STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Time's Arrow" #40275-226 Story by Joe Menosky Teleplay by Joe Menosky & Michael Piller Directed by Les Landau THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1992 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. FINAL DRAFT APRIL 6, 1992 STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - REV. 4/06/92 - CAST STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Time's Arrow" CAST PICARD SAMUEL CLEMENS RIKER BELLBOY DATA GAMBLER BEVERLY SEAMAN TROI AMERICAN INDIAN GEORDI BEGGAR WORF DOORMAN ROUGHNECK GUINAN SCIENTIST Non-Speaking A MAN Non-Speaking A WOMAN SUPERNUMERARIES N.D. MAN (MISTER LANE) BUSINESSMAN SOCIETY PEOPLE ALIENS STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - 4/06/92 - SETS STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Time's Arrow" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE MAIN BRIDGE READY ROOM DEVIDIA TWO ENGINEERING TEN FORWARD 24TH CENT. SAN FRANCISCO OBSERVATION LOUNGE HOTEL 19TH CENT. SAN FRANCISCO/ DATA'S ROOM STREET POKER ROOM ALLEY 24TH CENTURY SAN FRANCISCO UNDERGROUND CAVERN HOTEL VICTORIAN HOME VICTORIAN HOME BALLROOM STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - 4/06/92 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Time's Arrow" TEASER FADE IN: 1 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) in orbit of Earth. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, stardate 45959.1. The Enterprise has been recalled to sector zero zero one on a priority mission. 2 EXT. 24TH CENTURY SAN FRANCISCO - DAY - ESTABLISHING PICARD (V.O.) (continuing) All we've been told is that evidence has been discovered indicating the presence of extraterrestrials on Earth... five centuries ago. 3 INT. UNDERGROUND CAVERN PICARD and DATA move down a tunnel illuminated by mining lights... a SCIENTIST, male, late forties, leads the way... SCIENTIST Work crews were down here installing seismic regulators when they found some remarkable artifacts... He pulls back a tarp to reveal a collection of artifacts from the late 1800s... perhaps a broken pair of bifocals, a pocket watch, a pistol, a canteen, bullets and bullet case... PICARD And it's been determined that they date back to the late nineteenth century... ? STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - REV. 4/09/92 - TEASER 2. 3 CONTINUED: DATA (studying them) The biofocal vision aide is typical of the era... the weapon is a forty-five caliber single action cavalry pistol invented by Colt Firearms in 1873. SCIENTIST (nods) Look inside the watch. Data examines the watch and opens it... time has stopped long ago... the face is cracked and broken... there is an engraving: "To S.L.C., with love. 30 November, 1889." PICARD What makes you think extraterrestrials are related to this discovery... SCIENTIST The crew was having a problem with the regulators... something in the cavern was interfering with the phase conditioners... it turned out to be the cavern itself... do you have a tricorder, Commander? Data takes out his tricorder and takes readings, reacts curiously... DATA The composition of the exposed rockface has been altered by exposure to triolic waves... SCIENTIST Which you're not going to find on Earth... in either the nineteenth or twenty-fourth century... PICARD Triolic waves? STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - REV. 4/09/92 - TEASER 3. 3 CONTINUED: (2) DATA The byproduct of an energy source employed by very few species because of its deleterious effects on living tissue... SCIENTIST We've confirmed that no one has been in or out of this cavern in centuries... so we're left with a five-hundred-year-old mystery. PICARD I'm curious, Doctor. There are far greater experts on Earth who could investigate your mystery. Why bring the Enterprise all the way home? The scientist gives them a quick, grim glance ... SCIENTIST As we continued our excavation, we found one other thing I haven't shown you yet... He leads them across the chamber... SCIENTIST We've tried to leave everything as we found it... He pulls back another tarp to reveal something we don't immediately see... 4 PICARD reacts, stunned. 5 DATA reacts, very curious. STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - 4/06/92 - TEASER 4. 6 THE SCIENTIST studies their reactions and as he looks back down we follow his gaze to see Data's head broken at the neck... dusty, old and dead... FADE OUT. END OF TEASER STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - REV. 4/16/92 - ACT ONE 5. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes.) 7 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) Still in orbit of Earth... PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, stardate 45960.2. We have transported the materials discovered in the cavern back to the ship for analysis. I wish I could be as dispassionate about the implications as my second officer... 8 INT. ENGINEERING (OPTICAL) Close on Data's head at a work station... it is open, circuitry exposed, Data examines it with a 24th-century microscopic device... Picard and RIKER look over his shoulder, waiting for some conclusion... DATA Interesting... there has been a twelve percent decomposition of the bitanium in the neural pathway links... it suggests the alloys are vulnerable to... RIKER Data... DATA Yessir... ? RIKER How can you look inside that... and analyze the decomposition... without... without... Riker struggles for the right word for a beat... DATA Emotion, sir? RIKER ... without, I don't know... STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - REV. 4/13/92 - ACT ONE 5A. 8 CONTINUED: DATA I am simply trying to make an objective assessment. PICARD Is it... yours, Data? STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - REV. 4/07/92 - ACT ONE 6. 8 CONTINUED: DATA I am quite certain that it is, Captain. PICARD Could it be Lore? DATA My brother's positronic brain had a type L phase-discriminating amplifier... mine is type R. PICARD (re: the head) Type R? DATA (acknowledging) Yessir. PICARD Can you determine how long it has been in the cavern? DATA (glances at Riker) As I was going to say, the decomposition strongly indicates that life was terminated approximately five hundred years ago. That would be consistent with the other artifacts recovered. RIKER Your head is not an artifact. DATA In relative terms, perhaps not. Nevertheless, it seems clear that my life is to end in the late nineteenth century. RIKER Not if we can help it. DATA (curious) There is nothing anyone can do to prevent it, sir. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - 4/06/92 - ACT ONE 6A. 8 CONTINUED: (2) DATA (cont'd) At some future date, I will be transported back to nineteenth century Earth... where I will die. It has occurred. It will occur. The ease with which he speaks it is unnerving. GEORDI, who has been working in another part of engineering, moves to them... GEORDI I can't tell you exactly who the aliens were... but I have found out a few things... He sits at a computer station... calls up something on the monitor... GEORDI The triolicized rock face tells us we're probably dealing with a species with microcentrum cell membranes. Triolic waves wouldn't harm them. Also might mean they're shape shifters of some kind... STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - 4/06/92 - ACT ONE 7. 8 CONTINUED: (3) RIKER So they could have appeared as Humans on Earth... GEORDI (nods) I don't think it's anyone we've run into before... nothing we found matches up with any known lifeform... He switches programs... GEORDI What does match up... is a cellular fossil that might have just come along for the ride... PICARD Cellular fossil... ? 9 ANGLE (OPTICAL) He calls up a blow-up of a one cell fossil... GEORDI A microscopic ciliated lifeform... not that different from a thousand other single cell lifeforms that you'd find on any planet surface... except this particular one is L-B-one-zero-four-four-five... and L-B-one-zero-four-four-five is only known to exist on one planet... Devidia Two in the Marrab sector... PICARD Number One, lay in a course... RIKER Aye, sir... He EXITS... there's a moment when Picard exchanges a glance with Data, like there's something he might like to say, but then he follows Riker out... on Data's expression... STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - 4/06/92 - ACT ONE 8. 10 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) Going to warp. 11 INT. TEN FORWARD (OPTICAL) Data and Geordi sit at the bar... a beat in silence... Geordi is obviously shaken by the events, is depressed... GEORDI So? Data cocks his head. DATA I have no reference point by which your question can be answered. GEORDI So... do you feel like talking about it? DATA Are you referring to the foreknowledge of my death? GEORDI Yeah. DATA I have no particular desire to discuss the matter. (beat) Do you feel like talking about it? GEORDI Yeah. DATA Why? GEORDI Data... it's gotta bother you a little... DATA On the contrary, I find it rather... comforting. STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - 4/06/92 - ACT ONE 9. 11 CONTINUED: GEORDI (surprised) Comforting... DATA I have often wondered about my own mortality as I have seen others age around me... Until now, it has been theoretically possible that I would live an unlimited period of time. And although some might find this attractive, to me it only reinforces the fact that I am... artificial. GEORDI I never realized... how tough all this must be for you... DATA "Tough"? GEORDI Knowing that you would outlive all your friends. DATA (blind to sentiment) I expected to make new friends. GEORDI True. DATA And then outlive them as well. A poignant beat. Geordi nods, beginning to understand. GEORDI Now that you know you might not... DATA ... it provides a sense of completion to my future. In a way, I am not so different from anyone else. I can now look forward to death. GEORDI I never thought of it that way. DATA One might even conclude that it brings me one step closer to being Human. I am mortal. STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - REV. 4/20/92 - ACT ONE 10. 11 CONTINUED: (2) PICARD'S COM VOICE Picard to bridge officers... we're approaching the Devidia system... report to your stations... Data rises to leave... GEORDI See you later... let's get together for a game of chess or something, okay? Data cocks his head, acknowledges, EXITS. Geordi looks down at his drink, shakes his head and grins... GUINAN (o.c.) Looked like quite an intense discussion. He looks up 12 ANGLE to see GUINAN arriving... GEORDI Yeah... talking about life, death, the future... GUINAN Somebody getting married? GEORDI Naw. Somebody's gonna die. GUINAN Die? GEORDI They found Data's head a mile below San Francisco... been down there for five centuries... A solemn expression passes across her face... she's disconcerted by the announcement... GUINAN That's why the Enterprise was sent back to Earth... I didn't realize... STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - REV. 4/20/92 - ACT ONE 11. 12 CONTINUED: GEORDI Yeah, something, isn't it? She looks at him with a unusually concerned expression... she knew this was coming... she's been waiting for it... GEORDI (continuing) He seems fine about it... better than I am... (stands) I better get to engineering... She acknowledges... and he EXITS... and stay on her for a long beat... and push into her as she says to herself... GUINAN Full circle. And we may not know what it means yet... but the way she says it... with fatalist tones... we realize she has knowledge about this that she has not shared with Geordi... 12A INT. CORRIDOR Riker is at a turbolift as Troi arrives... an acknowledgment and then... TROI I heard about Data. RIKER Yeah. TROI It's having an unusually traumatic effect on everyone. RIKER Yeah. TROI If you don't want to talk about it, it's okay. RIKER I'm fine. I'm just... STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - REV. 4/20/92 - ACT ONE 11A. 12A CONTINUED: TROI ...angry. RIKER No not angry. (beat, realizing she's right) Yeah, angry. Why should I be angry? TROI Maybe it reminds us all of our own mortality. RIKER I just don't want to believe it. TROI (beat) Have you ever heard Data define friendship? RIKER No... TROI How did he put it... something like... (Data impression) "As I experience certain sensory input patterns my mental pathways become accustomed to them. The inputs eventually are anticipated and even 'missed' when absent." She even cocks her head. RIKER (smiles) You do that very well. So what's the point? TROI He's "used" to us... and we're "used" to him... it's like finding out someone you love has a terminal illness and... The turbolift door opens, revealing Data inside... she stops in mid-conversation... uneasy tension... STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - REV. 4/20/92 - ACT ONE 11B. 12A CONTINUED: (2) RIKER (quickly) Data... DATA (nodding) Counselor. Commander. Riker and Troi step inside... 12B INT. TURBOLIFT - CONTINUOUS ACTION All three are facing forward. There is an uncomfortable beat of silence. DATA Would either of you mind if I made a personal inquiry? The door closes and it begins to move up. TROI Personal inquiry? No, go right ahead. DATA I am perceiving an apparent change in the way that others act toward me. For example, people abruptly end their conversations when I appear... as you did when the turbolift doors opened. Is this an accurate observation? RIKER TROI Not at all. Yes. RIKER (beat, sighs) Yes. TROI You're right, Data. And it's not a very nice thing to do. RIKER (struggling) It's just that our mental pathways have... become accustomed to your... sensory input patterns... The door opens at the bridge... STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - REV. 4/20/92 - ACT ONE 11C. 12B CONTINUED: DATA I understand. I am fond of you too, Commander. Data EXITS... Troi and Riker take a beat and then EXIT too... 13 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) Coming out of warp approaching a planet. 14 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Data, WORF, Riker. Picard ENTERS from the ready room. RIKER We're in orbit. PICARD Any sign of life? WORF Negative. STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - REV. 4/07/92 - ACT ONE 12. 14 CONTINUED: DATA Sir, sensors are picking up unusual temporal disturbances on a small area of the planet's surface... forty-two degrees, seven minutes north by eighty-eight degrees declination east. RIKER (exchanges a glance with Picard) Temporal disturbances... PICARD Take us into a standard orbit above those coordinates... DATA Spectral analysis shows a high level of triolic waves emanating from the same location. RIKER Do they correlate with your readings from Earth, Data? DATA Affirmative, sir... the magnetic signature is identical to the one found in the cavern. PICARD Would these triolic waves be dangerous to humanoids? DATA Only with longterm exposure. There is no immediate threat. PICARD (to Riker) Take an away team. RIKER Worf... Data rises to join the team... but Riker pointedly leaves him out... continuing... STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - 4/06/92 - ACT ONE 12A. 14 CONTINUED: (2) RIKER (to com) Riker to La Forge. Meet the away team in transporter room three... GEORDI'S COM VOICE Aye, sir... He starts to exit... Data reacts... DATA Commander... PICARD (interrupting) Mister Data, I'll need you on the bridge to monitor the sensor readings during this investigation... Picard nods to Riker who EXITS with Troi and Worf. STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - REV. 4/07/92 - ACT ONE 13. 14 CONTINUED: (3) DATA Captain, may I speak to you alone? Picard would like to avoid this... but there is no way, so he nods and leads Data into... 15 INT. READY ROOM - CONTINUOUS DATA Sir, it is established procedure that the second officer accompanies the away... PICARD Yes, yes I am aware of that... DATA Then I must assume that this decision is related to the discovery on Earth of... PICARD I see no reason why we shouldn't take reasonable precautions... DATA Captain, no disrespect intended, but there is no rational justification for such a course... PICARD Then, I shall be irrational. DATA It is possible, sir, that the events leading to my death may not begin for years... even centuries. PICARD I hope that's true, Data. Nevertheless, this investigation began with your death... I am simply trying to see that it doesn't end the same way. DATA (beat) While I appreciate your concern, sir, if I may employ an aphorism, one cannot cheat fate. STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - REV. 4/07/92 - ACT ONE 14. 15 CONTINUED: PICARD Cheat fate... ? Perhaps we can't, Mister Data. But, to be honest, I don't think I could forgive myself... if we didn't at least give it a try. On Data's reaction... 16 EXT. PLANET SURFACE - NIGHT Ominous. Riker, Troi, Worf and Geordi MATERIALIZE... move around, investigating with tricorders... a natural rockface environment... Troi is getting some unusual feelings now, she can't put her finger on it yet... Geordi moves along an invisible perimeter, taking readings... GEORDI The concentration of triolic waves falls off about here... (walking into the rockface)) It increases exponentially the closer in we go... RIKER What's the source? Is there something underground? GEORDI Negative, Commander. RIKER Then what's the explanation? GEORDI Don't have one yet. (hits combadge) LaForge to Enterprise. DATA'S COM VOICE Go ahead. INTERCUT: 17 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Data at the aft science station. Picard at command. STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - REV. 4/07/92 - ACT ONE 15. 17 CONTINUED: GEORDI'S COM VOICE Run a spectral field correlation for me... see if these triolic readings are directly related to the temporal distortions... DATA Acknowledged. Data moves from one console to another... begins pressing a series of panels... 18 EXT. PLANET SURFACE Moving to find Troi... who is walking with an inner purpose... RIKER (concerned) Deanna... TROI There is life here... a child... an old woman... dozens more... dozens... hundreds... terrified... RIKER Terrified... ? TROI My God... they're Human. Off reactions... FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - REV. 4/07/92 - ACT TWO 16. ACT TWO FADE IN: 19 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) Still in orbit. 20 INT. MAIN BRIDGE Picard reacts as... RIKER'S COM VOICE Troi's convinced they're human... they may be trapped somehow... we're not sure... Data moves from the aft station... DATA Captain, the results of my temporal analysis may be pertinent... Picard nods, go ahead. DATA It indicates a synchronic distortion in the areas emanating triolic waves... INTERCUTTING: 21 EXT. PLANET SURFACE - NIGHT GEORDI That explains a few things. How much, Data? DATA'S COM VOICE A positive displacement of point zero-zero-four percent. GEORDI (off Riker's look) Whatever or whoever's there... is out of phase with us... But we're only talking about a fraction of a second... STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - REV. 4/06/92 - ACT TWO 17. 21 CONTINUED: WORF A fraction of a second would make them invisible? GEORDI A millisecond, a year... it wouldn't make any difference... If what we're reading is accurate, we're occupying the same space... but in a different time... RIKER How do we compensate? 22 INT. MAIN BRIDGE (INTERCUT CONTINUING) DATA Commander, we might be able to manipulate the synchronic distortion... GEORDI (nodding) Maybe. If we created a contained subspace forcefield. But to get a point zero-zero-four variance, we'd need an incredibly sensitive phase discriminator, Data... I don't think we've got one that would come close... DATA Yes, we do. It is built into my positronic decompiler. Reactions all around. DATA It would be necessary for me to join the away team, Captain. Picard looks at him. A long beat. So much for cheating fate. PICARD (beat) Proceed. As Data EXITS... a last look by Picard and... STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - REV. 4/07/92 - ACT TWO 18. 23 EXT. PLANET SURFACT - NIGHT (OPTICAL) The away team reacts as Data MATERIALIZES... he is wearing a phaser, carrying a small generator and other tech gear in a carrying case... RIKER (grim) Mister Data... DATA Sir. GEORDI Let me give you a hand here, Data... Geordi quickly moves to assist him in preparing... turns on the generator... checks that it is functioning properly... DATA (to Riker) Once I have adjusted the forcefield, I will no longer be visible, Commander... however, I have taken steps to ensure that you will still be able to hear me. If you would assist me in a test of the com system... Data presses his combadge... Riker follows suit... and now as Data talks there is an echo over the com... DATA (continuing) My voice will be transmitted on a delay correlated to the phase adjustment... it should allow me to maintain verbal contact... RIKER Will we be able to talk to you? DATA Nossir, that will not be possible. GEORDI You're ready to go... He hands Data a hand control and the mobile generator (which should have a handle). Data turns it on with the hand control. There is an optical zap between the generator and the remote control... STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - 4/06/92 - ACT TWO 18A. 23 CONTINUED: GEORDI Subspace field is established... Data moves toward the slab... working the hand controls... DATA Adjusting for synchronic distortion... point zero-zero-one... STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - REV. 4/06/92 - ACT TWO 19. 23 CONTINUED: (2) And with each count he begins to fade... and so does the echo... DATA Point zero-zero-two... point zero-zero-three... point zero-zero four... And he's gone... his com voice is our only reference point... DATA'S COM VOICE I have made visual contact... (beat) There are lifeforms here... 24 thru OMITTED 25 26 PICARD on the bridge... listens... DATA'S COM VOICE They are either unaware of me or choosing to ignore me... I am moving approximately ten meters north of my starting position to observe more closely... 27 thru OMITTED 28 29 RESUME AWAY TEAM (VARIOUS) listening... DATA'S COM VOICE They range from two to three meters in height... silver-gray in color... they have four limbs... no eyes or ears are noticeable... (MORE) STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - REV. 4/06/92 - ACT TWO 20. 29 CONTINUED: DATA'S COM VOICE (cont'd) ... there is a single orifice where a humanoid forehead would ordinarily be. They are reclined against the rockface... surrounding an apparatus of some sort... approximately one-point-five meters in height... RIKER (to Geordi) An apparatus? 30 PICARD listens... DATA'S COM VOICE It is releasing what appear to be energy fragments... which are then ingested by the entities through their orifice... perhaps some sort of nourishment... STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - REV. 4/07/92 - ACT TWO 21. 31 THE AWAY TEAM As he describes his movements, the officer's eyes follow the invisible trail. DATA'S COM VOICE The upper portion of the apparatus seems to be a holding facility for the energy segments... there are hundreds, perhaps thousands of these fragments inside. (beat) I have resumed a northern direction... There is no evidence yet of Humans... GEORDI (to himself) Okay, enough, Data... come on back now... 32 thru OMITTED 33 34 PICARD DATA'S COM VOICE I have encountered another lifeform... an ophidian... it seems to be restricted by a forcefield... 35 OMITTED 36 THE AWAY TEAM DATA'S COM VOICE Two of the silver-gray entities are approaching it... they have released the forcefield... Suddenly there is a sonic boom... reactions... STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - 4/06/92 - ACT TWO 22. 37 OMITTED 38 PICARD reacts to the sound... which is followed by a deafening swirling sound of a tornado... DATA'S COM VOICE (breaking up) ...temporal... massive... the ophidian is capable of... 39 OMITTED 40 THE AWAY TEAM reacts... DATA'S COM VOICE (breaking up) ...Caught... attempting to... His voice dissappears into the searing noise... 41 thru OMITTED 43 44 ANOTHER ANGLE ON AWAY TEAM (OPTICAL) as they see a flash twenty meters away... TROI Data! All of them break simultaneously into a run... and when they get there, they look down to see... STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - 4/06/92 - ACT TWO 23. 45 ANGLE - THE GENERATOR AND HAND CONTROL are all that is left. 46 REACTIONS PICARD'S COM VOICE Commander Riker, report! The away team use their tricorders as they search in vain for any trace of Data... RIKER (beat) We've lost him. 46A PICARD reacts. A long beat. 47 OMITTED 48 EXT. ALLEY - DAY - CLOSE ON DATA lying on the ground, trying to get his bearings. The first thing we notice is how quiet it is... Data looks around, slowly rises... the alley is nondescript... but there are old style garbage cans... a cobblestone street surface... brick wall buildings. Data (who still has his phaser on his belt) moves slowly toward the street... reacts as he sees... 49 OMITTED 50 WIDE a street scene out of San Francisco circa 1890s... FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - REV. 4/07/92 - ACT THREE 24. ACT THREE FADE IN: 51 EXT. SAN FRANCISCO STREET - CONTINUOUS Data continues to take in the 19th-century ambience. It's a cosmopolitan mixture of people and costumes. Two rough-looking DOCK WORKERS, three N.D. URBANITES, a pair of CHINESE IMMIGRANTS. He gets strong REACTIONS of curiosity re: his appearance. Data button-holes one of the roughnecks. DATA Pardon me. I am searching for two individuals with an ophidian. The two men give him a blank look. DATA (continuing) I beg your pardon -- a snake. The two roughnecks look at each other and laugh -- Data's precise speech pattern strikes them as inordinately funny. ROUGHNECK (to partner; re: Data) Frenchman. The partner laughs and the two ruffians keep going. Data cocks his head in reaction, glances around some more, spots a section of NEWSPAPER with some crumpled trash along a wall. He bends and picks it up, straightening the page to read it. 52 CLOSE ON THE NEWSPAPER The paper is the SAN FRANCISCO REGISTER and the headline reads CHOLERA OUTBREAK -- HUNDREDS DIE. The date: AUGUST 13, 1893. BEGGAR (o.s.) Could you help out a Forty-Niner? 53 RESUME AND INCLUDE A BEGGAR in his sixties, unsteady on his feet, who has just stepped up to Data. STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - REV. 4/07/92 - ACT THREE 24A. 53 CONTINUED: BEGGAR (continuing) I fell down a shaft... He indicates a stiff leg. BEGGAR (continuing) And got blown up in a tunnel... STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - REV. 4/13/92 - ACT THREE 25. 53 CONTINUED: (2) DATA That is unfortunate. BEGGAR Most unfortunate. I require large quantites of whiskey as a linament. The man gives a dry cough and slumps for a moment against Data... he takes a deep ragged breath to collect himself. DATA I am sorry but I have no whiskey to give you. BEGGAR I'll take a dime. DATA I am sorry. But I have no form of legal tender. The beggar considers Data for a moment. BEGGER We're both in the same boat, eh? (beat) This is my corner. Go find your own. A beat. Data takes advantage of the moment. DATA I would be happy to do so. However, I am presently in need of information. BEGGAR (grudginly) The stockbrokers are cheap as hell -- don't even ask 'em. Best handout is a young man with his lady. You give him a chance to impress her by bein' generous. But stay clear of the sailors -- likely as not, you'll get a fist across the jaw for your trouble. DATA Thank you for the advice, but I am trying to find two individuals with a snake. STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - REV. 4/13/92 - ACT THREE 25A. 53 CONTINUED: (3) BEGGAR (scowls, pointing) A snake? You're an odd fellow, aren't you? Best not be too particular about who you're requesting funds from -- The Beggar starts to cough violently -- DATA You require medical attention. I will find a doctor -- BEGGAR No. (beat) It's too late for that... The Beggar struggles off after another passerby -- BEGGAR (to passerby) Help a Forty-Niner... STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - REV. 4/07/92 - ACT THREE 26. 53 CONTINUED: (3) -- leaving Data alone. Data drops the newspaper where he found it, glances around the street... 54 ANGLE - HOTEL ENTRANCE A BELLBOY is loading a suitcase into a HORSEDRAWN CARRIAGE as the suitcase owner stands by. The man hands some coins to the Bellboy, then gets into the carriage. The Bellboy closes the door after him, and the carriage is driven off. 54A INCLUDE DATA heading over toward him, as the Bellboy steps over to two MEN who are standing at a doorway nearby. The Bellboy hands the coins over to one of them. BELLBOY Put it on Gentleman Jim. K.O. in the fifth. The man nods. The Bellboy heads for the Hotel entrance -- Data is waiting for him. DATA I require temporary lodging. The Bellboy reacts to Data's clothes and appearance. BELLBOY (indicates Data's clothes) Looks like the missus booted you out in the middle of the night. Data thinks for a moment -- the light goes on in his eyes. DATA I understand the source of your misperception. (indicating clothes) But this is not sleepware. And I have no... missus. The Bellboy is staring at him doubtfully. STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - REV. 4/13/92 - ACT THREE 27. 54A CONTINUED: A beat -- Data grabs at a cover story. DATA I am a Frenchman. The Bellboy shrugs. BELLBOY Everybody's from somewhere. That doesn't matter at this hotel. It's six bits a day or four dollars a week. DATA I have no money. BELLBOY Now that matters... DATA I am capable of performing a significant range of tasks -- both mental and physical. Perhaps your hotel could offer me... a job. BELLBOY Well, I don't know. We got a maid we're pretty happy with. The cook's decent. The dishwasher's drunk all day but at least he shows up on time. And then there's me -- I do everything else. (shrugs) Sorry. Suddenly, an N.D. MAN steps out of the hotel behind them, putting his hat on, looking down in the dumps as he steps past them. BELLBOY (to man) Lady Luck not with ya, tonight, Mister Lane? The man shoots him a hard look, then sullenly continues offscreen. A beat until he's gone, and the Bellboy laughs to Data. BELLBOY (continuing) Hasn't filled a straight in five weeks. STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - REV. 4/13/92 - ACT THREE 27A. 54A CONTINUED: (2) Data's head jerks to attention. DATA Poker? OFF Data's face... STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - REV. 4/07/92 - ACT THREE 28. 54B INT. POKER ROOM - DAY - ON THE DOOR A KNOCK. No response. A beat and the door opens, revealing Data, who steps inside. He looks up, sees what he came for. 55 ON A POKER TABLE where the tension is palpable. No one has even glanced in Data's direction. Four MEN are at the poker table: A sophisticated NEW ORLEANS GAMBLER in Southern gentleman clothes, including a BLACK VEST. A burly, mean-looking SEAMAN in appropriate costume. An AMERICAN INDIAN wearing urban, nontribal clothing, including a BOWLER HAT. A slightly chubby, local BUSINESSMAN. The Gambler and the American Indian appear to be the big winners, with considerable piles of currency and silver dollars in front of each. They are at the end of a hand. Frustrated, the Businessman tosses down his cards, folding. The Gambler carefully puts his cards down as well. GAMBLER Fold. The Seaman is in a staring match with the American Indian, both still holding their hands. The Seaman studies his impassive opponent -- the American Indian is unreadable. SEAMAN Go to Blazes! He angrily tosses down his hand, folding. The American Indian silently collects the money in the pot, as the Gambler laughs. GAMBLER A poker face carved in marble. The Seaman puts a meaty hand on the Indian's downturned cards, intending to turn them over. SEAMAN What'd ya have? The Indian immediately lays his own hand on the cards -- stopping the Seaman from revealing them. There is a silent, tense beat of impending violence. STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - 4/06/92 - ACT THREE 28A. 55 CONTINUED: GAMBLER (to Seaman) Mind you, sir. It's a gentleman's prerogative to divulge a bluff. (re: Indian) Our friend wishes to remain cryptic. I believe it proper to respect that wish... STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - 4/06/92 - ACT THREE 29. 55 CONTINUED: (2) The Gambler is all smiles and conciliatory -- but there's a threat behind it that the physically more imposing seaman can't ignore. SEAMAN (taking his hand off cards) The devil take you all... He crosses his arms together, steaming. The Gambler gathers all the cards together and begins to shuffle as the Seaman glances up in surprise at an unseen interloper. SEAMAN (continuing; toward offscreen) What in hell do you want? 56 INCLUDE DATA standing nearby, having waited patiently for the hand to end. DATA I would like to join your game. Everyone gives him the once-over, a little taken aback by his appearance. The Indian alone is completely unruffled. He takes one look, and with a sophisticated, dry as dust delivery (NO cliche'd "Injun-speak") makes a joke off Data's skin tone. AMERICAN INDIAN Pale... face. The other players all laugh uproariously at the pun. The laughter dies down, the Seaman makes an unfriendly scowl toward Data. SEAMAN (re: Data's appearance) Don't like Easterners, personally. Data cocks his head, now more secure in his role as foreign visitor. DATA (confident) I am a Frenchman. The Gambler perks up at this, not quite believing it. STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - REV. 4/09/92 - ACT THREE 30. 56 CONTINUED: GAMBLER Ah. Mes parents sont originaires de Bourgogne. Je suis ne a la New Orleans. Data reacts to this unexpected response, taken momentarily for a loss. A beat. DATA (perfect accent) Alors nous sommes presque freres. Je suis heureux de vous connaitre. The Gambler laughs, surprised at the answer, then indicates an empty chair. GAMBLER Please, sir. Data sits down as the Gambler exchanges glances with his cohorts -- "we've got a live one here." The Gambler finishes up a shuffle, placing the deck in front of the android. GAMBLER (continuing) The game is poker. The deal is yours. The ante is four bits. Data confidently removes his COMMUNICATOR and places it in the center of the table. Everyone eyes the shining device. GAMBLER Family heirloom? DATA In a manner of speaking. It is a crystalline composite of silicon, beryllium... The Seaman picks it up and BITES INTO IT. DATA (continuing) Carbon-seventy, and -- SEAMAN (surprised) Gold. STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - REV. 4/07/92 - ACT THREE 30A. 56 CONTINUED: (2) DATA (nodding) Gold. The Seaman puts it back down. GAMBLER I'll give you three bucks for it. DATA I accept. The Gambler takes the communicator and pushes a few of his winnings over to Data. Data cuts the deck, picks up the two halves and shuffles them with an expert hand. OFF the other players' reactions to the perfect snap of the cards... STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - REV. 4/13/92 - ACT THREE 31. 57 INT. DATA'S HOTEL ROOM A modest hotel room, with a single bed, a desk, and a window. The door UNLOCKS AND OPENS. The Bellboy ENTERS, holding out an arm as if to present the room -- and Data STEPS INSIDE. The android is now wearing the American Indian's BOWLER HAT and the Gambler's BLACK VEST. He has obviously cleaned up big at the card game. BELLBOY Did you see the looks on their faces? I did everything I could not to laugh. DATA To whom are you referring? BELLBOY (what else) Frederick La Rouque and Joe Falling Hawk. Those two are card sharks. Oh sure, they play it easy at first so they don't scare off the marks, but give 'em enough time and they'll bleed a man dry -- especially an out-of-towner. DATA What was the source of your jocular reaction? The kid looks blank. DATA (continuing) What was it you found humorous? BELLBOY Don't you see? They had you pegged for a sap. (indicates Data's appearance) Those clothes you got on, the way you talk -- it's like you were born yesterday. You sure had them fooled. DATA It was not my intention to deceive. The Bellboy looks at Data's innocent face. The Bellboy can't decide whether Data's telling the truth or not. STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - REV. 4/13/92 - ACT THREE 31A. 57 CONTINUED: The kid shrugs. BELLBOY Have it your way. (indicates the room) This is the place. Breakfast is from six to eight. Checkout's at noon when you're ready to leave. DATA Thank you. The Bellboy stands there waiting -- the classic tip situation, but Data doesn't get it. The Bellboy holds out his hand. Data shakes it. DATA (continuing) It has been a pleasure. Data lets go of his hand and steps toward the window to glance outside. The Bellboy CLEARS HIS THROAT. Data turns. DATA (continuing) It would be advisable to monitor that cough. I have read that there is currently an epidemic of cholera in San Francisco... The young man is impatient. Annoyed at having to go through this to get a tip. BELLBOY Never felt better. Data still doesn't get it. The Bellboy again sticks out his hand, palm raised. Data stares at it, considers the situation -- finally understands. DATA Of course. The gratuity. The bellboy gives him an impatient grin of acknowledgement. Data pulls out a big wad of CASH from his waistband -- the poker winnings -- and peels off a dollar bill, handing it to the Bellboy. STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - REV. 4/13/92 - ACT THREE 31B. 57 CONTINUED: (2) DATA (continuing) Thank you for your assistance. The Bellboy takes the bill, amazed. BELLBOY A dollar! STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - REV. 4/08/92 - ACT THREE 32. 57 CONTINUED: (2) A beat as the kid stares dumbstruck at Data. DATA You are welcome. The Bellboy steps into the doorway, then turns back to Data. BELLBOY If there's anything you need -- it can get lonely in San Francisco. You might want some company. I can introduce you to Lillian. Data considers this for a moment. DATA I have no need for companionship. However, I do require some... supplies. Data steps over to the desk and picks up a PEN, dipping it into an INKPOT and writing onto a piece of PAPER. BELLBOY Anything you need, I can get it for you wholesale... I can get it for you less than wholesale if you don't ask me where it came from... Data hands him the piece of paper. The Bellboy stares at it, a bit puzzled by what he sees. BELLBOY What do you need all this stuff for? DATA I am an inventor... BELLBOY No kidding... well this is gonna take a while. I'll hafta go clear cross town. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - REV. 4/07/92 - ACT THREE 32A. 57 CONTINUED: (3) BELLBOY (cont'd) (beat) And it's not gonna be cheap. Data takes a few more bills off his roll and hands them to the young man. DATA You may retain the surplus for yourself. A beat. The Bellboy didn't quite get it. BELLBOY Keep the change? Data recalls the phrase. DATA Exactly. BELLBOY Done. The Bellboy is out the door like a shot, slamming it behind him. STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - REV. 4/07/92 - ACT THREE 33. 57 CONTINUED: (5) Data goes to the desk and sits down. He takes the pen and another piece of paper and begins to sketch a complicated circuit diagram... 58 EXT. STREET - DAY The Bellboy is shooting along the street, clutching Data's list in hand, smiling with enthusiasm over the money and the assignment. FOLLOW him for half a block, as he approaches the alley we've seen before. He doesn't stop (or even hear) the muffled MOAN as he passes by... BEGGAR (o.s.) (barely audible) Help out a Forty-Niner... As the Bellboy continues on his way -- 59 STAY ON THE BEGGAR propped up against some wooden boxes and other junk in the alley. He's in really bad shape, head rolling to the side, eyes half-closed, mumbling to himself, dying... BEGGAR (continuing) Fell down shaft... Forty-Niner... Help me... Help me out... A SHADOW falls over the old man, and even in his extreme state, he seems to feel the darkness intrude upon his heart... His eyes struggle open. 60 A COUPLE are standing in front of him. Both the man and woman are tall, handsome, elegantly dressed, aristocratic. But their faces are cold and expressionless -- like demons. The man holds a CANE with an elaborately carved SNAKE'S HEAD. The woman carries a VALISE, almost like a doctor's bag. They stare at the beggar, as if waiting... 61 INCLUDE THE BEGGAR (OPTICAL) as his face fills with horror at the apparition. STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - 4/06/92 - ACT THREE 34. 61 CONTINUED: BEGGAR No... He tries to struggle off his back, but there's no strength left in his body. BEGGAR No... He collapses, eyes closing for the last time... The couple watch impassively. Then the woman raises the Valise, aiming it at the dying man. The Valise GLOWS with a weird lighting effect, and extends a FIELD out toward the man's body, enveloping him for a moment, then withdrawing back into the Valise, which stops glowing. The couple turn and leave, clearing the screen. OFF the Forty-Niner, now cold and dead... FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - REV. 4/16/92 - ACT FOUR 35. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 62 EXT. ENTERPRISE In orbit above the planet. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's log, supplemental. Close-range sensor analysis has yielded no further trace of Commander Data. Despite the emotional repercussions among my crew, I must move this mission forward. 63 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE Picard, Riker, Troi, Geordi, Worf, BEVERLY. Cutting into the middle of a rare argument between Riker and Picard. RIKER I'm not willing to accept that he's dead and leave it at that... PICARD Mister Data cannot be our priority... RIKER What's more important than Data? Troi understands best at the table what Picard is saying, says it with the compassion... understanding the pain the people at the table are feeling... TROI Look at what we have so far... evidence that these aliens have been travelling back in time to Earth... BEVERLY What if they're trying to undermine our history for some reason... ? WORF Some kind of guerilla war... STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - REV. 4/09/92 - ACT FOUR 36. 63 CONTINUED: PICARD (nods) We have to operate on the assumption that there is a threat... if not to us then to 19th-century Earth. Our first order of business is to determine what that threat may be. (turns to Geordi) In order to do that, Mister La Forge, we must find a way to communicate with these life-forms... GEORDI It's not going to be easy to reproduce what Data did. We can create a contained subspace field... but we'd need an extraordinarily sensitive phase discriminator to get that point zero-zero-four variance. PICARD Can you build one? GEORDI It won't be as good as Data's... RIKER Will it be good enough? GEORDI I don't know. I can try... it's going to take a while... PICARD I don't want anyone else going in alone. GEORDI I should be able to create a subspace field large enough to encompass everyone. Adjusting the phase inside the field will be the hard part. PICARD Make it so. STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - REV. 4/07/92 - ACT FOUR 37. 63 CONTINUED: (2) He rises, signalling the end to the meeting. RIKER There's one thing we have to assume, Captain. Picard looks at Riker... RIKER That wherever he is, Data's doing the same thing we are... trying to get to the bottom of this... he may know a lot more about what's going on than we do. It might be in the best interests of this mission to find him... PICARD Perhaps in the course of our investigation we will. I hope so. As the others exit, Worf stands back with Riker for a beat... WORF (sotto, to Riker) If we do find Commander Data, it may be our fate to die with him... in the past. If our remains are in that cavern... they would have turned to dust long ago. He exchanges a look with Riker... 64 INT. TEN FORWARD (OPTICAL) After hours. The lighting is a little dimmer than normal. Two crewmembers at a far table are the only customers present. Guinan is behind the bar, working diligently over a dozen pieces of variously sized and shaped GLASSWARE, containing liquids or solid crystals of many hues. She's carefully pouring from a tiny vial into a LARGE GLASS, the tension and concentration evident on her face. PICARD (o.s.) (lightly) I'm afraid to interrupt. STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - REV. 4/06/92 - ACT FOUR 38. 65 INCLUDE PICARD (OPTICAL) stepping up to the bar as Guinan continues to pour without answering him until she's emptied the tiny vial. She relaxes and glances up. GUINAN Captain. You didn't have to come to me. I would've been happy to go to you. PICARD (re: glassware) And let me miss all this? I haven't seen such a complex operation since the Academy lab final in exochemistry. GUINAN It's a Tzartak aperitif. Very, very touchy. She picks up a small beaker and carefully pours. GUINAN (continuing) The trick is to change the evaporation point of the main ingredient. You want the temperature where the liquid goes to vapor to be half a degree below the body temperature of your customer. She adds a few tiny crystals to the glass. GUINAN (continuing) That way, the moment the liquid touches the tongue, it evaporates. The flavor is carried entirely by the vapor. STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - REV. 4/07/92 - ACT FOUR 39. 65 CONTINUED: She adds a few drops of liquid to the glass. GUINAN (continuing) But it's a highly delicate affair. A few molecules off and the vapor point crashes. Poof. It's gone. All of it. A long beat as Picard studies her. PICARD What did you want to see me about? A beat as Guinan studies her glassware. GUINAN I hear you're sending an away team down to the surface. PICARD Yes. GUINAN Are you going along? Picard reacts to the question. PICARD This is rather unusual... for you to be curious about an away mission... Guinan shrugs, starts slowly adding, drop by drop, another liquid to the glass. GUINAN Maybe it's an unusual away mission. PICARD Guinan, if you have something to tell me, I'm listening. STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - REV. 4/07/92 - ACT FOUR 40. 65 CONTINUED: (2) Guinan stops pouring. She stares straight at him, is more direct than we've ever seen her. GUINAN Starfleet captains usually don't accompany away teams... PICARD (agrees) That's general policy... GUINAN This time you have to... PICARD Why? GUINAN You just... do. He studies her a long beat... he needs more than that and she knows it. GUINAN You remember when we first met? PICARD Of course. GUINAN Don't be so sure. PICARD What do you mean? GUINAN I mean... if you don't go on this mission... She drops a single tiny crystal into the glass. A beat, then the liquid in the glass suddenly and furiously BOILS away in less than one second. GUINAN ... we didn't. OFF Picard's reaction. 66 EXT. SAN FRANCISCO HOTEL - DAY - ESTABLISHING - STOCK STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - 4/06/92 - ACT FOUR 40A-41. 67 INT. DATA'S HOTEL ROOM - DAY Data is at his desk, using a high-tech device he has built out of 19th-century materials. He is working on the exposed PHASER HOUSING. Data is now completely dressed in 19th-century clothing -- days have passed since we last saw him. SOUND: A heavy, low, muffled THUMP offscreen. Data glances up toward the door. A beat and he turns back to the work at hand. Another THUMP. This time closer. Data continues to work. Another beat, another THUMP. Data finally sets down the instrument and moves toward the door. The loudest THUMP yet, right outside. Data opens the door. 68 OMITTED 69 INCLUDE THE BELLBOY at the doorstep. Tucked in his back pocket is a rolled-up NEWSPAPER and at his feet is a HUGE ANVIL. The young man has obviously just moved it up the stairs to Data's room. He appears exhausted. BELLBOY Sorry it took so long, Mister Data. DATA An apology is not required. Data casually reaches down with one hand -- AND PICKS UP THE ANVIL as though it weighed an ounce. He starts toward the center of the room -- there's a noise of astonishment from the Bellboy. Data STOPS, knowing he's just made a huge mistake. The android quickly sets down the anvil, as if dropping it. He clutches his arm as though strained. BELLBOY You alright? DATA I appear to have overexerted myself... STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - REV. 4/09/92 - ACT FOUR 42. 69 CONTINUED: BELLBOY I'll say. A beat as the kid glances up at the light bouncing around the room. There's a glint of curiosity and lightness in his eyes that we've never seen before. BELLBOY You got it working. Data pulls out a dollar for tip money and hands it to the Bellboy, but the young man IGNORES it, continuing to stare fascinated at the light bouncing around the room. DATA Yes. BELLBOY Whatever it is. DATA (re: money) This is for your trouble. The Bellboy accepts it, but distractedly, as if more interested in what Data's created. BELLBOY What are you gonna do with the anvil? DATA I require a low intensity, magnetic field core. The iron mass of the anvil will provide that. The kid nods without comprehension. BELLBOY What's it gonna be when it's finished? Data cocks his head as he tries to form a reply... DATA What do you think it is... "gonna be"... ? STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - REV. 4/07/92 - ACT FOUR 42A. 69 CONTINUED: (2) BELLBOY If I were to guess... maybe a new kind of motor for one of those horseless carriages... DATA That is a good guess. BELLBOY No kiddin'. Damn. You really think there's money in those things? DATA (beat) Perhaps. BELLBOY Isn't that what makes America great? DATA To what are you referring? BELLBOY Man rides into town in his pajamas... wins a grub stake at a poker table and turns it into a horseless carriage and makes a million bucks. That's America. DATA (concerned at the conclusion) Perhaps I have given you an erroneous impression... BELLBOY Some day my ship's gonna come in... DATA You have a ship? BELLBOY Oh sure... and it's fulla gold... I'm just biding my time til it gets here... raising a stake any way I can... I've been a newsie, cut fish at a cannery, I've even been an oyster pirate... STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - 4/06/92 - ACT FOUR 43. 69 CONTINUED: (3) DATA That is a considerable spectrum of occupations. BELLBOY Can't stay in one place too long... I'm always looking for the angle, you know... say, maybe you and I could go into business selling your horseless carriage... you invent 'em, I sell 'em... I can sell anybody anything, whattaya say? DATA I believe your plan is a bit premature. BELLBOY Keep it in mind though. Well, I better get back... He starts to leave and the young man suddenly remembers the newspaper in his back pocket. BELLBOY I forgot! I got you something at the bakery on Third. He sets the paper down on the desk by Data, unrolling it to reveal the pastry inside. DATA Thank you, Jack. Data starts to pick out some coins to pay him back, but the young man brushes it off. BELLBOY It's on me... partner. And EXITS. Data reaches over to make an adjustment on the phaser housing. STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - 4/06/92 - ACT FOUR 44. 69 CONTINUED: (4) The newsprint and pastry are slightly in his way, so he picks up the edges of the paper and starts to slide it aside -- WHEN SOMETHING CATCHES HIS EYE. DATA STOPS DEAD, STARING AT THE NEWSPAPER. 70 CLOSE ON THE PAPER A caption reads: "Literary Reception Announced." Above the words is the hostess' face. IT'S GUINAN. And it's unmistakable. 71 RESUME DATA as stunned as an android can be... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - REV. 4/06/92 - ACT FIVE 45. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 72 EXT. SAN FRANCISCO VICTORIAN HOME - DAY To establish. 73 INT. BALLROOM - DAY An elegant reception. About two dozen well-dressed 19th-century society people are chatting in small groups. A single narrow TABLE holds drinks and canapes. CLEMENS (o.s.) The eminent scientist, Alfred Russell Wallace, has revived the theory that Earth is at the center of the stellar universe. 74 ON THE GENTLEMAN who from the white hair and suit, bushy eyebrows, large Cuban cigar, and soft Southern drawl is unmistakably SAMUEL CLEMENS, a.k.a. MARK TWAIN. There are a couple of people at the side, listening, but from this angle, we don't see to whom he is primarily directing his comments. CLEMENS (continuing)) This distinguished natural philosopher has reaffirmed our planet as the only habitable globe in the Heavens. A world constructed, furthermore, for the sole benefit of man. (beat) He's gotten a lot of folks excited about the notion. 75 INCLUDE GUINAN dressed in 19th-century costume, but with a couple of exotic touches (as though she were royalty from a far-flung island). STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - 4/06/92 - ACT FIVE 46. 75 CONTINUED: GUINAN Mister Clemens, why do I suspect you're not one of them? Her comment generates easy SMILES from Clemens and the others. Clemens is witty, charming -- but deeply cynical. CLEMENS (lightly) Your suspicions, Madam Guinan, are undoubtedly based upon your keen observational skills. Now if you'll permit me, I'll continue my character assassination unimpeded. Everyone laughs. GUINAN Please do. Clemens takes a big puff on his cigar. CLEMENS According to our best geologic estimate, the earth is approximately one hundred million years of age. Perhaps it is less, perhaps more. GUINAN Perhaps a great deal more. CLEMENS (nodding) Indeed. But regardless, it is ancient in the extreme. Now, geology also tells us that Man himself has existed for but a microscopic fraction of those years. Clemens blows a big puff of cigar smoke into the air. CLEMENS Curious, isn't it, that the world got by for such a great long while with no Humans around to take up space? (MORE) STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - REV. 4/06/92 - ACT FIVE 47. 75 CONTINUED: (2) CLEMENS (cont'd) I suppose Mister Wallace and his supporters would say the world needed all that time to prepare everything for our illustrious arrival. Clemens reaches out and casually takes an OYSTER canape off the plate of a GENTLEMAN standing near. He appears to study it carefully... CLEMENS (re: the canape) The oyster alone probably required fifteen million years to come out just right... Everyone laughs as he pops the canape into his mouth. A beat and Guinan gives him a sly smile. GUINAN And if the Earth isn't alone... If there are millions of inhabited planets in the Heavens... CLEMENS Quite my point. Man becomes a trivial creation, does he not? Lost in the vastness of the cosmic prairie, adrift on the deep ocean of time. A single one among countless others. Clemens appears pleased with himself. Guinan casually shrugs. GUINAN Then again, someone might say a diamond is still a diamond -- even if it is one among millions. It still shines as brightly. Touchˇ. A beat as Clemens studies her for a moment, then smiles. CLEMENS Indeed, someone might say that, Dear Lady. If someone thought the Human race were akin to a precious jewel. Clemens puffs the cigar and lets out the smoke. STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - REV. 4/06/92 - ACT FIVE 48. 75 CONTINUED: (3) CLEMENS (continuing) But this increasingly hypothetical someone would not be me. Guinan smiles. 76 ON THE ENTRYWAY - FAR ACROSS THE ROOM where Data has just ENTERED, wearing the fine clothes of a 19th-century gentleman. He pauses, scanning the room. DOORMAN (o.s.) Good afternoon, sir. Include the DOORMAN, a large man appropriately dressed, holding a GUESTLIST. The man eyes Data, reacting momentarily to his skin color, but then taking it in stride. Data shoots his cuffs, as if confident in his new role. DATA Good afternoon. I would like to speak to Guinan. DOORMAN (re: guestlist) And you are... ? Data's confidence suddenly flags as he realizes there's a list. DATA Data. The man checks the list. DOORMAN Mister Data... Could it be under another name? DATA I do not know... The Doorman is hesitant about possibly offending a misplaced invitee. STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - REV. 4/06/92 - ACT FIVE 49. 76 CONTINUED: DOORMAN I... can't seem to find you on our guest list, sir. DATA I am a personal friend. DOORMAN Madam Guinan has discovered many personal friends since the newspaper announcement. But if you're not on the guest list, there's nothing I can do. Data will not be denied, begins to move inside... DATA It is urgent that I see her... The Doorman tries to block his way... DOORMAN -- Sir, if you don't leave this house immediately, I will send for the police. DATA That is an excellent idea. I will wait for them inside. Data STRIDES STRAIGHT into the party. The Doorman grabs onto him, but is dragged along like a rag doll by Data's android strength. STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - REV. 4/07/92 - ACT FIVE 50. 77 ON GUINAN AND COMPANY still enjoying the conversation. DOORMAN (o.s.) Sir! Please! Guinan and Clemens and the others turn toward the noise. 78 INCLUDE DATA as he approaches them, dragging the Doorman behind him. DATA Guinan, I must speak with you immediately. Data stops in front of her. She reacts... looks at him without an ounce of recognition. DOORMAN (out of breath) Forgive me, madam... He's stronger than he looks. DATA (to Guinan) I am sorry about the disruption, but he did not believe me when I told him we were friends. GUINAN "We?" Meaning you and me? Have we met, Mister... DATA (puzzled) Data. Guinan looks completely blank. Data reacts -- SHE DOESN'T KNOW HIM. DATA Yes. We... were on a ship together. Guinan smiles, trying to socially defuse the situation, as well as find out who this strange man is. Clemens is keenly observant. GUINAN I've certainly done my share of travelling. What ship? STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - REV. 4/07/92 - ACT FIVE 51-52. 78 CONTINUED: DATA The Enterprise. GUINAN Is that a clipper ship? DATA It is a starship. Guinan REACTS -- suddenly she knows she's dealing with an alien like herself. But she also is acutely aware of the need to maintain appearances. CLEMENS (puzzled) A starship? What registry would that be? GUINAN Mister Data. Of course. (to Clemens) Excuse us, but we have so much to catch up on... STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - REV. 4/07/92 - ACT FIVE 53. 78 CONTINUED: (2) Guinan quickly hurries Data OFFSCREEN. Clemens is left with his hand in the air. He reaches up for his cigar and takes a long puff, staring in the direction the pair disappeared, a look of intrigued suspicion on his face... 79 thru OMITTED 80 81 ON DATA AND GUINAN as Guinan pulls him past the partygoers and around a door. GUINAN Let me guess. My father sent you. Well, you tell him I've still got a lot more listening to do -- DATA -- I was not sent by your father. A beat; Data realizes that she doesn't know who he is, but decides he has no choice. DATA Circumstances demand that I take you into my confidence. I require your assistance. A pause, then Data spills the beans. DATA (continuing) I am from the future. Guinan reacts with surprise. GUINAN Is this some kind of a joke? She stares at his guileless face. GUINAN (continuing) No, you don't look like the joking type. STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - REV. 4/06/92 - ACT FIVE 54. 81 CONTINUED: DATA That is correct. I am from the twenty-fourth century, where you and I serve together on the same starship. Guinan lets this sink in for a moment. Accepts it, for now. GUINAN Why do you need my help? DATA Our ship encountered a species who appear to be threatening 19th- century Earth. I investigated, and was inadvertently pulled into their temporal vortex. (beat) When I saw your photograph in the newspaper, I assumed you had joined me from the future. I know your species is long-lived -- but I did not realize you had visited Earth so long ago. Data suddenly NOTICES SOMETHING behind Guinan -- 81A A TENDRIL OF SMOKE wafting up from behind the door. Data and Guinan look from the smoke to each other. 82 FOLLOW DATA AND GUINAN as they step around the corner... 83 INCLUDE CLEMENS inches away from them, the big cigar firmly in hand. CLEMENS Eavesdropping is by no means a proper activity for a gentleman. (beat) Nonetheless, the deed is done... STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - REV. 4/06/92 - ACT FIVE 55. 83 CONTINUED: OFF the look between Data and Guinan -- he's heard everything. 84 EXT. ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) In orbit above the planet. 85 EXT. PLANET SURFACE - NIGHT Riker, Troi, Geordi, Worf and Beverly... all participate in the preparation of the field... there is a variety of technical gear with them... one three-foot- high generator with controls and readouts, three two-foot-high relay stations akin to a small satellite receiver... Geordi wields a tricorder pinpointing the perimeter... GEORDI Here... Worf sets down a generator expertly... aims it at Crusher and Riker about twenty yards away... 86 BEVERLY AND RIKER are doing roughly the same exercise... Beverly with the tricorder... BEVERLY The triolic waves end... right... here... Riker sets up a relay station, aligns it with Worf... 87 GEORDI has moved to join Troi against the rockface... who has already set up another relay... Geordi checks it with his tricorder... GEORDI That's fine, Counselor... As he moves to meet Worf against a parallel section of rockface who is setting up the last relay station... STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - 4/06/92 - ACT FIVE 56. 88 ANGLE (OPTICAL) Picard MATERIALIZES... the away team reacts... PICARD How soon will you be ready? GEORDI I think we are, Captain... Geordi goes to the generator and hits a panel, an optical flash passes between the generator and the three relays and disappears... the area is not a perfect square... GEORDI The subspace field is established. He looks at Riker for further instructions... Riker is beginning to worry about the captain's unexpected arrival... if it means he wants to be here for this, he has a big problem with that... RIKER I'd feel more comfortable if you'd monitor us from the ship, captain. PICARD I have reason to believe my presence on this mission is imperative. RIKER Imperative? PICARD Yes. (beat) Mister Worf, you will report to the bridge. WORF Sir... as security officer, my place is by your side. STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - REV. 4/07/92 - ACT FIVE 57. 88 CONTINUED: PICARD The security of the Enterprise is of paramount importance, Lieutenant. WORF (beat) Yes, sir. (hits combadge) Worf to Enterprise. TRANSPORTER OFFICER COM VOICE Go ahead. WORF (not pleased) Beam me up. TRANSPORTER OFFICER COM VOICE Stand by. Worf DEMATERIALIZES. PICARD Proceed, Mister La Forge. Riker accepts the inevitable. Geordi is holding a modified tricorder... GEORDI (for Picard's benefit) I've modified this tricorder to interface with the subspace generator... It should allow me to control the phase discrimination... assuming it's going to work at all... (off Picard's nod) I'll need everyone within the field... Everyone passes between the relays... another optical flash as they pass through the invisible line... GEORDI Adjusting for synchronic distortion... point-zero-zero-one... And with each count, there is a continuous lighting change... slowly being bathed in a blue light... STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - REV. 4/08/92 - ACT FIVE 58. 88 CONTINUED: (2) GEORDI (continuing) ...point-zero-zero-two... point-zero-zero-three... And as the blue hue increases, now figures begin to APPEAR... 89 ANGLE (OPTICAL) a group of ALIENS in reclining positions on the ground, arranged loosely in a circle... each of them is silver-gray, a vaguely humanoid shape with very round heads, no facial features to speak of... except a blowhole where the forehead might ordinarily be... in their center, built into the ground, is a TRANSLUCENT HOLDING CHAMBER, glowing and flashing from within (like a light ball spinning inside). On the side of the chamber is a techno-organic, nipplelike projection. Periodically, the chamber DISPENSES an energy segment from its lower recesses... and as it emerges one of the aliens on a rotating basis sucks it into his blowhole... 90 THE AWAY TEAM (OPTICAL) reacts... a beat as the aliens continue to ignore them. PICARD Why can we see them when they can't see us? GEORDI The phase displacement might not bring us far enough into their perceptual range. 91 PICARD (OPTICAL) moves up close to look at one... it ignores him... keeps sucking energy... STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - REV. 4/08/92 - ACT FIVE 59. 91 CONTINUED: BEVERLY (with tricorder) These strands appear to be biomagnetic... variable flux... they must be organic in origin... PICARD A life-form... ? 92 TROI AND RIKER (OPTICAL) move to the translucent chamber... the lights continue to flash from within... moving around, darting... and again, once in awhile, one is dispensed out the bottom and disappears into an alien blowhole... Troi is getting strong feelings now... she is overwhelmed with the power of the emotions she feels... and she can't help raising one hand to the chamber and gently touching it... A tear rolls down her cheek... TROI No. There is no life here... what I have sensed is only an imprint, an echo from the last moment of life... Human life... they all died in terror... There is a sonic boom... a bright light and they react, turn to see... 93 ANGLE (OPTICAL) Two more aliens arriving through a hole of swirling white light... one carries a canister... the other a glowing, snakelike object... the noise is deafening... STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - REV. 4/07/92 - ACT FIVE 60. 94 THE AWAY TEAM surrounded by the swirling wind, now bathed in the combination of blue and white light. (They are far enough away to avoid being sucked in like Data was.) They react to the sight of the newcomer aliens... 95 THE ALIENS (OPTICAL) move to the transparent chamber. One of them attaches the canister to the nipplelike projection on the chamber's side... new segments enter the tube from the canister... and the chamber gets brighter... 96 THE AWAY TEAM watches in horror... over the din -- RIKER My God... they're delivering more of them... for the others to... ingest... TROI (reacts with surprise to something she sees) Will, look at what he's carrying... Riker looks at the other alien with the squiggling object... 97 ANGLE - CLOSE ON THE OBJECT (OPTICAL) as it twists in the alien's hands... and opens a mouth revealing itself to be something akin to a snake... and it struggles to escape but the alien grips it harder... 98 THE OTHER ALIEN (OPTICAL) removes the canister from the holding tank and they move back to the white light and are drawn in... STAR TREK: "Time's Arrow" - 4/06/92 - ACT FIVE 61. 99 RIKER (OPTICAL) looks to Picard... who exchanges a look with the others and with a nod, the captain leads the way to the anomaly... as they move closer with grim determination on their faces, they enter into the force... and disappear into the white light... which twists itself up and disappears... and without a freeze frame... we stay for several beats on the silent, desolate landscape and only then do we super: TO BE CONTINUED FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END