so. RIKER We have no choice. ARMUS I sense anger directed at me. Riker deflects the statement. RIKER I'm here to negotiate. What is it you want? ARMUS Maybe I want nothing. RIKER Then you would have killed us all. STAR TREK: "The Shroud" - 2/1/88 - ACT THREE 32. 44A CONTINUED: ARMUS I still might. RIKER Do you want something? Tell me. Maybe we can reach an accommodation. ARMUS You would do that even after what I did to the fair one? RIKER Yes. ARMUS If I tell you what it is... will you give it to me? RIKER I don't know... I guess it depends. ARMUS Not good enough. 45 OMITTED 46 ANGLE ON BEVERLY AND THE SHROUD as she APPROACHES it. BEVERLY I'm a doctor. I need to treat our injured friends. ARMUS Say please. BEVERLY Please. ARMUS Again. BEVERLY Please. ARMUS You ask nicely. I will allow it. STAR TREK: "The Shroud" - 2/1/88 - ACT THREE 33. 46 CONTINUED: The team starts to move forward. ARMUS (continuing) Stop! Only the "Doctor." Beverly STARTS TO MOVE FORWARD. ARMUS Stop. I've changed my mind. Talk to her from here. BEVERLY How? (into com) Troi, can you hear me? Troi? 47 OMITTED 48 INT. SHUTTLECRAFT BEVERLY'S COM VOICE Deanna? Are you all right? Troi touches her communicator. TROI Beverly... 49 EXT. SHUTTLECRAFT Beverly relaxes with relief for a moment. BEVERLY Are you all right? 50 INT. SHUTTLECRAFT (INTERCUT AS NECESSARY WITH EXT. SHUTTLECRAFT) TROI I'm not sure. Ben's really bad -- I can barely feel his pulse. BEVERLY We have to get you out. It has a forcefield preventing us from transporting you. TROI I know. STAR TREK: "The Shroud" - 2/1/88 - ACT THREE 34. 51 EXT. VAGRA 2 - NEAR ARMUS Riker makes a reflexive MOVE TOWARD THE SHUTTLE. RIKER She needs our help. ARMUS You have no permission to pass. BEVERLY There are people suffering a few meters away, and you block our path. Why? ARMUS You asked to talk. I allowed it. Wasn't that enough for you? BEVERLY No. I need help to get to them. ARMUS You are ungrateful. BEVERLY You are evil and disgusting. What are you made of? DATA It does not register on my tricorder, Doctor. ARMUS "It?" Does that mean I am not alive? DATA No. Clearly you are some kind of intelligent form. ARMUS pulls the tricorder out of Data's hands and sails it over the horizon. ARMUS Then your instrument lies. It is useless. Perhaps all your instruments are useless. The shroud instantaneously RIPS OFF GEORDI'S VISOR. Data immediately REACTS to assist. ARMUS (continuing) Don't help him. STAR TREK: "The Shroud" - 2/1/88 - ACT THREE 35. 51 CONTINUED: Geordi helplessly MOVES TOWARDS THE VISOR. ARMUS MOVES IT. Riker puts his hand on Beverly's arm. They stay out of it -- both furious. DATA One meter to your left, Geordi. Geordi moves that way, bends down and almost reaches it when the shroud MOVES IT again, behind him. DATA (continuing) Behind you. Geordi turns and feels his way. The Shroud MOVES IT again. Data says nothing more while Geordi searches. ARMUS Aren't you going to lead him to his sight again, robot? DATA No. You will just move it again. I will not help you hurt him. RIKER None of us will help you. ARMUS (disgusted) Then give it to him. I will find something else to do. Wait right here. 51A EXT. SHUTTLECRAFT as the away team watches ARMUS surround the shuttle. 51B INT. SHUTTLECRAFT Troi moves. She can feel that he's back. ARMUS (O.S.) You said I wouldn't enjoy it. You were wrong. TROI Still the great emptiness remains. You sound so alone. STAR TREK: "The Shroud" - 2/1/88 - ACT THREE 36. 51B CONTINUED: ARMUS (O.S.) I am alone. I am the discarded skin of a creature whose beauty dazzles all who see it. But I am its refuse -- left here. TROI You have my pity. The shuttle SHAKES with the creature's rage. ARMUS Your pity! Save that for yourself. For the first time -- the first time -- WE SEE a ripple of FEAR on Troi's face. 51C EXT. PLANET ARMUS HAS MOVED OFF THE SHUTTLE AND as it APPROACHES THE GROUP, Riker suddenly feels a great force pull him. He calls out. Data MOVES to help him. ARMUS Touch him and he dies. As the away team watches, Riker - fighting with all his might -is pulled inexorably toward the slime. From the other direction, Armus also MOVES toward the hole. As the creature's SHRIEK joins RIKER'S SCREAM, the two SLIP INTO THE SLIME HOLE and DISAPPEAR. For a beat there is nothing. Then: WE CAN SEE only RIKER'S FACE PRESSED AGAINST THE SKIN. DATA Enterprise, ARMUS has enveloped and attacked Commander Riker. PICARD'S COM VOICE I'm beaming you up! ARMUS If any of you leave now, he dies. And so do the survivors of the crash. As they REACT, WE: FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE STAR TREK: "The Shroud" - 2/1/88 - ACT FOUR 37. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 52 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) in orbit around Vagra 2. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, supplemental. There is grave danger to the crew on Vagra Two. My first officer is missing - attacked by this entity known as "ARMUS." 53 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Wesley and Worf working on a solution to the ARMUS energy problem. WORF Captain, perhaps you should look at this. Picard STEPS OVER and studies the graphic display. WORF (continuing) We have a chart of the energy field surrounding the shuttle. PICARD There are a great deal of fluctuations. WORF Yes - but there is a pattern. Here is when it killed Lieutenant Yar, and here is when it absorbed Commander Riker. PICARD (indicating points on the graph) And here -- and here? Where the energy is lowest? WORF Both times it had enveloped the shuttle and was involved with Counselor Troi. STAR TREK: "The Shroud" - 2/1/88 - ACT FOUR 38. 53 CONTINUED: PICARD So when it is provoked in a certain way its forcefield is weakened... Troi must have the answer. I'm beaming down. You have the Conn, Lieutenant. WESLEY Sir, I'd like to... PICARD ... Go with me? No, Wesley. You can be of more help to Lieutenant Worf. WESLEY But... PICARD ...No. WESLEY Tell my Mom... I'm not worried. PICARD I'll tell her, Wes. 54 OMITTED 55 INT. SHUTTLECRAFT It's as if Troi realizes something else is wrong and feels the pain Riker is in. TROI Imzadi. No... Stop hurting him! ARMUS (O.S.) What will you give me if I stop hurting him? TROI Nothing. I can give you nothing. ARMUS (O.S.) You still resist. Not for much longer. STAR TREK: "The Shroud" - 2/1/88 - ACT FOUR 39. 56 EXT. THE SHROUD (OPTICAL) At that moment Picard BEAMS DOWN next to the away team. The team REACTS to Picard's arrival. ARMUS Ah. Another human has arrived. A very bold one, too. Perhaps the party is complete. The shroud LIFTS ITSELF TO ITS TORSO to greet the Captain. At that moment A LIKENESS OF RIKER'S FACE PUSHES THROUGH AND STRAINS AGAINST THE SHROUD, AND THEN DISAPPEARS again. They see it and control themselves. They will never mention what they've seen to ARMUS. The captain and the creature face each other. ARMUS You must be the chief. PICARD Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the Enterprise. Is Commander Riker dead? ARMUS Guess. DATA (to Picard) I would guess that death is no longer sufficient entertainment to alleviate its boredom. Therefore, Commander Riker is alive. ARMUS Maybe. Picard stares closely at ARMUS. ARMUS (continuing) Don't you want to ask me what I want? PICARD No. STAR TREK: "The Shroud" - 2/1/88 - ACT FOUR 40. 56 CONTINUED: ARMUS Then, to protect your own existence, maybe you'd better give me a reason. Entertain me. Be creative. Then perhaps I won't kill your assistant. You do care very much about that, don't you? PICARD Yes. The shroud looks in Data's direction and suddenly -- completely against Data's will -- an unseen force causes Data's hand to take his phaser and point it at Picard. ARMUS Robot, how would you feel if you were the instrument of death for your leader? PICARD Don't struggle, Mister Data. Data relaxes into it. DATA I have no control over what you do with the phaser. Therefore, I would not be the instrument of his death. ARMUS ignores him - and TURNS THE PHASER ON BEVERLY. ARMUS Perhaps the kind doctor would engender more feeling? He SWINGS DATA'S ARM VIOLENTLY AROUND so the phaser points at his own temple. ARMUS How does it feel facing your own extinction? I won't call it death. You're not alive. DATA It feels -- curious. ARMUS stops the game - and DROPS THE PHASER. The others REACT with quiet relief. Data stares at it. STAR TREK: "The Shroud" - 2/1/88 - ACT FOUR 41. 56 CONTINUED: (2) DATA You are capable of great sadism and cruelty. Interesting. No redeeming qualities. ARMUS So what do you think? DATA I think you should be destroyed. ARMUS A moral judgment from something that isn't even alive? Before Data can answer: PICARD Mister Data... (then:) ARMUS, we are through dealing with you. ARMUS I have your man in here... and the others. PICARD It doesn't matter. We will no longer amuse you. ARMUS I can kill them. PICARD Yes. You can. But only I can make them perform. They follow my orders. ARMUS Then it is you. Amuse me. PICARD Not until I know if the ones in the shuttle are still alive. I must see them. ARMUS Not possible. PICARD Then our business is complete. STAR TREK: "The Shroud" - 2/1/88 - ACT FOUR 42. 56 CONTINUED: (3) ARMUS And you claim you care about your comrades. PICARD I do care. ARMUS is silent. PICARD (continuing) Shall I tell you what true evil is? It is to submit to you. It is when we surrender our freedom, our dignity instead of defying you. Do what you will. We will take the consequences. He and the others turn their backs on ARMUS and begin to WALK AWAY slowly. ARMUS Wait! 57 thru OMITTED 58 59 ANGLE ON ARMUS as it SPITS RIKER OUT in front of the away team. He is covered with black slime and we can't tell if he's dead or alive. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR STAR TREK: "The Shroud" - 2/1/88 - ACT FIVE 43. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 60 EXT. VAGRA 2 - CONTINUOUS ACTION Beverly and Picard lean over the fallen Riker. His skin looks like he received a bad sunburn. She takes readings as Data and Geordi stand slightly back. BEVERLY He's alive. PICARD But is he all right? Riker shudders and opens his eyes. For a moment he looks around wildly, not knowing where he is. When he realizes he's free, he struggles to get up. BEVERLY Don't move. (to Picard) Everything shows normal, except his skin sustained a mild form of acid bath. RIKER (weakly) So much distortion, so frustrated... it had to get rid of me. PICARD I want you all out of here. (into com) Enterprise, beam up the away team -- immediately. ARMUS You need my permission. PICARD Do I have it? ARMUS Yes. Are you going? PICARD No. Not yet. STAR TREK: "The Shroud" - 2/1/88 - ACT FIVE 44. 60A ANOTHER ANGLE (OPTICAL) PICARD Enterprise, four to beam up. WORF'S COM VOICE Aye, sir. The four BEAM UP, leaving Picard. Picard APPROACHES ARMUS. PICARD I want to see my people on the shuttle. ARMUS doesn't answer. ARMUS makes a very slight motion and Picard DISAPPEARS. (NOTE: This should not look like our transporter effect. the OPTICAL should be BLACKISH.) 61 INT. SHUTTLECRAFT (OPTICAL) Picard APPEARS. PICARD Troi. TROI Captain Picard. PICARD We registered a weakening of ARMUS' energy while he was talking to you. What was going on? TROI ARMUS is very needy, but he can't deal with that. He denies his rage. I confronted him with it. That must have been when he reacted. Picard REACTS thoughtfully. 62 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) in orbit. 63 INT. MAIN BRIDGE where Wesley anxiously works with Worf. STAR TREK: "The Shroud" - 2/1/88 - ACT FIVE 45. 63 CONTINUED: PICARD'S COM VOICE Lieutenant Worf, I'm going to try and break this impasse. Monitor carefully. WORF Aye sir. (to Wesley) Set the computer. When the energy level reaches two point six point two-oh-five, automatically beam up Troi and Prieto. We'll do a parallel transport of the captain. 64 EXT. VAGRA - NEAR ARMUS (OPTICAL) The captain MATERIALIZES and faces ARMUS. PICARD How long have you been on this planet? ARMUS Since they left. PICARD Someone was here before? ARMUS Long ago. PICARD They abandoned you. Who were they? ARMUS A race of titans. So they thought. Together, they perfected a method of bringing to the surface all that was evil and negative within them. All this erupted on the outside, spread, and connected. In time, it formed a second skin, dank and vile. They found a way to rid themselves of it, leaving them free of the bonds of destructiveness. Then they left. And here I am. STAR TREK: "The Shroud" - 2/1/88 - ACT FIVE 46. 64 CONTINUED: PICARD It must be very lonely. ARMUS You cannot trick me by pretending compassion, captain. PICARD Haven't you seen we humans are capable of compassion? ARMUS Oh, yes. It is revolting. Time and again you rise from despair into hope. From hate into understanding. From aloneness into love. But you are puny. Weak. Vessels that die from a flick of my power. PICARD But our spirit soars. A great poet once said "all spirits are enslaved which serve things evil." ARMUS Picard, it is impossible for you to accept that I am truly evil. PICARD Because you are not. ARMUS I am a skin of evil. PICARD Nothing in the universe is the same as anything else -- but everything has light and dark. ARMUS is SILENT. PICARD (continuing) They did not leave you because they hated you. They didn't understand you. ARMUS You don't know that. STAR TREK: "The Shroud" - 2/1/88 - ACT FIVE 47. 65 EXT. THE SHROUD (OPTICAL) (INTERCUT AS NEEDED) Picard moves back a little bit from the shroud. The next actions happen almost simultaneously. WORF (checking his readings) Energy shields are way down! Computer is beginning transport. 65A INT. THE SHUTTLECRAFT (OPTICAL) Ben and Troi begin the BEAM UP. 65B EXT. THE SHROUD as Picard begins to BEAM UP. The ARMUS REACTS slightly late. All he can do is lean back his head and SHRIEK. He's been left again. 66 EXT. SHUTTLECRAFT (OPTICAL) As the Enterprise uses PINPOINT PHASER POWER TO completely DESTROY THE SHUTTLE. 67 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as it LEAVES ORBIT of Vagra 2. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, supplemental. The shuttlecraft has been destroyed to prevent any possibility of Armus leaving the planet. Vagra 2 has been declared an off-limits planet, but the damage has been done. One of the saddest duties I have to perform is ahead of me. 68 INT. ENTERPRISE - PASTORAL AREA (OPTICAL) It is set up as a kind of glade, filled with people who loved Tasha. The bridge crew FILES IN, one by one. Beverly ENTERS first. Troi is pale, and weak, but recovering. She leans on Riker, whose face still shows some effects of the shroud. Geordi and Worf COME IN, followed by Data. Wesley is leading them to their assigned seats. STAR TREK: "The Shroud" - 2/1/88 - ACT FIVE 48. 68 CONTINUED: WESLEY (to Data) This is where you're supposed to sit. DATA Why? WESLEY I don't know. The captain gave me a seating plan. He sits down next to his mother, who smiles at him and puts her arm around him. He moves in closer to her, needing her comfort. Picard goes to the front. Everything is quiet. PICARD We are here together to honor our friend and comrade Lieutenant Natasha Yar. We will have much time to grieve for her in the days ahead, but for now, she has asked that we celebrate her life -- with her. She has left a living will. He moves to sit in his assigned seat in the middle of the front row. The LIGHTS DIM. And as a HOLOGRAPHIC IMAGE OF TASHA APPEARS in front of the group, there are gasps of surprise -- each of the bridge crew REACTS to the Image in front of them. TASHA Welcome, my friends. You are here now watching this image of me because I have died. It probably happened while I was on duty, and quickly, which is what I expected, and what I wanted. Never forget I died doing exactly what I chose to do. As Tasha speaks, she looks out at the gathering as if she's really a part of it. TASHA (continuing) What I want you to know is how much I loved my life... and each of you who shared it with me. You are my "family." (MORE) STAR TREK: "The Shroud" - 2/1/88 - ACT FIVE 49. 68 CONTINUED: (2) TASHA (Cont'd) Whoever I was before Starfleet, where I came from, isn't important. I have been blessed with your friendship and your love. She looks directly at Riker. TASHA (continuing) Will Riker, you are the best. From the moment you beamed on board, you never failed me. You trusted me, you encouraged me and most of all, you made me laugh. She smiles right at him and he can't help but smile back. Troi holds his hand tightly. TASHA (continuing; looking at Troi) Deanna... you are capable of so much love, you taught me without ever having to say a word. I realized I could be feminine without losing anything -- something I never thought I could achieve. Troi wipes a tear from her cheek. TASHA (continuing; looking at Worf) Ah, Worf. I hope for your sake I met death with my eyes open. We are so much alike, you and I, both warriors, orphans who found ourselves this family. Worf stares at her image, unbelieving and pained. TASHA (continuing; to Beverly) My friend, Beverly. True to yourself, your ideals. Your fierce devotion comes from within. It can't be diminished. From you I have learned to strive for excellence, no matter what the personal cost. STAR TREK: "The Shroud" - 2/1/88 - ACT FIVE 50. 68 CONTINUED: (3) Beverly and Wesley hold tight to each other. TASHA (continuing; to Wesley) Wesley, I'm sorry that I won't be able to see you grow into the exceptional man you'll be. But I have my vision of who you are and your kindness and innocence is ageless. The Tasha hologram turns to face Geordi. Who knows how he sees her in this half-state? TASHA (continuing) Geordi, in those moments I felt the most despair, you took my hand and made everything better. Your innate joy taught me to look beyond the moment. Geordi looks down -- he can't bear to see/not see her. TASHA (continuing) Mister Data. Android... automaton... robot. (shakes her head) No. You see things with the wonder of a child, and that makes you more human than any of us. I love you just the way you are. The Tasha image turns to Picard. TASHA (continuing) Captain Jean-Luc Picard. I can't say you've been like a father to me, because I never had one and I don't know what it feels like. But if I could choose someone in this universe to be like, someone who I would want to make proud of me, it's you. You who have the heart of an explorer and the soul of a poet. So you will understand when I say "Death is that state in which one exists only in the memory of others... which is why it is not an end." (MORE) STAR TREK: "The Shroud" - 2/1/88 - ACT FIVE 51. 68 CONTINUED: (4) TASHA (Cont'd) (beat) No good-byes. Just "au revoir," my friends. Picard waits a moment, and as Tasha's IMAGE FADES: PICARD Au revoir, Natasha. He gets up before the group. PICARD (continuing) The service is concluded. As everyone FILES OUT, Data gets up and WALKS OVER to where the Tasha image was standing. He looks puzzled. Picard WALKS OVER to him. DATA Sir, the purpose of this gathering has eluded me. PICARD Oh? How so? DATA My thoughts are not for Tasha, but for myself. I keep thinking how empty it will feel without her presence. I missed the point. PICARD No, you didn't, Data. You got it. Picard TURNS AND WALKS OFF. WE PULL BACK, leaving Data alone. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END