STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Evolution" #40273-150 Story by Michael Piller & Michael Wagner Teleplay by Michael Piller Directed by Ric Kolbe THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1989 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. REVISED FINAL DRAFT JULY 24, 1989 STAR TREK: "Evolution" - 7/25/89 - CAST STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Evolution" CAST PICARD STUBBS RIKER (DATA/NANITE) DATA WORF BEVERLY TROI Non-Speaking GEORDI ERIC'S GIRLFRIEND WESLEY GUARD GUINAN CREW OF ENGINEERS SUPERNUMERARIES WORK CREWMEMBER #1 COMPUTER VOICE ERIC ANNETTE MALE NURSE STAR TREK: "Evolution" - REV. 7/25/89 - SETS STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Evolution" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE MAIN BRIDGE SHUTTLE BAY CORRIDOR SICKBAY SICKBAY LAB SICKBAY WAITING ROOM ENGINEERING CAPTAIN'S READY ROOM OBSERVATION LOUNGE WESLEY'S QUARTERS TEN FORWARD COMPUTER ROOM STUBB'S QUARTERS STAR TREK: "Evolution" - 7/24/89 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Evolution" TEASER FADE IN: 1 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) at impulse speed entering a double star system composed of a small neutron star orbiting a red giant star. 2 INT. SICKBAY LAB - CLOSE ON A TEXTBOOK something in advanced genetics... lying flat on a lab tabletop. The camera moves slowly along the table to see the paraphernalia of a long night of studying -- containers, microscope, some half-eaten new generation pizza and an almost finished glass of milk... finding a still hand... and moving up the arm to find WESLEY; face flat on the table, eyes closed... and for a beat we may wonder what's happened to him... but then -- RIKER'S COM VOICE Commander Riker to Ensign Crusher. Wesley's eyes jerk open... head turns -- where am I, omigod, I fell asleep.... WESLEY (hoarse) Go ahead.... INTERCUT: 3 INT. MAIN BRIDGE On RIKER. DATA and WORF are at their stations. RIKER Forget to set your alarm, Wesley? 4 INT. SICKBAY LAB Wesley scurrying around to clean up the lab top... put away his experiment and equipment... STAR TREK: "Evolution" - REV. 7/25/89 - TEASER 2. 4 CONTINUED: he notices one of the containers is open, briefly reacts, quickly closes it... it's barely noted and buried in the humor of the moment. WESLEY Uh, yessir. I'm... very sorry. I'll be right there. RIKER'S COM VOICE I didn't think you'd want to miss this. Wesley takes one more last look around the room... exits quickly, brushing his hair into some semblance of neatness. 5 INT. MAIN BRIDGE - VIEWSCREEN - THE DOUBLE STARS (OPTICAL) PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, Stardate 43102.8. We have entered a spectacular double star system in the Kavis Alpha sector on a most critical mission of astro-physical research. Finding a slightly disheveled man in his sixties (DOCTOR STUBBS) in casual clothes observing data processing on the bridge. The sparkle in his eye is the only hint of his excitement and anticipation... otherwise, he has the confidence of a man who already knows the answer to a question about to be posed. PICARD (V.O.) (continuing) Our eminent guest, Doctor Paul Stubbs, will attempt to study the decay of globules of neutronium expelled at relativistic speeds by a massive stellar explosion which will occur here in a matter of hours. Wesley ENTERS the bridge, looking embarrassed, glances at Stubbs who smiles at him. Wesley sits at his station. STAR TREK: "Evolution" - 7/24/89 - TEASER 3. 5 CONTINUED: PICARD (V.O.) (continuing) It is virtually a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity as dictated by the forces of nature. But frankly, Doctor Stubbs seems much calmer about it all than those of us who are simply charged with the responsibility of delivery and observation. RIKER Ensign, our position.... WESLEY Approaching ten million kilometers from the neutron star... RIKER Slow to one third impulse power... Stubbs stands by Wesley as the viewscreen shows a stream of hydrogen and helium torn from the red giant spiraling toward the neutron star. STUBBS Spectacular, isn't it, my young friend? His voice is as warm as a grandfather's. WESLEY Yessir. And he might as well be in his classroom, the professor sharing the excitement with a young student. STUBBS Over and over again, the intense gravitational pull of the little neutron star sucks up the star material from the red giant, and it builds up on the surface until it explodes... every one hundred and ninety six years. Like clockwork. And it is but eighteen hours away. DATA Eighteen hours, seven minutes, and ... ten seconds, Doctor. STAR TREK: "Evolution" - REV. 7/25/89 - TEASER 4. 5 CONTINUED: (2) STUBBS (acknowledges) The interstellar counterpart to Earth's "Old Faithful". The only predictable burst of energy in the universe that can accomplish our goal. PICARD ENTERS from the Ready Room. PICARD Doctor Stubbs, if you want to make a final inspection of the unit... STUBBS Captain, I've been inspecting the egg for twenty years... you may lay it when ready. Picard and Riker react to his offhanded confidence... PICARD Begin launch sequence. RIKER Shuttle Bay Two, stand-by to launch the uh, "egg"... 6 INT. SHUTTLE BAY - THE UNIT looks likes an egg... it's about the size of a Buick... sitting aboard a small launch pad. In a control booth, a TEAM OF OFFICERS acknowledge the command. CREWMEMBER #1 Standing by, Commander... 7 INT. MAIN BRIDGE STUBBS Do you know how long the experiment will last, Wesley... ? WESLEY One billionth of a second. STUBBS (reacts) Now, how would you know that? STAR TREK: "Evolution" - REV. 7/25/89 - TEASER 5. 7 CONTINUED: WESLEY When I heard we were going to be part of your experiment, I read all your published works. Stubbs reacts, impressed. RIKER Begin pre-launch sequence. INTERCUT: 8 INT. SHUTTLE BAY (OPTICAL) Crewmember #1 touches a panel. A wide door behind the egg slides open to reveal the spectacular star system. 9 INT. MAIN BRIDGE DATA Five minutes to launch site. Then, suddenly without warning... the Enterprise jolts sharply... Doctor Stubbs is thrown down to the floor... The jolts continue... PICARD Stabilize. WESLEY The ship is not responding. 10 INT. ENGINEERING - GEORDI Working furiously at his controls -- GEORDI Checking for failure of inertia dampeners... Instruments say they're working... 11 THE UNIT rattles unstable on its launch pad... STAR TREK: "Evolution" - 7/24/89 - TEASER 6. 12 THE MAIN VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) The stellar-material roars from the red giant across space in front of us... The jolts continue... WORF Captain, we're heading straight into the path of that stellar matter.... PICARD Shields up. WORF Negative. The shields won't respond. On reactions -- 13 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) hurtles toward the fire arc across space and... FADE OUT. END OF TEASER STAR TREK: "Evolution" - REV. 7/25/89 - ACT ONE 7. ACT ONE FADE IN: 14 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) As before, the ship is flying out of control. 15 INT. MAIN BRIDGE DATA Impact thirty seconds. PICARD Go to manual override to raise shields. WORF Shields are rising. RIKER Reset dampeners. INTERCUT: 16 INT. ENGINEERING GEORDI Dampeners not responding. Unable to reset. PICARD'S COM VOICE Reverse impulse engines. GEORDI Initiating reverse sequence. 17 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The engines reverse. The ship stabilizes. 18 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Stubbs looks up dazed, from the floor... DATA Impact twenty seconds. STAR TREK: "Evolution" - REV. 7/27/89 - ACT ONE 8. 18 CONTINUED: PICARD The momentum is still taking us into the path of the stellar matter. RIKER Close the shuttle bay door... Prepare for impact. CREWMEMBER#1'S COM VOICE Door is frozen, Commander... 19 ANGLE ON VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) as the stellar matter gently deflects off the shields... 20 INT. SHUTTLE BAY - THE UNIT shakes. 21 thru OMITTED 22 23 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) The shaking from the collison stops. RIKER Commander Data, check all systems... Medical personnel to the bridge. Riker goes to help Doctor Stubbs... his back is hurt. DATA All systems functioning normally again. PICARD Computer, explanation for control malfunction. COMPUTER VOICE No control malfunction has been recorded. Off their reactions... 24 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) in a holding pattern. STAR TREK: "Evolution" - REV. 7/25/89 - ACT ONE 9. 25 INT. CORRIDOR Wesley moving... sees a trio of other teenagers, two attractive girls and one boy, dressed in ski clothes... ERIC (friendly) Hey, Wesley, you need some work on your right turns... Wesley pauses, responding a little too seriously for a teenager. WESLEY They're running a check to find out what happened. Everything's okay now... One of the girls, ANNETTE, is clearly interested in Wes. ANNETTE We're going into the Holodeck to ski in Switzerland, Wes... want to come? WESLEY Oh... I can't... I have to check on Doctor Stubbs. He's in Sickbay... Annette looks disappointed. Eric takes him aside out of earshot... puts his arm around his shoulder. ERIC Wesley, I have this awkward situation... Two gorgeous ladies, only one of me and a terrific program where we get snowed in at the ski lodge... just the fire and each other to keep us warm... (looks for a reaction) I can hold the storm for you... meet us at the lodge later on. WESLEY I can't, Eric. There's just too much to do... ERIC (strained) Yeah, okay... next time. Annette glances at him as they split up. STAR TREK: "Evolution" - REV. 7/25/89 - ACT ONE 10. 26 INT. SICKBAY Several bruises from the incident are being treated... DOCTOR CRUSHER treats Stubbs' back as Wesley ENTERS. WESLEY The captain asked me to tell you that our systems are back to normal and we can make another launch attempt as soon as you're ready. Stubbs nods with a deceptively amiable grin. Beverly uses a medical tricorder. STUBBS Quite a dynamic family team, you Crushers.... BEVERLY (smiles at her son) It's nice to be back together. I was at Starfleet Medical for a year... I missed about two inches of him. And a lot more. We may sense here that as she listens, Beverly is considering her relationship with her son... STUBBS I'm not sure I'd want my mother to be flying through space with me... no, I take that back. I am sure. I wouldn't want her. I love her dearly you understand. BEVERLY (poking) Does that hurt? He acknowledges. She treats it as Stubbs says to Wesley-- STUBBS My mother's a formidable woman too. A woman of letters. (with many layers) A great critic. WESLEY I know. STAR TREK: "Evolution" - REV. 7/25/89 - ACT ONE 11. 26 CONTINUED: STUBBS Good Lord, son. You didn't read that unauthorized biography too... (off his acknowledgment) I totally deny the story about the consulate's wife on Beldoron. We were only good friends. Is that all the boy does, Doctor, fly the ship and read? Doesn't he have any fun? BEVERLY Sure he does... WESLEY (interrupting) My studies keep me pretty busy. I'm trying to get into the Academy... I earn credits for my work on the Enterprise... but it's not the same as being there... Doctor Crusher finishes the treatment, nods to the nurse. NURSE Ready to sit up? Doctor Stubbs pulls himself up. STUBBS I am whole again, thank you, Doctor. (he stands) Come along, Wesley, let's make sure Humpty Dumpty is still in one piece. Beverly thinks about the conversation as Wes follows Stubbs out. The doctor's attention is drawn to: 27 INT. SICKBAY WAITING ROOM (OPTICAL) The refreshment dispenser is serving continuous cups of drinks, food to no one... spilling over, falling on the floor... BEVERLY Computer, fix the food slot... STAR TREK: "Evolution" - REV. 7/25/89 - ACT ONE 11A. 27 CONTINUED: COMPUTER VOICE The food slot is functioning properly. BEVERLY Well, check it again... STAR TREK: "Evolution" - REV. 7/25/89 - ACT ONE 12. 27 CONTINUED: (2) COMPUTER VOICE The food slot is functioning properly. BEVERLY Deactivate food slot. It finally stops. Off her reaction... 28 INT. ENGINEERING Geordi on a com panel talking to the Captain... a CREW OF ENGINEERS are working in the background... GEORDI We're analyzing the engineering systems data, Captain... so far nothing unusual in the computer log for that time period... 29 INT. CAPTAIN'S READY ROOM Picard on the com line as Beverly ENTERS. He motions her to come in. PICARD Run a level one diagnostic series. We need a computer that's one hundred percent to run Doctor Stubbs' experiment. He signs off. For Beverly's benefit -- PICARD (continuing) ... As well as the food slots in Sickbay. BEVERLY It seems to be working again. For the moment anyway... PICARD (sitting) What can I do for you, Doctor? She sits down, concerned, not sure how to express it yet. But she's come to him as her old friend, not just the captain -- STAR TREK: "Evolution" - REV. 7/26/89 - ACT ONE 13. 29 CONTINUED: BEVERLY Jean-Luc, how would you feel if you were a seventeen year old and the only starship officer whose mother was on board... ? Picard takes a moment... he's less comfortable in dealing with her on a personal level... but tries his best. PICARD If you're concerned about Wesley, I see no evidence that there's a problem. BEVERLY I know. In a funny kind of way... that's exactly my point. We talk. We smile. It's almost too polite. PICARD Beverly, this is simply a matter of time. I know how difficult it was to be away. BEVERLY (vulnerable) Tell me about him. A beat as Picard is somewhat nonplussed at how to respond to a mother who wants to know her son. PICARD He's... become a fine officer. He works as hard as any member of the crew... Riker says his studies... BEVERLY No, tell me about him. And this is way out of Picard's comfort zone. PICARD He seems well adjusted... BEVERLY Does he have many friends... has he been in love... ? STAR TREK: "Evolution" - REV. 8/2/89 - ACT ONE 14. 29 CONTINUED: (2) Picard taps a finger, realizes this is important stuff... but he hasn't a clue what to tell her. BEVERLY (continuing) Jean-Luc, he's come so far, so fast. And since I've been back I don't feel... PICARD His dependence? (beat, as she considers) He is seventeen, Beverly. BEVERLY What were you doing when you were seventeen? PICARD Getting into a lot more trouble than Wesley is, I can assure you. BEVERLY So was I. They exchange a smile. BEVERLY (continuing) Isn't that what seventeen is supposed to be? Off Picard's reaction... 30 INT. SHUTTLE BAY Wesley and Doctor Stubbs inspecting the unit. STUBBS No cracks in the armor... we'll be just fine... WESLEY How can you be so calm about everything? If I was about to make this kind of breakthrough... STAR TREK: "Evolution" - REV. 8/2/89 - ACT ONE 15. 30 CONTINUED: STUBBS I've never doubted for a moment that this day would come, Wesley. And I suspect some day it will come for you as well. I see a lot of me in you. (Wesley reacts, proud) In my youth, they called me a vunderkind... do you understand vunderkind... ? WESLEY It's German, isn't it? STUBBS (nodding) It means wonder child. It is reserved for those of us who achieve early in life. Now the burden is yours. WESLEY The burden? STUBBS To fulfill your potential. (looking inward) You will never come up against a greater adversary than your own potential, my young friend. Suddenly Red Alert alarms go off... Wesley reacts. WESLEY Red Alert. You should return to your quarters immediately. 31 INT. MAIN BRIDGE - CLOSE ON PICARD (OPTICAL) PICARD (urgent) Still no visual contact? Impossible... Mister Worf, same magnification. Fifty degrees starboard. Find Riker before the Main Viewer ... it shows only space -- nothing else... STAR TREK: "Evolution" - REV. 7/25/89 - ACT ONE 15A. 31 CONTINUED: he moves to join Worf at his station... Geordi and Data are also on the bridge. STAR TREK: "Evolution" - REV. 7/25/89 - ACT ONE 16. 31 CONTINUED: (2) RIKER Worf, you're absolutely sure... 32 INSERT - SENSOR SCREEN (OPTICAL) WORF (O.S.) The sensors clearly indicate the approach of a Borg vessel. 33 INT. MAIN BRIDGE RIKER Shields up. WORF Shields are not responding. GEORDI Manual overide is jammed. It's not gonna work this time... we don't have shields, Captain. He keeps at it. 34 INSERT - SENSOR SCREEN (OPTICAL) WORF (O.S.) Captain, they've fired energy weapons at us... 35 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) PICARD Evasive action. RIKER Bring about to two-eight-five mark three. PICARD Predict current vector of the Borg ship. WORF Vector... is gone. (beat, reacts) And so is the Borg vessel. STAR TREK: "Evolution" - REV. 7/25/89 - ACT ONE 17. 35 CONTINUED: PICARD You're telling me this was another computer glitch? DATA It is conceivable that we were viewing a synthetically generated image... although there is no precedent for it. RIKER (incredulous) Our computer was daydreaming... ? Suddenly, the Enterprise jolts hard... out of control again... PICARD Computer, identify malfunction immediately. In the back, the turbolift doors start opening and closing repeatedly as the computer babbles -- COMPUTER VOICE Pawn to King Three... Knight to Rook Four... Queen to Bishop Three... DATA Controls are not responding. Suddenly, the engines die. GEORDI Impulse engines are down. Geordi tries to fire up the engine. Nothing. RIKER Try warp engines. Geordi tries... nothing. GEORDI Sorry, Commander... I better get back to engineering... Picard at the viewscreen is frustrated beyond description. On the move -- STAR TREK: "Evolution" - REV. 7/24/89 - ACT ONE 18. 35 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD Lieutenant Worf, you will accompany Commander La Forge. I want a full report on the prospects for getting our shields back. Commanders Data and Riker will join me in the conference room to consider the future of this mission... if there is one. FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE STAR TREK: "Evolution" - REV. 7/25/89 - ACT TWO 19. ACT TWO FADE IN: 36 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE Picard, Riker and Data... PICARD The fact of the matter is we're dealing with a potential breakdown of our main computer... RIKER That's hard to accept. DATA The system automatically provides for self-correction, Captain. There has not been a system-wide technological failure on a starship in seventy-nine years. The door slides open and TROI ENTERS, already concerned.... TROI Excuse me, Captain, Doctor Stubbs has been waiting to see you. I think it might be wise if... Without waiting for an invitation, Stubbs ENTERS, interrupting. His casual devil-may-care shell is a little shaky, but he still employs it. STUBBS Captain, I'm sure you have everything under control, I'd just like to know what's going on. PICARD Of course, Doctor. Sit down. (join us) Counselor... Picard and Troi exchange a concerned glance. PICARD (continuing) Commander La Forge is attempting repairs as we speak... STAR TREK: "Evolution" - REV. 7/26/89 - ACT TWO 20. 36 CONTINUED: STUBBS "Attempting" ... that doesn't sound particularly reassuring. PICARD Doctor, if it is at all possible, we will continue this mission as planned. STUBBS Captain, if we miss our chance now we don't get another for two centuries. There will be many questions asked by Starfleet if the Enterprise fails in its duty... PICARD (sharp) Nevertheless, my first and foremost concern will be to insure the safety of this ship and its crew... With that same charming smile -- STUBBS Insure the safety, Captain or are you really talking about playing it safe? PICARD My dear Doctor, in our current position, when that star explodes, you'll get to watch your experiment from the inside out. STUBBS (shrugs, casual) I would rather die than leave. PICARD I don't believe you speak for the majority, Doctor. And Picard and Stubbs lock eyes as Troi studies Stubbs, leans forward caringly -- STAR TREK: "Evolution" - REV. 7/25/89 - ACT TWO 20A. 36 CONTINUED: (2) TROI Doctor Stubbs, I know how much this means to you... STAR TREK: "Evolution" - REV. 7/25/89 - ACT TWO 21. 36 CONTINUED: (2) And this is said with a smile and charm -- STUBBS My dear Counselor, no insult intended but please turn off your beam into my soul. I will share the feelings I wish to share... She reacts, stunned by the anger she feels from him. WORF'S COM VOICE Lieutenant Worf to Captain Picard. INTERCUT: 37 INT. ENGINEERING Geordi and Worf at the pool table... many workers in the background. WORF Captain, all weapons systems are down. Reactions. RIKER'S COM VOICE Estimated time for repairs? GEORDI Commander, I don't even know what to repair yet. 38 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE Signing off -- PICARD Continue to advise. STUBBS Well, if we do not take our leave in time, so be it... it's one sure way into the history books, eh? He EXITS. The others exchange a look. TROI His nonchalance is studied and practiced... STAR TREK: "Evolution" - REV. 7/25/89 - ACT TWO 22. 38 CONTINUED: PICARD Even my sensory perception picked that up today... TROI In fact, he's put his entire self-worth on the line with this experiment. He is telling the truth when he says he'd rather die than leave. (reactions) And one more thing... he doesn't like women very much. DATA Odd. The research material on Doctor Stubbs includes not a few references from gossip columns. It suggests females find him quite attractive. TROI Not this one. 39 INT. SICKBAY Eric helping in Annette, looking cold and shaken, she has a broken leg.... BEVERLY What happened to you? ERIC We had a little accident on the Holodeck.... NURSE (glances at Beverly) On the Holodeck... but it's programmed to prevent injuries... The nurse helps get her on a table... ANNETTE I was making a great run down a deserted slope when the ground just seemed to fall away.... Beverly hits her com panel. STAR TREK: "Evolution" - REV. 7/25/89 - ACT TWO 23. 39 CONTINUED: BEVERLY Engineering, this is Doctor Crusher. The Holodecks are to be closed by my order until further notice. As she examines the girl's leg... BEVERLY (continuing) We've been having control problems today. There's a small fracture here... this'll just take a minute... The nurse hands her an instrument. NURSE You look like you could use something warm inside you... hot chocolate, maybe? Eric and Annette smile, nod yes enthusiastically. The nurse moves away... ANNETTE (to Beverly) Wes almost came along. It's probably a good thing he didn't. BEVERLY I didn't know he was going skiing with you... ERIC It was one of those last minute things... we tried to grab him on the way... ANNETTE We don't see much of him now that he's been assigned to the bridge. And that disturbs Beverly but she doesn't display it. 40 INT. SICKBAY WAITING ROOM (OPTICAL) The nurse is at the food slot... preparing to remove two cups of hot chocolate and as he reaches in... STAR TREK: "Evolution" - 7/24/89 - ACT TWO 24. 40 CONTINUED: a red arc of electricity snaps over his body... and he slumps to the ground. Rushing to him... BEVERLY Omigod.... ERIC What happened... BEVERLY He's not breathing... She feels the pulse... uses all her resources to ressucitate him... finally he begins to breathe... she feels the pulse again, it's better... 41 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Picard, standing, reacts to the news delivered by Doctor Crusher. All the regulars except Geordi are present. BEVERLY If he had been alone, he would have died. PICARD Advise everyone to remain in their quarters when not on duty. Protocol "B" access to all power components. Nobody else uses them unless it's cleared by Commander Riker. WORF Sir, is it possible this is not a computer breakdown? (off Picard's look) What if it is some form of attack? RIKER Our sensors showed no sign of life in this stellar system. PICARD They also showed a Borg vessel that did not exist. Counselor Troi? STAR TREK: "Evolution" - REV. 7/26/89 - ACT TWO 25. 41 CONTINUED: TROI I perceive no life force, Captain... no feelings of ill will. But I am not attuned to every form of life. Wesley begins to consider a terrible possibility... PICARD Data, stay on the sensors... see if we can't pick up something out there. A beat as he sits down, thinking hard.... RIKER It does almost seem as if something... or someone is trying to render the Enterprise helpless. PICARD They're not just trying, Number One. If it's true, they're doing a damn good job of it. And Wesley is more than a little worried about what he's thinking. 42 INT. ENGINEERING Geordi behind an open panel of components... 43 ANGLE - WESLEY (OPTICAL) outside the panel... the control systems come on. Wesley reacts... several other engineers are working as well. WESLEY You got it. Nice going, Geordi... As he comes around, to an engineer. GEORDI Call up the cross-section of computer core processor four-five-one, elements zero-two-hundred through zero-three-hundred. STAR TREK: "Evolution" - REV. 7/25/89 - ACT TWO 26. 43 CONTINUED: As the engineer works at the computer board... various graphs and circuit board construction flashes across a terminal screen... GEORDI (continuing) In order to get some power, I had to by-pass the computer core and essentially hotwire the connection. 44 THE MONITOR (OPTICAL) stops at a cross-section of connections labeled "Core Processor 451, Element 0299" and there is a clear lesion visible there. Geordi points it out. GEORDI (O.S.) Look at that lesion. No wonder we're coming apart at the seams. 45 INT. ENGINEERING (OPTICAL) GEORDI It's some kind of continuing disintegration. But from what... I can't tell ya. And I haven't the slightest idea how to stop it. Wesley's face shows continued concern... something he's hiding... hoping against hope it isn't true. WESLEY But it's just a mechanical problem, right? GEORDI Increase magnification, factor fifty. The image grows fifty times. GEORDI I don't know, Wesley. Looking at it... if it weren't... impossible... I'd say someone had climbed in there and started taking it apart. And that's the worst thing that Wesley could hear. STAR TREK: "Evolution" - REV. 8/1/89 - ACT TWO 27. 46 INT. SICKBAY LAB Wesley ENTERS with urgency... gets out the materials he was studying earlier. He opens the container that he had discovered when he awakened and checks it with a scanner. There is no response. He sighs deeply. Something horrible has happened. 47 OMITTED 48 INT. TEN-FORWARD The room is deserted due to the captain's order to remain in quarters. Wesley moves around a corner down on his knees... setting down a high tech trap... 49 ANGLE - WIDE to reveal GUINAN sitting on a barstool, calmly watching. Wesley's back is to her. He feels her presence... turns... WESLEY Guinan... I didn't think anyone would be here. GUINAN I've never been very good at being confined to quarters. Any of my husbands would testify to that. She rises, comes over slowly to see what he's doing... GUINAN What are these things? Feeling a little foolish -- WESLEY I'm just setting... traps. STAR TREK: "Evolution" - REV. 7/25/89 - ACT TWO 28. 49 CONTINUED: GUINAN I run a clean place here. WESLEY I know. It's not that. I just... He's obviously in trouble... their eyes meet. He can't lie to her. Can anyone? WESLEY (continuing) Guinan, I'm scared. Everything that's been going wrong may be my fault. GUINAN Pull up a stool, Wesley. They sit. WESLEY I've been working on my final project for Advanced Genetics. It's on nanotechnology. And I've been studying the nanites we have in the Sickbay genetic supplies. They're just like tiny little robots with gigabytes of mechanical computer memory, tiny enough to enter living cells and conduct repairs. They're supposed to be strictly confined to the lab. GUINAN Are you trying to say some nanites are on the loose? WESLEY (sighs) Two of them. That's all. See, I just wanted to see how they would interact and function in tandem. In my project, I had proposed a theory that they could actually combine their skills to improve their usefulness. And it was working. GUINAN You made a better nanite. STAR TREK: "Evolution" - REV. 7/27/89 - ACT TWO 29. 49 CONTINUED: (2) WESLEY I was pulling an all-nighter to get my final data... and I fell asleep. When I woke up, I realized the container was still open... (off her look) It was just a science project. GUINAN A doctor once said the very same thing to me... what was his name... Frankenstein, I think. WESLEY They're really harmless. They only have the most basic skills. It's almost impossible that they could be responsible... GUINAN Almost. BEVERLY'S COM VOICE Doctor Crusher to Wesley Crusher. WESLEY (reacts) Go ahead. BEVERLY'S COM VOICE I stopped by your quarters, Wes. I assumed you'd be there, since you're off duty. WESLEY I was just... I had some things to do... BEVERLY'S COM VOICE Orders are orders, Mister Crusher. Wesley sighs, glances at Guinan. WESLEY You won't tell anybody... A beat as Guinan looks at him. WESLEY I know. I will. If it's true. STAR TREK: "Evolution" - REV. 7/25/89 - ACT TWO 30. 49 CONTINUED: (3) He starts to leave. GUINAN Wesley... (he stops) Think you'll get a good grade? WESLEY (glum) I always get an A. He EXITS. GUINAN (to herself) So did Doctor Frankenstein. FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO STAR TREK: "Evolution" - REV. 7/25/89 - ACT THREE 31. ACT THREE FADE IN: 50 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, supplemental. Our computer core has clearly been tampered with and yet there is no sign of a breach of security on board. 51 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Everyone at their stations... Troi is also on the bridge. PICARD (V.O.) We have even considered sabotage, but Counselor Troi has not detected any such sentiments. We have engines back and will attempt to complete our mission... but without a reliable computer, Doctor Stubbs' experiment is in serious jeopardy. Stubbs watches this time with greater intensity. RIKER Manual restart sequence? GEORDI Manual restart successful... impulse engine functions appear normal. Riker glances at Picard for orders. PICARD Proceed. RIKER Shuttle Bay Two, open hangar doors. STAR TREK: "Evolution" - 7/24/89 - ACT THREE 32. 52 INT. SHUTTLE BAY The crew tries, but the doors do not open. CREWMEMBER #1 Doors did not respond. Repeating sequence. As he does, 53 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Suddenly over the loudspeakers, blasting music -- Sousa's "Stars and Stripes Forever".... PICARD What in heaven's name... ? DATA It is "Stars and Stripes Forever" by John Phillip Sousa, a popular American composer of band music in the early twentieth century... PICARD Yes... yes... I know... RIKER Computer, shut off the music.... The music plays on. DATA The music is on all communications channels, Captain. RIKER Power... weapons... communications. We're being stripped one system at a time... PICARD Shut off the power to the bridge. The music stops and the lights go out... after a beat, emergency lighting comes on. Picard looks at Troi... TROI I feel no hostile emotions present. No friendly feelings either. Nothing. STAR TREK: "Evolution" - REV. 7/25/89 - ACT THREE 33. 53 CONTINUED: WORF Only an enemy without honor refuses to show himself in battle. PICARD We may be fighting a different kind of enemy than we've ever known... an enemy that fights a war of nerves. (beat) Resume power to the bridge. The main power does not return. Picard has no alternative. PICARD (continuing) Commander La Forge, can you get us out of this star system safely... Moving forward to confront Picard... STUBBS No... ... intercepted by Riker. RIKER Not now, Doctor. GEORDI I'll try, Captain. I don't want to overload the engines... PICARD Do it gently. But do it. Geordi EXITS. Doctor Stubbs does not even look at Picard. RIKER We'll circuit in auxiliary power to the bridge... and find some way to silence Sousa if he tries an encore. Picard acknowledges, to Riker -- PICARD The priority is to find out who or what is doing this and why. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Evolution" - REV. 7/25/89 - ACT THREE 34. 53 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD (Cont'd) (Riker acknowledges, EXITS) Those of us not involved in that detail should get a few minutes rest. Commander Data, the bridge, or what's left of it, is yours. He EXITS. Wesley glances at Doctor Stubbs who looks away and EXITS. 54 INT. SHUTTLE BAY Stubbs stands with his egg in a stark shot of a man considering the meaning of his life. Moving to find Wesley entering behind him... STUBBS The egg that Stubbs laid. WESLEY Nobody will say that... STUBBS Nobody will say... anything, Wesley. We will not even be mentioned. Wesley can't speak, feeling guilty. STUBBS (continuing; sighs) I could live with failure. ... Well, maybe not. But never even to try. To miss your one chance at bat. Do you know baseball? STAR TREK: "Evolution" - REV. 7/24/89 - ACT THREE 35. 54 CONTINUED: WESLEY My dad taught it to me when I was little. STUBBS Once, centuries ago, it was the beloved national pastime of the Americas, Wesley. Abandoned by a society that prized fast food and faster games. Lost to impatience. But I have seen the great players make the great plays. WESLEY Do you recreate them on a Holodeck? STUBBS No, in here... (his mind) With the knowledge of statistics... runs, hits and errors... times at bat... box scores. Men like us do not need Holodecks, Wesley. I have played seasons in my mind. It was my reward to myself. For patience. Knowing my turn would come. Call your shot. Point to a star. One great blast and the crowd rises. A brand new era in astro-physics. Postponed one hundred and ninety-six years on account of rain. 55 INT. SICKBAY LAB Wes has collected his traps. He's scanning a few with no results... but then there's an audio response from his scanner on one. Before he can make a visual check, the door slides open and his mother ENTERS. BEVERLY We have to talk. He glances up at her -- does she know? Did Guinan tell her? She sits by him. STAR TREK: "Evolution" - REV. 7/27/89 - ACT THREE 36. 55 CONTINUED: BEVERLY You really look like you could use some rest... Relieved, moving ahead with his work -- WESLEY I know. It's okay. Really. BEVERLY (gentle) No, it's not. Really. She takes his hand, stops him from the work. WESLEY I'm just checking some traps that I set... to see if I can find out what's happening to the ship. BEVERLY On someone's orders... ? WESLEY We're running out of time for Doctor Stubbs... BEVERLY Wesley, you can't put everything on your own shoulders. Even when you're off duty, you're on duty... WESLEY Mom, you don't understand... BEVERLY You're a seventeen year old boy... He looks at her... not used to be treated as a child. WESLEY I'm an acting officer... I have responsibilities.... BEVERLY (cautiously) I'm beginning to think... maybe we're all expecting too much of you. STAR TREK: "Evolution" - 7/24/89 - ACT THREE 37. 55 CONTINUED: (2) WESLEY (reacts) I've done everything anyone has asked of me and more. You don't know... you haven't even been here. That pretty well gets down to it. And Beverly understands that conflicts come with being a real parent... and is ready to resume that role. BEVERLY I'm here now, Wesley. Wesley, like any normal teenager, does not seem to get it at all, but somewhere deep inside, a part of him may begin to feel her love and concern. This is not going to be resolved soon. BEVERLY C'mon, I'll help you finish this up... what are you looking for? He looks at her with guilty eyes, sighs... BEVERLY Wesley... ? WESLEY Mom, I think I've made a horrible mistake. She reacts, curious, but puts a comforting hand on his shoulder as he focuses a microscopic camera on his trap... they look together at -- 56 A MONITOR - (OPTICAL) an electronicly reproduced image -- six tiny, startingly busy, mechanical devices in constant motion... From the next scene -- BEVERLY (O.S.) Nanites. Tiny machines built from the atom up. STAR TREK: "Evolution" - REV. 7/31/89 - ACT THREE 38. 57 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE (OPTICAL) The image is patched to a monitor. Picard, Riker, Data, Beverly, Wesley and Doctor Stubbs are present. BEVERLY Designed to have exposure only to the inside of nucleii during celluar surgeries. Until then, they are kept tightly confined in a non-functional state. DATA (studying them) These are not ordinary nanites. BEVERLY No, these have... evolved. STUBBS (cynical) Evolved... how does a machine evolve... WESLEY It's true. I'm reponsible. I allowed two of the nanites to interact for my school project to increase their capabilities. And... they escaped. PICARD School... project... STAR TREK: "Evolution" - REV. 7/31/89 - ACT THREE 39. 57 CONTINUED: PICARD (continuing) Just how far have these things... evolved? Beverly glances at Wesley who puts some microscopic raw material into the device... INTERCUT: 58 MONITOR - (OPTICAL) As the material is added to picture, the nanite gets even busier, apparently devouring it.... WESLEY This is a sample of linear memory crystal from our computer core. RIKER (reacts) It's like candy to them... But in a second, it's clear -- suddenly there are twelve of the nanites. 59 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE (OPTICAL) Reactions. BEVERLY They're now capable of mechanically replicating themselves. And who knows what else.... DATA It is conceivable that with each new generation they enhance their own design. The rate of evolution would be...extraordinary. PICARD How many generations are we dealing with here? DATA Engineering, display computer core processor four-five-one, element zero-two-nine-nine. STAR TREK: "Evolution" - REV. 7/25/89 - ACT THREE 39A. 59 CONTINUED: The monitor makes the patch to the lesion... STAR TREK: "Evolution" - REV. 7/25/89 - ACT THREE 40. 59 CONTINUED: (2) DATA Increase magnification, factor one thousand. 60 THE ENLARGED IMAGE - (OPTICAL) reveals scores, millions of little nanite flecks... 61 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE (OPTICAL) Reactions. PICARD (understatement) A few. (beat) Can it be possible that they know what they're doing... RIKER Why would they attack us? STUBBS Why does a mosquito bite your ear and who cares? The answer is simple. Call an exterminator. BEVERLY Doctor Stubbs, these nanites are apparently operating with a new collective intelligence... working together, teaching each other skills... Data considers that, moves to examine... he is processing all the facts before taking a position. DATA Doctor, are you suggesting they are becoming a... civilization? Beverly looks at him... if the shoe fits.... STUBBS Oh really. I'm sorry but this is nonsense. You can't have a civilization of computer chips. They're made in a plant in Dakar Senegal. I've watched the construction. STAR TREK: "Evolution" - REV. 7/31/89 - ACT THREE 41. 61 CONTINUED: BEVERLY Then how do you explain what you've seen here? STUBBS It's no more mysterious than watching a strain of the Leutscher virus reproduce itself. And that at least is a bona fide lifeform. How many disease germs and viruses have you destroyed in your time, Doctor Crusher? She is forced to acknowledge. PICARD I cannot exterminate... something that "may or may not" be intelligent. STUBBS (unbelievable) My good Captain... PICARD (sharp) There is still time. (beat) Ensign Crusher, work with Data to find some way to remove them safely. If things get worse, we'll take stronger measures. STAR TREK: "Evolution" - REV. 7/31/89 - ACT THREE 42. 61 CONTINUED: (2) Picard, Riker move out. Doctor Stubbs glares after Picard. 62 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) holding outside the double star system. 63 INT. COMPUTER ROOM (OPTICAL) Data and Geordi make further studies of the core infestation as Wesley assists. Over the section in which they are working, we read "Processor 451" with various element numbers. Doctor Stubbs ENTERS. Apparently calmer. STUBBS Gentlemen. I need a computer functioning perfectly in less than eight hours... and we still have core reconstruction to consider... WESLEY We're testing a low level gamma field that might reduce their processing speed. STUBBS Have you considered a high level charge? DATA (reacts) High level gamma radiation would kill them, Doctor Stubbs. STAR TREK: "Evolution" - REV. 7/25/89 - ACT THREE 43. 63 CONTINUED: STUBBS I know. And without warning, he calmly pulls a scanner from his pocket... aims it at processor four-five-one. Wesley reacts -- WESLEY Doctor Stubbs... Doctor Stubbs turns back to processor four-five-one and fires the gamma charge... 64 INT. CAPTAIN'S READY ROOM Picard and Riker. PICARD I can't get the story of David and Goliath out of my head. How long do we wait, Number One? RIKER We can continue to bypass parts of the computer that are affected... but if these nanites are spreading all over the ship... As if in answer to the question, he detects an odd scent in the airflow... PICARD Do you smell a change in... And suddenly both of them are racked with coughing, struggling to breathe... they move quickly out to: STAR TREK: "Evolution" - REV. 7/26/89 - ACT THREE 44. 65 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Where the SUPERNUMERARIES are also suffering from the air, choking... PICARD (to com) Picard to La Forge... enviromental system malfunction on the bridge... acknowledge... No response. Riker moves into position at a console... reading data display... struggling to stay conscious... RIKER Nitrogen oxide... toxic levels... Riker keys in several commands... finally, moves to a manual override.... there is a WHOOSH sound as a change occurs in the air supply system... RIKER I've switched to manual control of the air handling system... Breathing becomes easier, but then the ship shudders... the power goes on and off... a small electrical explosion pops out of one control panel... someone is trapped in the turbolift, pounding... finally, pulls the door open and it's Worf holding Doctor Stubbs... Data behind them. WORF He entered a computer access room and sterilized one of the processors with gamma radiation. DATA The nanites in the upper core are all dead, Captain. On Picard's reaction, as the chaos continues... FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE STAR TREK: "Evolution" - REV. 7/25/89 - ACT FOUR 45. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 66 INT. MAIN BRIDGE As before. The shuddering... light failures... turbolift opening and closing... it all continues. Troi and Doctor Crusher have joined the others on the bridge. STUBBS You have no choice now... it is a matter of survival. PICARD If you were a member of my crew, sir, I would... STUBBS (over-lapping) But I am not a member of your crew, sir... I am a representative of the highest command of the Federation... which has directed you to perform my experiment... PICARD If one man, woman or child on my ship dies because of your experiment... I will have your head before the highest command of the Federation... STUBBS Good Lord, you are talking about machines with a screw loose. Simply turn them off. And be done with them. Troi studies Doctor Stubbs carefully, is worried about what she feels. And then she suddenly feels something else... she isn't sure at first what it is... DATA Doctor Stubbs, your own actions have provided evidence to the contrary. After you destroyed the nanites in the core, they immediately responded by interfering with our life-support systems. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Evolution" - REV. 7/25/89 - ACT FOUR 46. 66 CONTINUED: DATA (Cont'd) It is hard to accept these as random actions by machines with "loose screws". In effect, you may have proven that the nanites do have a collective intelligence. TROI Captain, I'm feeling a vague presence. It wasn't there before. It is not hostility... More like a primitive sense of self-preservation. BEVERLY If they have evolved this far... into emotional growth... how can we destroy them now? WORF The ship is at risk. Extermination may be the only alternative left. STUBBS A good point... PICARD Lieutenant Worf, Doctor Stubbs is to be restricted to his quarters until further notice. Worf nods to a GUARD who takes Stubbs by the arm and escorts him out. Suddenly, the chaos ends. The ship is eerily still. (Note: it is because Stubbs is on the move that the attack has subsided but our crew doesn't know that yet.) PICARD Data, can you find me a way to communicate with these things? DATA With intelligence, they have the capacity for language. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Evolution" - REV. 7/31/89 - ACT FOUR 47. 66 CONTINUED: (2) DATA (Cont'd) But it will depend on how far their evolution has brought them. We could modify the circuits in the universal translator to make it capable of communications with them... PICARD Proceed. 67 INT. STUBBS' QUARTERS He's inside as the door slides open and Troi stands there. The guard is visible outside. TROI May I come in? He gives her his best casual shrug. STUBBS You just can't resist, can you, Counselor? TROI I only want to help. STUBBS ("bored") Yes, yes... to break the shell... to get in touch with my true feelings. What is this preoccupation women have with de-mystifying me? It must be the challenge. Climb me. Because I'm there. TROI I am only worried about your state of mind, Doctor. STAR TREK: "Evolution" - REV. 7/31/89 - ACT FOUR 48. 67 CONTINUED: STUBBS All right, Counselor... what is it that has you so worried? TROI Your single-mindedness, your need to have this experiment work... STUBBS But it will. Picard has no choice now. He must defend the Enterprise. (tossing it all off with a grin) Counselor, when this is over, I will show you New Manhattan on Beth Delta-One as you've never seen it and we will laugh over glasses of champagne. TROI (beat) Your self portrait is so practiced, so polished.... STUBBS (smiles) Yes, isn't it, though? TROI It is stretched so tight that the tension fills this room. And if you finally... fail... I fear it will snap. A long beat as she studies him sadly. She has failed and they both know it. She prepares to leave. STAR TREK: "Evolution" - REV. 7/25/89 - ACT FOUR 49. 67 CONTINUED: (2) STUBBS A good try, Counselor. But sometimes when you reach beneath a man's self portrait, as you so eloquently put it, deep down, inside... what you find... is nothing at all. She reacts and EXITS. Alone, we may see that, in a way, he too is sorry she failed. 68 INT. MAIN BRIDGE - SCIENCE ONE (OPTICAL) has now become a montage of symbols, numbers, letters... a pause where a response might be... but there is none... INTERCUT: 69 DATA - CU (OPTICAL) types at a keyboard at his station... broadcasting these messages... waiting for a response... nothing. 70 thru OMITTED 71 72 INT. STUBBS' CABIN As he lays alone... studying the ceiling... the sound of a cheering crowd fills his head... STUBBS Lockman on first, Dark on second... Thompson at the plate... Branca on the mound... Stubbs closes his eyes... and watches the game in his mind as we move off to find... starting at the far corner of the room... a computer terminal goes blank... and then moving across the room toward Stubbs... a light on a com panel goes dark... and any other power components fall dead as though a plague were sweeping across the room sapping the energy from everywhere... STAR TREK: "Evolution" - REV. 7/25/89 - ACT FOUR 50. 73 STUBBS lays unaware and... 74 THE LIGHTS OVERHEAD are swallowed one by one by the "plague"... 75 HIS EYES open with a start... and he sees 76 HIS POV - THE LAST LIGHT GOES OUT and... 76A IN THE DARK (OPTICAL) an arc of electricity surges from the lights above, virtually raising him and as he screams... 77 EXT. STUBBS' CABIN The guard hears... moves to the door... but it doesn't open... and as the yelling continues... the guard forces the door open and Stubbs staggers out, falls unconscious. 78 INT. SICKBAY Picard ENTERS as Beverly works on Doctor Stubbs. BEVERLY He's coming around... His face is flushed and sweaty as though he has a fever... he mumbles fearful groans... PICARD I have to believe this was not an arbitrary attack... BEVERLY Has Data made any progress in contacting them? Picard shakes his head. Suddenly, Doctor Stubbs' hand moves out and grabs Picard's wrist. In a hoarse voice: STAR TREK: "Evolution" - REV. 7/25/89 - ACT FOUR 51. 78 CONTINUED: STUBBS You must protect me. Kill them. The ship shudders... the lights go off and on... the attacks have begun again (as the nanites realize Stubbs is still alive.) And Picard looks at the man, realizes he has come to the end of his alternatives. 79 INT. MAIN BRIDGE - SCIENCE ONE (OPTICAL) the montage of symbols, numbers and letters... no response. 80 DATA - CU (OPTICAL) at his station... intense, wanting a response... getting nothing. Pull back to include Riker and Worf watching the exercise. Geordi and Wesley are not there. The attacks continue. Picard ENTERS. PICARD Commander Riker, on my signal, we will gamma-irradiate all computer systems throughout the Enterprise to end this conflict. RIKER Worf, prepare to activate gamma pulse generators. Data continues to watch the screen. WORF Electromagnetic scanners ready, Captain. Picard pats Data on the shoulder -- nice try. Data will not give up. As Picard takes a deep reluctant breath... 81 ON SCIENCE ONE (OPTICAL) A symbol appears in the pause space... DATA Captain... Data types again... Picard watches... Worf and Riker stop their sequence, watch... again the same symbol... STAR TREK: "Evolution" - 7/24/89 - ACT FOUR 52. 81 CONTINUED: DATA I have established contact. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR STAR TREK: "Evolution" - REV. 7/25/89 - ACT FIVE 53. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 82 INT. SICKBAY Doctor Stubbs looks better as he awakens, looks around, sits up... 83 ANGLE - HIS POV - THE SICKBAY GENETICS LAB where Wesley continues to study the nanites. 84 WESLEY turns to see Stubbs standing at the doorway. WESLEY Are you okay? STUBBS I will be. As soon as we finish off these pests. Wesley looks at him with different eyes... and he's not disrepectful but Stubbs can feel it... STUBBS Wesley, do not be too harsh in your judgment of me... until you've walked a lifetime in my shoes. Stubbs puts his hand on Wesley's shoulder. Wisely -- STUBBS (continuing) We are no different, you and I. For you right now, it's getting into the Academy. For me, it's the egg. Others will never understand how important our work is to us. It's everything we live for. WESLEY (a beat) Doctor Stubbs, I want to go the Academy. But if I don't, I have other things to live for. STAR TREK: "Evolution" - REV. 7/25/89 - ACT FIVE 54. 84 CONTINUED: And it is clear and honest and now there is no one for Stubbs to share his game with. Softly -- STUBBS Of course you do. And Wesley looks away and Stubbs stands there, a lonely old man who knows exactly who he is. 85 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Data is at Science One working the keyboard as the others, including Troi, watch as we... INTERCUT: 86 ON SCIENCE ONE (OPTICAL) where now Data's long "sentences" are answered by a few symbols from the nanites... and a few more each time... DATA They are virtually learning the concept of communication as we continue, Captain... each new generation is making modifications. PICARD Can we actually talk to them yet? DATA I think it is worth an attempt... PICARD Ask them for a cease-fire... put it in whatever words you think they'll understand. Data types in his symbols... a response on the screen... DATA (surprised) Captain, their answer is... no. PICARD Tell them it is critical to their survival as well as our own. STAR TREK: "Evolution" - REV. 7/25/89 - ACT FIVE 55. 86 CONTINUED: Data sends the message and receives a response. DATA Their answer is no. The captain thinks hard, looking for the opening. TROI I sense that after the incident in the computer core, there is very little trust... A thoughtful beat. PICARD Bring Doctor Stubbs to the bridge. Riker EXITS to handle it personally. WORF The universal translator has its limits. I prefer to negotiate eye to eye with my enemy... PICARD I don't think there's much chance of that here. Data hears that... and an idea begins to form.... 87 INT. CORRIDOR Moving to the bridge... Riker escorting Doctor Stubbs... STUBBS (fearful) But they have already tried to kill me once... RIKER "One sure way into the history books", Doctor... And they ENTER... STAR TREK: "Evolution" - REV. 7/25/89 - ACT FIVE 56. 88 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Picard looks at Stubbs with ice in his eyes. PICARD Tell them the human who destroyed their comrades is here and wishes to address them... STUBBS (reluctant) Captain, if I might... PICARD And you, sir will explain your error and apologize and pray that we can negotiate a peace we can all live with... is that clear? Stubbs acknowledges. Before relaying the message... DATA Captain, if a face to face negotiation would be helpful, I would like to volunteer myself as a conduit. RIKER Yourself, Data? DATA I can easily furnish the nanites with a schematic design of my neurological structure. Entering my neural network would require only their most basic skills. BEVERLY That's what they were designed for. DATA They could easily penetrate the molecular fabric of my hand-covering into the nerve circuitry and interface with my verbal programs. A beat. Incredible reactions all around. STAR TREK: "Evolution" - REV. 7/25/89 - ACT FIVE 57. 88 CONTINUED: WORF If they have control of a Starfleet commander, they become an even greater threat. PICARD How do we know we'll ever get them out of you, Data... DATA There are considerable risks. But it would also represent a gesture of trust on our part. It could be an important step toward peace. A long beat. PICARD All right. Propose it to the nanites. Data types it in... we see the code go out over the viewscreen... followed by a quick set of schematic designs of Data. After a long beat there is a short response. DATA The answer is yes. Off reactions -- TIME CUT TO: 89 INT. COMPUTER ROOM - ON DATA (OPTICAL) Data is at the computer terminal, as before, communicating with the nanites. Picard, Worf and Stubbs are present. 90 WIDE ANGLE (OPTICAL) DATA They are ready, Captain. PICARD Proceed. STAR TREK: "Evolution" - REV. 7/25/89 - ACT FIVE 58. 90 CONTINUED: Data puts his hand under a magnification device. 91 DATA'S FINGER (OPTICAL) appears on the screen of the magnification device. Data touches a control; the image magnifies, and we see glimmers of light passing into the skin. 92 INT. COMPUTER ROOM After a beat, Data reacts to the invasion and his movements become the slightest bit mechanical as though he is being operated by remote control... he stands. His eyes become less innocent, more curious. Data moves to Picard and Riker, looks them over. DATA/NANITE You are very strange looking creatures. Picard and Riker exchange a look... it's worked. PICARD In our travels, we have encountered many other creatures... even stranger-looking than we are... and all of us try to co-exist peacefully. DATA/NANITE The urge among us to destroy all of your kind is intense. Why did you attack us? PICARD We misinterpreted your actions as an attack against us. STAR TREK: "Evolution" - REV. 8/2/89 - ACT FIVE 59. 92 CONTINUED: DATA/NANITE We were only seeking raw materials for our replication process. PICARD Yes, but you endangered the vessel in which we all travel. Data looks around at the room like he's seeing it for the first time... PICARD You almost killed a crewmember. DATA/NANITE We meant no harm. We were only exploring. PICARD We understand. We are also explorers and we mean no harm to any life-form. Data stares at Doctor Stubbs. He knows his time has come. STUBBS I am the one responsible for the deaths in the computer core. DATA/NANITE We know who you are. Stubbs blinks a bit, a lump wells up in his throat. STUBBS I... deeply regret the incident. I am a scientist on an important mission. Your... your colleagues' exploration of the core memory put our mission at risk. I only meant to protect a lifetime of work from being destroyed. STAR TREK: "Evolution" - REV. 8/2/89 - ACT FIVE 60. 92 CONTINUED: (2) STUBBS (continuing; beat, for once lost for words) I am at your mercy. A beat. To Picard -- DATA/NANITE What is "mercy"? PICARD He asks you to forgive him. This conflict was started by mistakes... on both sides. Let us end it here and now. DATA/NANITE (a beat) We agree. PICARD I pledge to you that we will provide any assistance you need for your continued survival. DATA/NANITE Thank you, but we have evolved beyond any need for your assistance. This vessel has become too confining. We require relocation. Reactions. 93 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) Back in the dual star system. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, Stardate 43104.7. Doctor Stubbs has generously used his influence to arrange the designation of planet Kavis-Alpha-Four as the new home of the Nanite Civilization. Plans to negotiate a treaty are underway. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Evolution" - REV. 7/25/89 - ACT FIVE 61. 93 CONTINUED: PICARD (Cont'd) Commander Data's neural network has been vacated... He has been returned to us, unharmed, and with the help of the nanites, our computer core has been reconstructed in time for the experiment... 93A INT. SHUTTLE BAY (OPTICAL) The unit is launched into space... 94 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) All the main crew... Stubbs is at a back science station. Data is Data again and at his post. DATA Ten seconds to stellar blast. WESLEY We're at forty million kilometers from the neutron star. RIKER Hold your position. On the viewscreen, the neutron star explodes in a dazzling fireworks show... swallowing the unit in blinding light. 95 STUBBS at Science One, completely enthralled in his work... collecting data as it pours into the computer... 96 INT. MAIN BRIDGE PICARD Doctor? Doctor Stubbs doesn't hear Picard or at least doesn't acknowledge... we don't know if the experiment has been successful or not... he is awash with numbers, facts figures. Picard and Riker exchange a glance. STAR TREK: "Evolution" - REV. 7/25/89 - ACT FIVE 61A. 96 CONTINUED: But the last look is Wesley's who watches the doctor alone in his own world, obsessed with the moment he's given his life for. STAR TREK: "Evolution" - REV. 8/2/89 - ACT FIVE 62. 96A EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) leaving the neutron star. 97 INT. TEN-FORWARD Beverly sits at the bar with Guinan. BEVERLY Do you have any children, Guinan? GUINAN A lot. BEVERLY Ever have any trouble relating to them? GUINAN Just one. BEVERLY One? GUINAN He wouldn't listen. BEVERLY Well, they all go through that. GUINAN Not in a species of listeners. BEVERLY Did he grow out of it? GUINAN Well, it's taken a few hundred years or so but I've brought him around. BEVERLY How? GUINAN A mother shapes her child in ways she doesn't even realize. Sometimes just by listening. She motions Beverly to see -- STAR TREK: "Evolution" - REV. 7/25/89 - ACT FIVE 63. 98 ANGLE - WESLEY AND ANNETTE entering. Beverly exchanges a glance with Guinan, pleased. GUINAN Cute couple. BEVERLY Now, see, that's healthy for a boy his age. I mean that as a doctor not just a mother. It's good to see him having fun... with an attractive young woman... who obviously looks at him with extraordinary affection... Raised eyebrow... BEVERLY (continuing) What do you know about this girl? Off Guinan's reaction... 99 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) Moving away at warp speed and... FADE OUT. THE END