STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Night Terrors" #40274-191 Teleplay by Pamela Douglas and Jeri Taylor Story by Shari Goodhartz Directed by Les Landau THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1990 & 1991 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. REVISED FINAL DRAFT DECEMBER 17, 1990 STAR TREK: "Night Terrors" - 1/4/91 - CAST STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Night Terrors" CAST PICARD CAPTAIN ZAHEVA RIKER COUNSELOR ANDRUS HAGAN DATA BEVERLY TROI GEORDI WORF Non-Speaking GUINAN VARIOUS DEAD BODIES O'BRIEN ALIEN (in Troi's dream) KEIKO ENSIGN PETER LIN ENSIGN PEEPLES ENSIGN RAGER CHIEF GILLESPIE SIGHING VOICE Non-Speaking SECURITY GUARDS N.D. MEDICAL PRESONNEL SUPERNUMERARIES STAR TREK: "Night Terrors" - 12/17/90 - SETS STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Night Terrors" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE BRIDGE CAPTAIN'S READY ROOM USS BRATTAIN OBSERVATION LOUNGE TURBOLIFT SICKBAY TEN-FORWARD ENGINEERING CARGO AREA/MORGUE TROI'S QUARTERS WORF'S QUARTERS RIKER'S QUARTERS GUINAN'S QUARTERS O'BRIENS' QUARTERS CORRIDORS DOOR TO TROI'S OFFICE TROI'S MURKY NIGHTMARE VOID USS BRATTAIN BRIDGE STAR TREK: "Night Terrors" - 1/4/91 - PRONUNCIATION STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Night Terrors" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE ANICIUM an-EE-see-m BELA bay-luh BRATTAIN bruh-TAYN BUSSARD buh-SARD CALENDENIUM kal-en-DEN-ee-um CARDILIA kar-DILL-ya ENTORHINAL en-toe-RYE-nl ISOZYME ICE-oh-zime KALADIAN kuh-LAY-dee-un LATICIFER lah-TIH-si-fer MELTHUSIAN mel-THOO-zee-n ONTOGENY on-TAH-jn-ee POLYMORPHIC pohl-ih-MOR-fik TYKEN TIE-ken YURIUM YOUR-ee-m STAR TREK: "Night Terrors" - REV. 1/11/91 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Night Terrors" TEASER FADE IN: 1 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) moving through space. The binary star system is visible. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, Stardate 44631.2. We are proceeding through the uncharted rim of a binary star system, where we may have located the U.S.S. Brattain. The missing science vessel failed to arrive at its destination and has not been heard from since a distress call twenty-nine days ago. 2 INT. ENTERPRISE - BRIDGE (OPTICAL) PICARD, RIKER, DATA, WORF, TROI at their stations; ENSIGN RAGER at Conn. On the viewscreen at a distance, a space craft floats adrift. PICARD Magnify. The craft springs into the foreground. RIKER It's the Brattain, all right. STAR TREK: "Night Terrors" - REV. 1/11/91 - TEASER 2. 2 CONTINUED: DATA The ship is intact, sir, with no indications of structural damage. RIKER Engines? DATA All propulsion systems are shut down. The ship is drifting. PICARD Life form readings? DATA (beat) Inconclusive, sir. Troi is uneasy, leans forward, as though to catch some feeling... PICARD Counselor? TROI There is life on board... but... PICARD What is it? TROI I don't know... something... She shakes her head slightly, as though to rid it of something getting in the way. PICARD Number One, assemble your team. RIKER (keys insignia) Doctor Crusher, report to Transporter Room Three. (to them) Data, Worf... Troi rises. STAR TREK: "Night Terrors" - REV. 12/20/90 - TEASER 3. 2 CONTINUED: (2) TROI Commander... I need to go, also... Riker looks at her... need to go? Then he nods at her, and he, Data, and Worf head for the turbolift. Troi stares out at the drifting space craft for a second, troubled, as though hearing some unuttered thought. Then she turns and follows the others toward the turbolift. 3 PICARD notes her strange demeanor. 4 INT. BRATTAIN - BRIDGE - MINUTES LATER (OPTICAL)) The small Bridge is, on first sight, empty. BEVERLY, Riker, Worf, Data, and Troi MATERIALIZE at the rear of the Bridge. They look around the quiet room, getting their bearings. Data heads for a computer station, keys information. DATA There is no indication of malfunction in any of the main systems. Riker moves toward the Command Chairs. The Captain's seat has a high back which, as he turns it, reveals -- 5 CAPTAIN ZAHEVA The woman is dead, eyes frozen open in a horrified stare. Camera PANS down to reveal a long tool plunged straight into her heart. 6 ON THE GROUP as Riker, Troi, and Data react to this grim discovery. WORF (V.O.) Here's another one. They turn to see that -- STAR TREK: "Night Terrors" - REV. 12/20/90 - TEASER 4. 7 WORF has found a second body, underneath a computer console, huddled tight to the wall as if in terror. Worf tugs the corpse out and it tumbles onto the deck, face and chest charred black. WORF This was done by a phaser... at a setting of six or seven... RIKER There are more over here... Now the team realizes that the seemingly empty Bridge is a tomb, with bodies having taken refuge under consoles, seats, etc. BEVERLY The entire Bridge crew... RIKER Whoever did this... may still be on board. TROI There's someone alive... but he didn't kill these people... She moves toward the turbolift, as though drawn by an unseen thread. TROI Here... She nears it and the turbolift door opens. 8 A MAN HAGAN sits cross-legged on the floor of the turbolift, staring straight ahead. Beverly moves toward him, scans him. Riker and Worf, taking no chances, keep their phasers on him. BEVERLY He's alive... TROI I think he is Betazoid... She knees down close to him, trying to make contact. STAR TREK: "Night Terrors" - REV. 12/17/90 - TEASER 5. 8 CONTINUED: TROI It's all right. We're going to help you. The man offers one soft, shuddering intake of air... but no more. 9 TROI holds his shoulders, looking into his eyes. TROI What happened here? Who did this to you? But there is no answer. The man stares past them, lost in a catatonic void. FADE OUT. END OF TEASER STAR TREK: "Night Terrors" - REV. 1/2/91 - ACT ONE 6. ACT ONE FADE IN: 10 INT. ENTERPRISE - SICKBAY - SOME TIME LATER Picard watches with Beverly as a SUPERNUMERARY wheels away a form in a body bag. BEVERLY We're almost finished with the autopsies, Captain. PICARD How long will it take you to compile the data? BEVERLY It's complicated -- the dead were found everywhere... some locked in their rooms -- barricaded, with weapons piled around them... some in corridors where they'd obviously had hand-to-hand combat... I'll have to sort through and analyze the details. Picard glances toward a bio-bed, where Troi sits with the Betazoid man. BEVERLY We've identified him as Andrus Hagan, from Betazed, science advisor. He's in a profound catatonic state. Picard walks toward Troi. TROI I'm not getting much, Captain... a few words, disconnected phrases. I can feel his terror... but I can't seem to reach him. PICARD Don't give up on him, Counselor. We're examining the Brattain for clues -- but this man is the only one left who knows what happened there. Picard turns and EXITS, and Troi turns back to Hagan. She is trying to engage his mind telepathically. STAR TREK: "Night Terrors" - REV. 1/9/91 - ACT ONE 7. 10 CONTINUED: TROI (V.O.) I'm here. I'm right here. There's nothing to be afraid of anymore. HAGAN (V.O.) ... out there... voices... TROI (V.O.) You hear voices? What do they say? HAGAN (V.O.) ... both things... no... no... TROI (V.O.) Keep talking to me... I'll try to understand... 11 OMITTED 12 EXT. SPACE - BRATTAIN (OPTICAL) The small ship hangs in space. 13 INT. BRATTAIN - BRIDGE Data and Riker at the computers. GEORDI ENTERS from the turbolift. STAR TREK: "Night Terrors" - REV. 1/9/91 - ACT ONE 8. 13 CONTINUED: GEORDI All engines check out perfectly, Commander. Once we get them started up, the Brattain can get back to Starbase under her own power. RIKER Let's give it a try. Geordi takes his place at a science station near Data. GEORDI Pre-heating injectors... Data, fuel flow? DATA Matter valves are open and operating. Magnetic containment on the anti-matter pods is constant. GEORDI Okay, open injectors. DATA Injectors open. They wait. There's nothing. STAR TREK: "Night Terrors" - REV. 12/20/90 - ACT ONE 9. 13 CONTINUED: (2) DATA There is no engine activity at all. RIKER What's wrong, Geordi? GEORDI Nothing's wrong. I don't understand it. Off his puzzlement... 14 INT. ENTERPRISE - READY ROOM Picard working at his desk. The door CHIMES. PICARD Come. Beverly ENTERS carrying a Padd. BEVERLY I've been studying the autopsy reports... the conclusion is appalling. Picard gives her a look -- strong words from this dispassionate scientist. BEVERLY There was no outside source... no alien presence... The crew of the Brattain, all thirty-four of them -- appear to have killed each other. Picard is taken aback by this conclusion. PICARD What could have caused such an event? Drugs? A virus? Poison... BEVERLY Toxicological tests showed no unusual substances in their systems. And they were in good health. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Night Terrors" - REV. 12/19/90 - ACT ONE 10. 14 CONTINUED: BEVERLY (Cont'd) (beat) But for whatever reason, they seem to have turned against each other, using phasers, knives -- and bare hands. Beverly programs information into the Captain's computer. BEVERLY I'd like you to see this, Captain. It's from the logs of the Brattain. Captain Zaheva's mental condition deteriorated steadily after they became stranded... she began talking of plots and mutinies... She activates the computer. BEVERLY This is the last entry... made after they had been adrift for over three weeks. They turn toward the monitor. 15 ANGLE - MONITOR - INTERCUTTING (OPTICAL) Captain Zaheva, sitting in the same chair where she was found, is a wreck... eyes red-rimmed, voice hoarse, endlessly brushing the side of her head in a compulsive gesture. CAPTAIN ZAHEVA First Officer Brink and his men were behind it... they got to the engines... don't work anymore... had to eliminate Brink... the ship is out of... out of... we're running out... too dangerous... out of Brink... and his men... Her eyes flick upward, there is a brief moment of terror, and then the screen goes blank. Mystery upon mystery. Picard stares at Beverly, perplexed, mind churning to understand what happened on the stricken science vessel. STAR TREK: "Night Terrors" - REV. 1/4/91 - ACT ONE 11. 16 INT. ENTERPRISE - CORRIDOR OUTSIDE SICKBAY Troi is leaving Sickbay, speaks to a SUPERNUMERARY. (PRODUCTION NOTE: This is the beginning of the dream sequence, but should seem perfectly normal.) TROI Be sure to call me if there's any change in his condition. I'll be in my office. She turns and proceeds down the corridor. She passes a turbolift; the door opens and several CREW MEMBERS spill out, going their way. She smiles, greeting them, and passes through the bustling activity. DOLLY with her as she proceeds down the corridor to -- 17 TROI'S OFFICE DOOR As it opens, she ENTERS. 18 INT. NIGHTMARE ROOM (OPTICAL) Suddenly Troi steps into a bizarre surreality. She spins to find the door she entered. It is gone. She turns back to see she is in... 19 A MURKY VOID (OPTICAL) A strange, empty cavity where everything is fuzzy, smoky, gaseous. Vague shapes seem to loom in the distance but have no substance. At a great distance, there are two pinpoints of light... the mists swirl in front of them, obscuring them. A RUSTLING SOUND, maybe wind, maybe a cry, seems to come from within the shadowy depths. It is an ominous, menacing sound, suggesting a demon lurking in the mists. Troi finds herself floating... drifting helplessly in the clouds. It is frightening to be so out of control. TROI Where are you? She reaches out both arms in front of her, fearful, like a sightless person feeling her way through unfamiliar territory. The rustling SOUND becomes a low, throaty voice... sighing, raspy, foreboding. STAR TREK: "Night Terrors" - REV. 1/4/91 - ACT ONE 12. 20 ANOTHER ANGLE ON TROI (OPTICAL) as she is drawn toward the sinister sound, unable to resist. She drifts further into the vaporous landscape, seeking the source. But she cannot control her direction. TROI I'm coming. Where are you? Struggling forward, Troi tries to free herself. The throaty sound becomes louder... takes shape... SIGHING VOICE Eyes... in the dark... one moon... circles... Troi is swimming in space, frantically trying to move forward as the voice becomes louder... SIGHING VOICE See the eyes... in the dark... one moon... TROI Where are you?! 21 INT. ENTERPRISE - TROI'S QUARTERS Troi, in her bed, sits up with a start. She is moist with perspiration, breathing hard in terror from the bizarre nightmare. FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE STAR TREK: "Night Terrors" - REV. 1/9/91 - ACT TWO 13. ACT TWO FADE IN: 22 EXT. SPACE - BRATTAIN (OPTICAL) hanging motionless in space. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, Stardate 44635.8: Four days have passed, but we have made little progress in solving the mystery of the Brattain. I have decided we will return to Starbase Two-twenty... 23 INT. BRATTAIN - BRIDGE Geordi and ENSIGN PEEPLES at a work station. PICARD (V.O.) ... and to that end, Commander La Forge is rigging the Brattain for towing. GEORDI (rising) I'm going to try re-calibrating the field generators. I still don't see why we can't get the engines going... it just doesn't make any sense. 24 CLOSE ON PEEPLES as he concentrates on his task, tapping out instructions. As he does, we begin to hear a SOUND... a hollow, deadened CLUNG... as though something were hitting a pipe somewhere far below. STAR TREK: "Night Terrors" - REV. 12/17/90 - ACT TWO 14. 24 CONTINUED: It hits once, twice... only now does Peeples seem to hear it. He lifts his head, straining to hear better. The sound increases in volume, and he stands in alarm. PEEPLES Someone's still here... The sound gets louder still, a chilling, insistent cry. Peeples looks panicked. PEEPLES They're alive! 25 ANGLE - GEORDI AND PEEPLES As soon as Geordi is included in the shot, the SOUND disappears. Geordi is staring at the Ensign. GEORDI Ensign... what is it? 26 ON PEEPLES Now, the sound is loud and clear. PEEPLES Can't you hear it? There's someone left alive on the ship! 27 ANGLE - GEORDI AND PEEPLES Geordi's stare catches Peeples' attention, and then he realizes he's not hearing anything. PEEPLES I heard... I mean, I thought I heard something. GEORDI The ship was searched thoroughly. There's no one left aboard. Geordi's look of concern embarrasses the young Ensign. PEEPLES Sorry, sir. My mistake. STAR TREK: "Night Terrors" - REV. 1/4/91 - ACT TWO 15. 27 CONTINUED: GEORDI (gently) Thirty-four people were found dead on this ship. That could make anyone uneasy. PEEPLES Thank you, sir. And he bends again to his task. 28 INT. ENTERPRISE - SICKBAY Troi sits by the bio-bed where Hagan lies. TROI (V.O.) I'm here... can you hear me? Hagan stirs vaguely. TROI (V.O.) Tell me about the voices you hear... HAGAN (V.O.) Bright... one pole... two poles... TROI (V.O.) I don't understand... tell me more about the poles... But he just stares out at nothing. 29 INT. ENTERPRISE - O'BRIEN'S QUARTERS O'Brien paces in the front room, disquieted. Presently the door opens and Keiko comes bustling in, happy to see him. STAR TREK: "Night Terrors" - REV. 1/4/91 - ACT TWO 16. 29 CONTINUED: KEIKO Boy, what a day this was... I'm doing an isozyme study on some populations of Cardilia... but they're turning out to have some really weird polymorphisms. What a headache! She is breathless, full of her day, chattering. O'Brien eyes her, speaks with ominous quietness. O'BRIEN Is that why you were late? KEIKO Oh, no, I had a conference with Doctor Balthus... she wants to do a study on the laticifer ontogeny of the Kaladian Thorn Flower... but I don't have the time to oversee another project... O'BRIEN Was Tom Corbin there? She stops, stares at him, for the first time aware of his strange mood. KEIKO What? O'BRIEN Tom Corbin. From the science lab. (beat) Remember him? KEIKO Of course I remember him, but -- O'BRIEN You use any excuse to pay him a visit... KEIKO (nonplussed) Miles... what are you saying--? O'BRIEN I think you know exactly what I'm saying. STAR TREK: "Night Terrors" - REV. 1/7/91 - ACT TWO 17. 29 CONTINUED: (2) She regards him a minute, then smiles, walks toward him. This is unlike Miles to be so grumpy, but that's okay... she can tweak him out of it. KEIKO If I didn't know better... I'd say you're jealous. She puts her arms around him, starts to kiss him, but he takes her wrists and holds her away. She is amazed. O'BRIEN (quietly) You take me for a fool? And with that he turns and EXITS. She stares after him, astonished. 30 INT. ENTERPRISE - TEN-FORWARD - LATER O'Brien ENTERS, spots his friend CHIEF GILLESPIE sitting at the bar. Gillespie is older than O'Brien, weathered and salty. O'Brien walks over and joins him. GUINAN is behind the bar. GILLESPIE Hello, Chief... have some coffee? O'BRIEN I've been drinking too much coffee... maybe some hot tea, Guinan? GUINAN Coming up. She moves away and Gillespie looks at O'Brien, grins. GILLESPIE Kind of a surprise to see you in here at this hour. O'BRIEN How's that? GILLESPIE You're not out of the honeymoon yet... usually newlyweds can't keep their hands off each other... STAR TREK: "Night Terrors" - REV. 12/19/90 - ACT TWO 18. 30 CONTINUED: O'Brien gives a shrug. Guinan brings his tea. O'BRIEN She has work to do. She heads up the plant biology lab, you know. GILLESPIE Any strange things going on down there? O'Brien gives him a quick look -- what strange things? O'BRIEN Like what? Gillespie leans in to him. GILLESPIE I've been hearing things... Kenicki, in Engineering... told me he saw a man in an old Starfleet uniform... riding the lift near the engine core... but when the lift got to the top... there was no one on it... O'Brien shakes his head scornfully. O'BRIEN Ghost stories... GILLESPIE There's more... lots more. Strange things are happening on this ship, O'Brien... O'Brien gulps his tea, rises. O'BRIEN I'm surprised at you, Gillespie... a Starfleet officer... (leans in to him) I have more to worry about than shades and spirits... And he leaves. STAR TREK: "Night Terrors" - REV. 12/19/90 - ACT TWO 19. 31 OMITTED 32 INT. ENTERPRISE - READY ROOM Picard is at his desk, working. The door CHIMES. PICARD Come. He glances up, but the doors don't open. He's involved in his monitor, doesn't give it a thought. Then the CHIME again. PICARD (a bit more forcefully) Come. He looks at the door. It is shut. He rises, and the CHIME sounds again. He goes to the door, it opens; there's no one there. He shakes his head in annoyance, goes back to his desk, sits. The CHIME sounds. He ignores it. It SOUNDS again; he is getting irritated but doesn't respond. Finally, there is a KNOCK at the door. He looks up, surprised. PICARD Come... The door opens and Beverly and Troi are there. They ENTER. BEVERLY Captain, do you have a moment? TROI We're concerned... whatever happened on the Brattain -- may be starting here. Picard immediately takes notice. PICARD Explain... TROI Beverly and I have both gotten unusual reports... people behaving strangely... others hearing sounds that aren't there... Picard gives her a sharp look at this. STAR TREK: "Night Terrors" - REV. 1/4/91 - ACT TWO 19A. 32 CONTINUED: PICARD Are we talking about hallucinations? BEVERLY In some cases. In others -- just erratic behavior. STAR TREK: "Night Terrors" - REV. 1/4/91 - ACT TWO 20. 32 CONTINUED: (2) TROI We can't track down any common element that might be responsible. PICARD But everything started when we found the Brattain... BEVERLY Yes. Captain -- we have to get the Enterprise away from here... before it gets worse... Picard glances at her... it's a bit of a panicky response for this usually stoic scientist. PICARD We are preparing to take the Brattain in tow. We'll be on our way within the hour. 33 INT. ENTERPRISE - BRIDGE - LATER Picard, Riker, Data, Worf, Ensign Rager at Conn. PICARD Ensign, maneuver us into position within tractor beam range. RAGER Aye, sir... Ensign Rager starts to tap instructions, then hesitates. Data glances over. She stares at her console. Picard rises, approaches to see what's wrong. DATA Is there a problem, Ensign? RAGER I... can't seem to remember how to enter the coordinates, sir... STAR TREK: "Night Terrors" - REV. 1/4/91 - ACT TWO 21. 33 CONTINUED: Data punches instructions on his console. DATA Ready now, Captain. He glances back at Picard, who gestures toward another Ensign, PETER LIN, on the Bridge. PICARD Ensign Rager, report to Sickbay. Rager, shamed, glances around at Picard. RAGER Yes, sir... Rager stands and heads for the turbolift. Ensign Lin takes her place. PICARD Ensign Lin, put us into position to engage the tractor beam. LIN Aye, sir. 34 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE AND BRATTAIN (OPTICAL) as the Enterprise moves toward the stranded ship -- still at quite a distance. 35 INT. ENTERPRISE - BRIDGE - CONTINUOUS PICARD Mister Worf, ready tractor beam. DATA Ensign... we are losing maneuverability. Did you throttle down by mistake? LIN No, sir. DATA Captain... thrusters are losing power. Puzzled, Picard steps forward. STAR TREK: "Night Terrors" - REV. 1/8/91 - ACT TWO 22. 35 CONTINUED: PICARD Impulse engines... ahead minimum power. LIN Impulse engines are not responding, sir. RIKER Riker to Engineering... what's going on down there? 36 INT. ENTERPRISE - ENGINEERING - INTERCUTTING GEORDI I don't know, sir... nothing's responding... PICARD Ensign, go to warp engines -- factor one. Engage. A beat. They wait. STAR TREK: "Night Terrors" - REV. 12/17/90 - ACT TWO 23. 36 CONTINUED: GEORDI Captain, we don't have warp drive either! PICARD Data, do we have any propulsion system that is functional? DATA No, sir. Apparently we do not. LIN We're adrift... RIKER Just like the Brattain. There is a moment as they absorb this news. FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO STAR TREK: "Night Terrors" - REV. 1/2/91 - ACT THREE 24. ACT THREE FADE IN: 37 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE AND BRATTAIN (OPTICAL) still floating in space. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, Stardate 44639.9. We have now been adrift for a total of ten days. We have sent sub-space distress calls, but because of our distant location, we cannot expect a response for at least another two weeks. 38 INT. ENTERPRISE - OBSERVATION LOUNGE - CONTINUOUS At the table sit Picard, Riker, Troi, Beverly, and Geordi. Data stands at the monitor. The staff is looking a little ragged... mildly disheveled, slightly on edge. Riker drums his fingers on the table. Picard tugs at his collar in an unconscious, compulsive gesture. Troi looks more exhausted than ever. Data, of course, is unchanged. DATA After analyzing the sensor logs from the Brattain and the Enterprise, as well as the data from our last series of probes, I have concluded that... He activates the monitor, which shows an OKUDAGRAM. It (very) roughly resembles two funnels, tipped on their sides, with narrow lips together. STAR TREK: "Night Terrors" - REV. 1/8/91 - ACT THREE 25. 38 CONTINUED: Small figures indicating the Brattain and the Enterprise are placed in the left-hand funnel, the Brattain nearer the mouth. DATA (continuing) ... we have become trapped in a massive rupture in space... undetectable by normal means... into which energy is absorbed. PICARD You mean... a Tyken's Rift... BEVERLY A what? DATA A rare anomaly named for Bela Tyken, the Melthusian Captain who first encountered it. GEORDI A Tyken's Rift -- of course... that would explain why we don't have engine power. DATA (acknowledges) The ship's energy is being drained into the fissure before we can utilize it. At this point, Worf walks in, uncharacteristically late. He makes his way to his seat as Picard gives him a searching look. WORF (tight-lipped) I was detained. Nothing else. STAR TREK: "Night Terrors" - REV. 1/8/91 - ACT THREE 26. 38 CONTINUED: (2) DATA When Tyken was trapped in a Rift, his analysis determined that a massive energy release might overload and dislocate the anomaly. Fortunately, his cargo included anicium and yurium, which he used to detonate a massive explosion. He then escaped through the ruptured center of the Rift. GEORDI (acknowledges) But we aren't carrying anything that could produce that kind of explosion. Even our photon torpedoes wouldn't be enough. RIKER Can't we replicate the elements Tyken used? DATA We no longer have the power to reproduce complex elements with our replicators. We must find a way to generate a violent energy release without relying on conventional means. BEVERLY Data... in Tyken's experience... did the crew exhibit behavioral changes? STAR TREK: "Night Terrors" - REV. 1/4/91 - ACT THREE 26A. 38 CONTINUED: (3) DATA No. There were no reports of unusual conduct among the crew. TROI What about nightmares? DATA There was no record of sleep distubances of any kind, Counselor. Beverly takes note of this... ponders it... BEVERLY Then -- what is it? What's happening to us? The grey faces around her stare. But there are no answers. STAR TREK: "Night Terrors" - REV. 1/9/91 - ACT THREE 27-28. 39 OMITTED 40 INT. ENTERPRISE - TURBOLIFT Picard and Riker ENTER. Picard tugs at his collar. RIKER So far, the only one who doesn't seem affected by all this is Data... (beat) Bridge. There is a brief beat as Picard struggles to concentrate, focus his thoughts. PICARD Number One... how... are you? RIKER Sir? PICARD Any hallucinations? Nightmares? Riker also has to work to keep his ideas coherent. RIKER No... but I'd be a liar if I said I felt like myself... I bite my tongue to keep from snapping at people... and a couple of times, when I've gone into my quarters... (MORE) STAR TREK: "Night Terrors" - REV. 12/19/90 - ACT THREE 29. 40 CONTINUED: RIKER (Cont'd) (beat; this is hard for him) ... I've felt as though... there's someone in there... waiting for me... Picard nods, sympathetic. PICARD It's affecting all of us. I've -- had similar feelings... He strains to maintain control and not give in to whatever it is that grips them. PICARD With everyone around us succumbing... it's even more important that at least one of us stay in control of his faculties. I want you to turn in... take a nap. I'll be on the Bridge and you can relieve me in four hours. Riker hates being sent off like a tired child, but acknowledges the Captain's wisdom. RIKER All right, sir. Deck Eight. They proceed in silence, Picard tugging again at his collar, and then the turbolift stops and the doors open. Riker nods briefly at Picard and EXITS. The doors close again. Picard closes his eyes briefly and leans against the side of the turbolift... as though he's dizzy but didn't want to show it in front of Riker... then he glances upward. He sees -- STAR TREK: "Night Terrors" - REV. 12/20/90 - ACT THREE 30. 41 thru OMITTED 42 43 THE TURBOLIFT CEILING -- HIS POV descending toward him. 44 PICARD stares upward in shock. 45 INT. ENTERPRISE - RIKER'S QUARTERS Riker ENTERS, then stops and listens warily, as though hearing something. He scans the room. Then he shakes it off, proceeds toward the bedroom. 46 INT. ENTERPRISE - TURBOLIFT Picard stares upward in horror, backing to a wall, holding up a hand as though to ward off the ceiling. 47 TURBOLIFT CEILING - HIS POV continues its downward plunge. 48 PICARD sinks to his knees. 49 INT. ENTERPRISE - RIKER'S QUARTERS - BEDROOM Riker ENTERS, studies the room, moves through it cautiously. He turns and looks back at the door he just entered. 50 INT. ENTERPRISE - TURBOLIFT Picard looks upward, shielding his head as -- 51 THE CEILING rushes down at him, threatening to crush him... STAR TREK: "Night Terrors" - REV. 12/19/90 - ACT THREE 31. 52 PICARD PICARD No! No! 53 INT. ENTERPRISE - BRIDGE The turbolift door opens. Worf, at his station, looks over to see -- 54 PICARD huddled on the floor in terror, hands protectively over his head. PICARD No... stop... no... 55 ANGLE ON WORF as he moves toward the Captain, staring in amazement. WORF Sir... ? Picard gradually looks around, sees the others staring at him. He pulls himself up, glances up at the ceiling of the turbolift -- safely in its place. He rises and EXITS, struggling to maintain his dignity. PICARD As you were. Worf watches as the Captain proceeds to his chair. Worf registers nothing. Then, Picard hesitates, addresses Data. PICARD Mister Data... in my Ready Room, please... 56 INT. ENTERPRISE - RIKER'S QUARTERS - BEDROOM Dressed in a sleep robe, he goes to his bed, takes the cover and starts to flip it back. Then he whirls suddenly, looking behind him. 57 THE ROOM - HIS POV Quiet, still -- empty. STAR TREK: "Night Terrors" - REV. 1/4/91 - ACT THREE 32-32A. 58 BACK TO RIKER as he slides into bed under the cover. Then he reacts in surprise. He reaches down, flips off the cover and sees -- 59 THE BED is a writhing nest of snakes, dozens of them, squirming and churning, covering the bed, slithering off onto the floor. 60 RIKER yells in alarm, leaps out of bed. He looks down again. 61 THE BED - HIS POV is empty of snakes. 62 RIKER Heart pounding, he stands there for a moment, catching his breath. 63 INT. ENTERPRISE - READY ROOM Picard with Data. The Captain has been profoundly shaken by his experience in the turbolift. DATA Sir, Commander La Forge and I have come up with a potential solution to our predicament. Perhaps the modifications we used to increase firepower against the Borg might be effective here. PICARD Channeling power into the main deflector dish... DATA I believe within six hours we can generate a concentrated burst of energy which might disrupt the Tyken's Rift. STAR TREK: "Night Terrors" - REV. 1/4/91 - ACT THREE 33. 63 CONTINUED: PICARD Very well. Proceed. Data starts toward the door, but Picard stops him. PICARD Mister Data... DATA (turning back) Sir? Picard speaks with difficulty. PICARD Apparently... I am not immune... to the strange forces at work on this ship... DATA Yes, sir. This is painful for Picard, to whom control is so important. PICARD It's a frightening prospect... to lose control of your mind... (beat) When I was young, I saw my grandfather deteriorate... from a powerful, robust figure... to a -- a frail wisp of a man, who couldn't even remember how to make his way home... He draws a breath, shakes off this dire memory. PICARD It is my responsibility... somehow... to see that this ship is guided to safety. I will have to rely on you, from now on... (beat) We may need to count on you for our very survival. DATA Yes, sir. I will do my best. STAR TREK: "Night Terrors" - REV. 12/19/90 - ACT THREE 33A. 64 INT. ENTERPRISE - CARGO AREA/MORGUE Beverly speaks to a SUPERNUMERARY. They are in a hold which contains the covered bodies of the Brattain crew. BEVERLY I want to do more cross-sections on the brain tissue of some of these bodies. Set up the positron emission sensors in Sickbay... I'll decide which ones I want to study. The assistant nods and EXITS. Beverly approaches a corpse, lifts the attached autopsy report, reads it. A sudden sound... a thunk behind her... makes her look around. 65 THE MORGUE has an eerie look... bodies in translucent bags, held in stasis by (invisible) force fields, casting shadows on the floor and walls... but nothing is apparent which caused the noise. STAR TREK: "Night Terrors" - REV. 12/17/90 - ACT THREE 34. 66 BEVERLY returns to her study. She moves to another corpse, reads the report. Then, a rustling noise... she looks up and sees -- 67 A BODY sitting up, as if staring at her. 68 BEVERLY gasps, then turns to see that the body next to her has sat up, also. She backs up, turns -- sees another upright... turns again... sees several of them... spins... and now... 69 THE BODIES have all sat upright, as though staring at her... 70 BEVERLY closes her eyes. This is a hallucination. Nothing more. She speaks firmly, but calmly. BEVERLY Go away. She opens her eyes. 71 THE ROOM is as it was, bodies shrouded on their pads. 72 BEVERLY fights for control... quiets her pounding heart. 73 INT. ENTERPRISE - READY ROOM Beverly is with Picard and Data. STAR TREK: "Night Terrors" - REV. 12/19/90 - ACT THREE 35. 73 CONTINUED: BEVERLY Captain, let me ask you this: since we located the Brattain... can you remember any of your dreams? Picard stares at her, perplexed. It's hard enough to concentrate... but what does this have to do with anything? PICARD I hardly ever remember dreams... BEVERLY A lot of people don't... but think... have you had a dream in the last ten days? PICARD (struggles with it) I... don't recall... BEVERLY I'm betting you haven't. What's more, neither has anyone else on board this ship -- except Troi. I began to realize it when she talked about her nightmares. Picard stares at her, trying to stay with her. Beverly, too, is ragged, faltering. BEVERLY I've done additional brain tissue tests on some of the bodies from the... the... DATA The Brattain... BEVERLY ... and scans on a random cross-section of our crew. They all show the same result... a unique chemical imbalance. PICARD Caused by -- ? BEVERLY Dream deprivation. STAR TREK: "Night Terrors" - REV. 12/19/90 - ACT THREE 35A. 73 CONTINUED: (2) Picard looks at her quizzically. BEVERLY Every night... we... we enter into... sleep... STAR TREK: "Night Terrors" - REV. 12/20/90 - ACT THREE 36. 73 CONTINUED: (3) Beverly is losing it, not able to concentrate on what she was saying. Data fills the gap. DATA I believe the Doctor means to say that humans enter what is known as REM sleep... rapid eye movement. It is the level of brain-wave activity at which you dream. BEVERLY We need dreams to survive... if we don't get REM sleep, we don't dream, and we begin to lose our -- cognitive abilities... it becomes hard to concentrate... we forget... how to do the most ordinary task. Picard is listening intently. It's becoming clear. BEVERLY Then... we become irritable... paranoid... some people experience hallucinations... PICARD You're describing the situation on this ship... But Counselor Troi has reported nightmares... BEVERLY Maybe it's because she's Betazoid. I don't know... but there's something more going on here than being stuck in a Tyken's Rift... and I don't know how or why it's happening... She draws a breath, fixes him with a steady look. STAR TREK: "Night Terrors" - REV. 12/17/90 - ACT THREE 37. 73 CONTINUED: (3) BEVERLY But I do know this. There is an inevitable conclusion to this pattern. If I can't find a way to reverse it -- we are all going to go insane. Picard's look reflects the enormity of the statement. His gaze swings to Data: he, of course, would survive. Data is imperturbed by the implications. FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE STAR TREK: "Night Terrors" - REV. 1/4/91 - ACT FOUR 38. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 74 INT. ENTERPRISE - SICKBAY Troi sits by the bio-bed where Hagan lies. Her head rests against the wall and her eyes are fluttering closed. CAMERA DRIFTS in toward her as: 75 SERIES OF CUTS - INTERCUTTING (OPTICAL) from Troi's first nightmare... the void... the hazy, murky cavity... the lights, the sighing sound, Troi floating, calling... TROI Where are you... ? 76 NOW IN THE NIGHTMARE (OPTICAL) Troi drifts toward the lights, discerning something in the distance... an indistinct shape... SIGHING VOICE Eyes... in the dark... one moon circles... 77 BACK IN SICKBAY Troi's eyes blink open and she sits up, looking around fuzzily, realizes she was dreaming. She turns to Hagan. TROI (V.O.) I'm still here... I haven't gone anywhere... Hagan stirs vaguely. TROI (V.O.) Do you remember anything more? HAGAN (V.O.) ...double... double... TROI (V.O.) What does that mean? Is something doubled? But Hagan is silent. Troi rises and walks over to Beverly. STAR TREK: "Night Terrors" - REV. 12/20/90 - ACT FOUR 38A. 77A ANGLE - ANOTHER PART OF SICKBAY Beverly is with a patient on a bio-bed, to whom is attached neurotransmitter monitors. Beverly is pale and shaky, trying hard to hold it all together, but discouraged. BEVERLY Deanna... Nothing's working... I've tried somatic drugs, I've tried inducing theta waves in the entorhinal cortex... no matter what I do, no one can reach REM sleep. No one can dream... except you... Troi, exhausted, absorbs this. TROI (ironic) Except me... And all I have is nightmares... I can barely sleep at all anymore. She shakes her head... her gaze is drawn back toward Hagan... TROI In the end... I'll be like him. Just like him. She turns away in despair, not wanting to see her own destiny. STAR TREK: "Night Terrors" - REV. 1/4/91 - ACT FOUR 39. 78 INT. ENTERPRISE - TEN-FORWARD A few desultory souls... the mood is nervous, somber -- not a happy place. Guinan circulates; you sense she's keeping tensions under control. Gillespie is there, and not in good shape... irritable, impulsive. He's trying to garner support. GILLESPIE I think... it's some kind of experiment... Captain Picard wants to see how we'll take it, stuck here like rats... GUINAN You couldn't be more wrong... GILLESPIE It's like we're laboratory animals... I don't want to sit and wait for death to sneak up behind me... GUINAN What's that supposed to mean? Gillespie glances around, leans in. GILLESPIE You heard about them on the Brattain... shut in their rooms... dying alone... that's not for me. I'd rather go out fighting... 79 GUINAN Guinan shakes her head in disdain and moves off. 80 INT. ENTERPRISE - ENGINEERING Data ENTERS to find Geordi. Geordi is not in good shape... shaky and ragged. It's costing him effort to hang in there. Peeples is working in the background. GEORDI Okay... all power has been channelled to the... the...  STAR TREK: "Night Terrors" - REV. 1/8/91 - ACT FOUR 40. 80 CONTINUED: He looks at Data, losing his thought. GEORDI I can't remember what it's called. DATA The main deflector dish... GEORDI Yes... so, now what do we do? Data gives him a look; he's gone over and over this and Geordi isn't retaining it. DATA We must coordinate our effort with the Bridge. Geordi stares blankly; Data keys his com badge. DATA Data to Bridge... 81 INT. ENTERPRISE - BRIDGE - INTERCUTTING Picard, Riker, Worf, Troi, and Lin. Again, everyone reflects their diminished circumstances. PICARD Yes... DATA'S COM VOICE We are ready to discharge the main deflector, Captain. PICARD All right... He looks around the Bridge at his crew -- haggard, edgy, desperate. He can barely remember what he has to do. DATA'S COM VOICE Mister Worf -- activate the deflector. 82 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The main deflector dish begins to glow. STAR TREK: "Night Terrors" - REV. 12/19/90 - ACT FOUR 41. 83 INT. ENTERPRISE - ENGINEERING Geordi and Data are intent upon their monitors, and do not see Peeples approaching Geordi from behind. GEORDI Deflector power coils charging... Suddenly Peeples leaps toward Geordi. Data has seen the movement and springs quickly to his feet, parrying the blow and seizing Peeples' arm. Geordi is nonplussed. GEORDI Peeples... DATA (touches com) Security to Engineering. PEEPLES You've been changing the reactant mix... that's why we're stuck here... WORF'S COM VOICE Deflector powerbanks approaching maximum. Discharge in fifteen seconds. Two SECURITY GUARDS ENTER. DATA Confine Ensign Peeples to Sickbay. The guards take Peeples out, still ranting. PEEPLES I'll tell everyone what you're doing, Commander... The guards haul him out and Geordi turns to Data, dazed. GEORDI Data... this detonation better work... we aren't gonna last much longer... STAR TREK: "Night Terrors" - REV. 12/20/90 - ACT FOUR 42. 84 INT. ENTERPRISE - BRIDGE WORF Discharge in three seconds... two... one... 85 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) A thin, reedy beam flicks out from the deflector... and then sputters and snuffs out like a defective firecracker. 86 INT. ENTERPRISE - BRIDGE/ENGINEERING RIKER Nothing... it just fizzled out... DATA The energy output was absorbed into the Rift. 87 ANGLE ON WORF as he stands, tight-lipped, in reaction to this failure. PICARD Data... can we try again? 88 ON THE GROUP DATA No, sir. If we draw more power, we risk losing life-support systems. Picard does not respond. He is unable to think beyond this point and come up with options for the next step. 89 ON WORF as, unseen by most, he turns and walks off the Bridge. 90 TROI sees him go, however, and looks puzzled. STAR TREK: "Night Terrors" - REV. 12/17/90 - ACT FOUR 43. 91 thru OMITTED 93 94 INT. ENTERPRISE - WORF'S QUARTERS The door opens and Worf ENTERS and prowls, as though searching for something. He goes to the wall which contains the bat'telh sword... lifts it from its frame, studies it... then returns it to its place. 95 ANOTHER ANGLE as he approaches a table, reaches for a long, decorative box. He opens it. 96 ON THE BOX as it opens, revealing a ghastly-looking Klingon dagger, with ribbed wedges along the blade... so that pulling it out would do more damage than pushing it in. 97 WORF picks up the dagger, turns it over and over in his hands. He clasps his hands on the handle. WORF lujpu' jiH'e, Alexandrijn. Troi bursts into the apartment, surprising Worf, who is standing with both hands on the dagger, ready to plunge it into his chest. TROI Worf, no! He sees her, turns away. WORF You will not stop me... But she keeps coming, touching her badge as she does. TROI Security to Lieutenant Worf's quarters, immediately... WORF No one will stop me... STAR TREK: "Night Terrors" - REV. 12/17/90 - ACT FOUR 44. 97 CONTINUED: TROI Why, Worf? What is it? Worf hesitates... half turns to her... WORF I am no longer a warrior... I am no longer strong... I feel... He stops, unable to go on. Troi moves toward him, nurturing, gentle. TROI What is it you feel? Worf stares at her, agonizing. The admission is almost too overwhelming for him. WORF I feel... fear. TROI Worf... to admit that you are afraid... gives you strength. Worf looks at her, allows her to grip his hand. WORF Something is waiting for us... I am not strong enough to fight it... TROI No, Worf. It is just an illusion. It is not real. (beat) Please... put down the knife. He hesitates, stares at her, wrestles with his proud warrior's sensibility. But Troi's compassion has inspired trust. He holds for a beat... then lowers the knife... puts it on a table. Then, the SECURITY GUARDS hurry in. TROI It's all right. Everything is fine. Thank you. Puzzled and uncertain, they retreat. Worf never takes his eyes off Troi. She holds out her hand to him. STAR TREK: "Night Terrors" - REV. 12/19/90 - ACT FOUR 44A. 97 CONTINUED: (2) TROI Let me take you to Sickbay. He takes her hand. She leads him out the door. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR STAR TREK: "Night Terrors" - REV. 12/20/90 - ACT FIVE 45. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 98 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE AND BRATTAIN (OPTICAL) DATA (V.O.) Acting Captain's log, stardate 44642.1. I have assumed command of the Enterprise at the request of Captain Picard. Our situation is deteriorating; many of the crew are unable to function and our life support systems are beginning to falter. 99 INT. ENTERPRISE - SICKBAY Troi with Hagan. TROI (V.O.) Once before... you said "double"... what did you mean? What is double? HAGAN (V.O.) ...mates... too bright... a -- twin... cannot leave the twin... one moon circling... TROI (V.O.) ... what do you mean... you can't leave? Hagan tenses slightly, as though hearing something... HAGAN (V.O.) No, no... please... can't... TROI (V.O.) You want to leave? Why can't you? HAGAN (V.O.) Can't go... help... one moon circling... eyes... that's it... eyes... in the dark... can't leave... Troi stares at him, stunned. STAR TREK: "Night Terrors" - REV. 1/2/91 - ACT FIVE 45A. 99 CONTINUED: TROI (aloud) Eyes in the dark... that's what the voice said in my dream. She leans closer to him. TROI Is that where you heard it? In a dream? Over and over... ? Hagan does not acknowledge directly... but tears roll from his eyes down his cheeks... Deanna rises, hurries to a wan and bedraggled Beverly. STAR TREK: "Night Terrors" - REV. 1/2/91 - ACT FIVE 46. 100 ANGLE - BEVERLY AND TROI (CONTINUOUS) TROI Beverly... I know what it is... I know what's happening... BEVERLY What... ? TROI My nightmare... it's not a dream. It's not a dream at all... it's a message. 101 INT. ENTERPRISE - READY ROOM (OPTICAL) Data, Troi, Beverly, and Picard. The others are noticeable by their absence. The group that is there, except for Data, is in bad shape. They are unkempt, hair in disarray and eyes red-rimmed. They are on the edge of an emotional abyss, all struggling mightily to keep from toppling over. Beverly is unable to sit still, and keeps jumping up to pace. Picard is straining to remain cogent, but keeps his hands tightly clasped, as though to hold onto sanity. Troi is possessed of an urgency that threatens to overwhelm her. TROI REM sleep occurs at a different frequency for Betazoids than other humanoids... I believe these beings are using that frequency to communicate telepathically... DATA It is conceivable that this telepathic communication is creating an interference that prevents REM sleep in other species -- that would be an explanation for why the rest of the crew is not dreaming. PICARD Counselor... what are these -- beings -- trying to tell us? TROI They're calling for help. I think they're trapped just like we are. "Eyes in the dark"... could mean this twin star system... STAR TREK: "Night Terrors" - REV. 1/2/91 - ACT FIVE 47. 101 CONTINUED: DATA Your hypothesis is certainly plausible. Data goes to the monitor and snaps on the same OKUDAGRAM he used in describing the Tyken's Rift. DATA It may well be that there is another ship... on the other side of the fissure... where we cannot detect it. BEVERLY Is there any way... to block their signals? DATA We have no technology to block telepathic transmissions, Doctor. TROI Maybe... communication through dreams can work both ways... I could try to get them to stop... DATA Perhaps we can accomplish more than that. If we could coordinate our efforts with these beings... we might work together to free ourselves. TROI It is conceivable... in working with patients who have debilitating nightmares, I have often used a therapetuic treament known as "directed dreaming"... The others look at her, trying to hang on to what she's saying. It's all they can do to comprehend it. STAR TREK: "Night Terrors" - REV. 1/2/91 - ACT FIVE 48. 101 CONTINUED: (2) TROI Dreamers can learn to take control of their dreams... retain a conscious memory... even while they're in REM sleep. I should be able to remember a short message. PICARD If it's... possible... what would you say... ? That's not so easy to answer. Troi looks to Data, who muses thoughtfully and we... CUT TO: 101A INT. BRIDGE - SCIENCE STATION - MONITOR (OPTICAL) Widen to reveal Troi sitting with Data as he taps more instructions into the console. A SERIES OF GRAPHICS scrolls on the monitor -- atomic diagrams of elements accompany the text. Troi stares at them, intrigued. DATA What we must discover is a means by which, working together with the aliens, we can produce an explosion more intense than either of us could achieve alone. TROI What is it you're looking for? DATA These are the elements we have available. Some of them could be used in the creation of an explosive reaction. If we can communicate this inventory to the other ship, perhaps they will be able to -- TROI No, Data... that's too complex. This has to be a simple, clear message... STAR TREK: "Night Terrors" - REV. 1/4/91 - ACT FIVE 48A. 101A CONTINUED: DATA I am uncertain if a simple transmission will be adequate... But Troi isn't listening -- she's noticed something. TROI Stop... go back... Data hits a control. 130:[1,#b],133:[1,#b] STAR TREK: "Night Terrors" - REV. 1/4/91 - ACT FIVE 49. 101B INSERT - MONITOR (OPTICAL) as it scrolls backwards. The material is text, accompanied by atomic diagrams. TROI (O.C.) Further back... there. Stop. The monitor stops on a readout describing a hydrogen atom; next to it is the diagram -- one electron circling one proton. 101C RESUME TWO SHOT TROI "One... moon... circles... " DATA (curious) Yes, Counselor, one electron circles one proton... this is a hydrogen atom. TROI "One moon circles"... that's what they have been telling me... over and over... DATA Perhaps the aliens are thinking as we are... to collaborate in producing an explosion. If hydrogen is combined with certain elements... calendenium, for example, it is extremely volatile. (beat) But... would the message mean they have hydrogen... or want hydrogen? TROI If it is a distress call, they'd be asking for what they need... not what they already have. DATA Then a proper course of action would be for us to release hydrogen into the Rift and hope that they have a substance which could detonate it. TROI How do I tell them what to do? STAR TREK: "Night Terrors" - REV. 1/11/91 - ACT FIVE 50. 101C CONTINUED: (2) DATA If you are correct, Counselor, I believe they have already told us what to do... and are waiting for us to do it. When we are ready the only message you should try to convey is, "Now!" 102 INT. ENTERPRISE - SICKBAY Troi with Beverly. Beverly is shaky, keeps brushing at her hair, but gamely hanging on to her concentration. BEVERLY I can help keep you in REM sleep for a while with this cortical scanner... it will maintain electrical activity in your brain at the proper frequencies... Troi lies back on the bed and Beverly begins attaching electrodes. INTERCUT: 103 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Picard at command, struggling to stay focused. Data is at Ops. No one else is on the Bridge. DATA Counselor. You will have to communicate with the other ship within two minutes of entering REM sleep. TROI (reacts) Two minutes, is that all, Data? DATA Unfortunately, yes. We have only enough power to emit a hydrogen stream for that period of time. They must understand that they have to detonate it immediately. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Night Terrors" - REV. 1/11/91 - ACT FIVE 50A. 103 CONTINUED: DATA (Cont'd) (to Picard) Sir, we are ready to implement the plan. PICARD Proceed. DATA We will need to draw power from the life support systems in order to discharge the collectors. (a beat, Picard doesn't respond, so Data activates a companel) This is Acting Captain Data. All personnel will report to designated shelter areas immediately... 104 INT. ENTERPRISE - TEN FORWARD - CONTINUOUS as the group hears Data's announcement. O'Brien and Gillespie are among them. DATA'S COM VOICE ... life support systems will continue only in emergency shelter areas... This announcement turns the crowd's dark mood nasty. The crowd is standing, milling about. STAR TREK: "Night Terrors" - REV. 12/20/90 - ACT FIVE 51. 104 CONTINUED: GILLESPIE Hear that? ... get us jammed into shelter areas... we sit and wait to die... nobody'll ever find us... GUINAN (trying to calm them) You can all relax... Ten Forward is a designated shelter area. GILLESPIE Do we want to die here... like helpless children? There are rumbles of response. 105 ANGLE - GUINAN She quietly touches a com panel. GUINAN Security to Ten-Forward... right away. 106 ON THE GROUP GILLESPIE We don't even know what we're dying for... O'BRIEN Gillespie, sit down... you're not helping matters any... GILLESPIE What's wrong with... standing up for ourselves? A cheer goes up. Gillespie turns, brushes past O'Brien's effort to stop him, and leads a sizeable group toward the portal... as TWO SECURITY GUARDS come in... but they're not in much better shape... 107 ANGLE - GUARDS AND GROUP There is a brief scuffle. The guards are disarmed. Gillespie and his group push to the front. STAR TREK: "Night Terrors" - REV. 12/19/90 - ACT FIVE 52. 108 GILLESPIE AND CROWD GILLESPIE I say... Captain owes us some answers... let's go... They surge again toward the door, but this time, they see -- 109 GUINAN (OPTICAL) standing in front of the door... holding a massive weapon in her hands -- the 24th Century equivalent of a shot gun. GUINAN Hold it. The group slows but keeps coming. GILLESPIE What's that... ? GUINAN It's a little souvenir I picked up on Magus Three... GILLESPIE Stand aside, Guinan... I'm not feeling so good and I don't have much patience... He steps forward and Guinan raises the weapon, fires over their heads... a huge FLARE blossoms out, suggesting massive firepower. GUINAN That's setting number one. (beat, while they absorb this) Now... (adjusts the setting) ... anybody want to see number two? The group is at a dead halt, staring at her. STAR TREK: "Night Terrors" - REV. 1/4/91 - ACT FIVE 53. 109 CONTINUED: GUINAN I'm not feeling so good myself... in fact, I'm real irritable... so I hope nobody's got the idea they're going through this door. Because they'll have to go through me first. Gillespie and the others glare at her. But they don't move. 110 INT. ENTERPRISE - SICKBAY Beverly with Troi, who is asleep on the bio-bed, electrodes attached. A NURSE attends. BEVERLY PGO signals steady... visual cortex is showing increased activity... rapid eye movements commencing... Troi's breathing is deep and steady. Beverly stares a beat at the read-out... seems to lose focus, then remembers what she's to do... touches her insignia. BEVERLY Crusher to Bridge... she's in REM sleep... 111 INT. ENTERPRISE - BRIDGE - INTERCUTTING DATA Thank you, Doctor. (to Picard) Activating the Bussard collectors. 112 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The collectors on the engine nacelles begin to emit a thin stream of red gas. 113 INT. ENTERPRISE - SICKBAY Camera DRIFTS into Troi's face as she sleeps. STAR TREK: "Night Terrors" - REV. 1/4/91 - ACT FIVE 54. 114 INT. NIGHTMARE VOID (OPTICAL) Troi is floating in the mists... the twin lights glow through the fog... the sighing voice calls from beyond... Troi drifts deeper into the foggy emptiness... TROI Where are you? SIGHING VOICE Eyes... in the dark... Troi turns and looks back, as though searching for a way out. She is uncertain, fearful.... 115 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The streams of hydrogen are reaching further into space. 116 INT. ENTERPRISE - BRIDGE DATA We have ninety seconds remaining. 117 IN THE NIGHTMARE (OPTICAL) Troi turns back toward the lights, floats on through the swirling vapors... the blurred and indistinct shapes seem a long way off. TROI Where are you... ? 118 INT. ENTERPRISE - SICKBAY Beverly tries to concentrate on the brain scanner monitor. DATA'S COM VOICE How is she, Doctor? BEVERLY (touches com) Still in REM sleep... DATA'S COM VOICE And how are you? STAR TREK: "Night Terrors" - REV. 1/4/91 - ACT FIVE 55. 118 CONTINUED: BEVERLY ...I'm... fine... 119 INT. NIGHTMARE ROOM (OPTICAL) Troi drifts on, pushing at the clouds as though they had substance. TROI Where are you? I have to find you... I have to tell you... The sighing voice grows louder, eerier. Troi looks frightened... the voice swirls louder, like wind before a thunderstorm. 120 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) The streams of hydrogen now reach deep into space. 121 INT. ENTERPRISE - BRIDGE DATA Forty-five seconds remaining. 122 IN THE NIGHTMARE The voice is louder now, deafening... a wind has swirled the fog into grotesque shapes and patterns... it's hard going... Troi falls to the ground... TROI Please... I must find you... tell you... Then, suddenly, she looks up, startled by something in front of her. 123 INT. ENTERPRISE - BRIDGE DATA Thirty seconds... 124 IN THE NIGHTMARE (OPTICAL) Troi looks up to see -- STAR TREK: "Night Terrors" - REV. 1/4/91 - ACT FIVE 56. 125 A SHAPE - HER POV (OPTICAL) A dark figure, no more than a shadow, moving toward her from the gloom. 126 TROI (OPTICAL) stares at him, startled. 127 INT. ENTERPRISE - BRIDGE DATA Ten seconds. 128 OMITTED 129 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) From the collectors, the last of the hydrogen stretches into space... a long, long way... 130 INT. ENTERPRISE - BRIDGE (OPTICAL) as Data and Picard watch... the beam knifes through the darkness... disappears in the distance... they wait... wait... The lights dim further... PICARD Nothing... no explosion... DATA The Counselor was unsuccessful. A beat... and then they see -- 131 EXT. SPACE - HUGE EXPLOSIONS (OPTICAL) A brilliant pyrotechnical display... an explosion, which illuminates the funnel-shaped %7F%7Frift" in which they have been trapped. 132 INT. ENTERPRISE - BRIDGE (OPTICAL) as Picard and Data see the explosion, roiling and raging. There is a hum as power is restored and lights snap on. Picard rises... instinctively knowing what to do... STAR TREK: "Night Terrors" - REV. 1/4/91 - ACT FIVE 57. 132 CONTINUED: PICARD Activate impulse engines... DATA Engines activated, sir... Data presses several panels on his Ops pad. 133 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) grabs power, accelerates, skims through the last sparks of the diminishing explosion... directly into the center of the rift... And passing it, going the opposite direction... a shapeless mass... a sparkling energy field... the other ship. 134 INT. ENTERPRISE - SICKBAY Troi smiles... then her eyes flutter open as she comes awake. 135 INT. ENTERPRISE - BRIDGE (OPTICAL) The Enterprise clears the event and emerges into the quiet starfield once more. DATA We have cleared the rift, sir. Warp engines are coming back on line. PICARD Set a course... STAR TREK: "Night Terrors" - REV. 12/20/90 - ACT FIVE 58. 135 CONTINUED: DATA Setting a course for Starbase Two-twenty. Sir, as my final duty as Acting Captain, I order you to bed. I shall do the same for all personnel. PICARD Very well, Mister Data... He rises, pauses. PICARD And... thank you. DATA Yes, sir. Pleasant dreams. Picard EXITS the Bridge, and Data, alone, implacably pilots the ship toward safe harbor. 136 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as the ship streaks away. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END