STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Frame of Mind" #40276-247 Written by Brannon Braga Directed by Jim Conway FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1992 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. FINAL DRAFT FEBRUARY 16, 1993 STAR TREK: "Frame of Mind" - 2/16/93 - CAST STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Frame of Mind" CAST PICARD ADMINISTRATOR RIKER ATTENDANT DATA DOCTOR BEVERLY INMATE TROI LIEUTENANT WORF GEORDI WOUNDED CREWPERSON N.D. COM VOICE Non-Speaking 1 WOUNDED N.D. CREWMEMBER N.D. CREWMEMBERS (AUDIENCE) 2 GUARDS STAR TREK: "Frame of Mind" - 2/16/93 - SETS STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Frame of Mind" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE SICKBAY READY ROOM RIKER'S QUARTERS TURBOLIFT CORRIDOR OBSERVATION LOUNGE TEN FORWARD THEATRE/ASYLUM CELL ASYLUM ASYLUM CORRIDOR ASYLUM COMMON AREA ASYLUM CELL ALIEN LAB STAR TREK: "Frame of Mind" - 2/16/93 - PRONUNCIATION GUIDE STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Frame of Mind" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE TILONUS tie-LONE-us MAVEK MAY-vek JAYA YAI-ya SUNA SOON-ah SYRUS SYE-russ STAR TREK: "Frame of Mind" - 02/16/93 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Frame of Mind" TEASER FADE IN: 1 INT. ASYLUM CELL An austere room -- devoid of furnishings, except for a BED and a DOOR with a small thick-paned window. RIKER is sitting on the bed, dressed in casual hospital-type clothing. He is trying to maintain control, but there is an underlying tension. He looks strung out, like he's been at this for a long time... He speaks to an offscreen DOCTOR who we never clearly see (this will be Data, speaking with a distinctive accent so we don't recognize his voice). RIKER (to Doctor) You're absolutely right, Doctor. In fact, right now it's hard to imagine ever hurting anyone... DOCTOR (O.S.) How do you feel about that person you used to be? RIKER I feel... terrible. But thanks to you, I'm much better now. And I feel confident that when I leave, I'll be ready to take my place in society again. DOCTOR (O.S.) When do you think that will be? Riker looks at him... gives him a nervous smile... RIKER Well... now. Right away. DOCTOR (O.S.) What makes you say that? RIKER You said when I was able to accept what I'd done, and understood the consequences of my actions, that I'd be free to go. STAR TREK: "Frame of Mind" - 02/16/93 - TEASER 2. 1 CONTINUED: DOCTOR (O.S.) "Free to go." Are you saying you don't think you should stand trial for what you've done? Riker pauses... he's skittish, trying to please the Doctor and say the right thing -- but he's losing the fight to stay calm. RIKER I'm looking forward to proving my innocence... DOCTOR (O.S.) I thought you said you accepted what you'd done. Riker tries to backtrack. RIKER But that's not what I meant. I... I meant that I was sick when it happened. I wasn't responsible for what I did... A tense beat. DOCTOR (O.S.) How do I know that you're not just telling me what I want to hear? Riker doesn't have a response. DOCTOR (O.S.) (doubtful) Perhaps we should continue this discussion next week... Riker's temper flares -- he stands. RIKER No. I want to talk about it now... DOCTOR (O.S.) (calmly) You're starting to sound angry again. Maybe you need another treatment... Riker drops all pretense of being the "good patient" and lets his genuine feelings come out. STAR TREK: "Frame of Mind" - 02/16/93 - TEASER 3. 1 CONTINUED: (2) RIKER What I need is to get out of this cell. I'm locked up day and night... you control every move... tell me what to eat, what to think, what to say... Riker moves around the room, liked a caged animal. RIKER (continuing) And when I show a glimmer of independent thought, you strap me down, inject me with drugs and call it a "treatment." DOCTOR (O.S.) You're becoming agitated... RIKER You bet I'm agitated! I may be surrounded by insanity, but I'm not insane. And I won't let you or anyone... me think I am.... Riker hesitates, stumbling over his words... tries to correct his last statement. RIKER I won't let you or anyone think that... Riker's whole demeanor changes -- he stops being the tortured patient and becomes just Wil Riker. He looks offscreen and speaks to somebody. RIKER I'm sorry. Can we take it from "You're becoming agitated"? 2 NEW ANGLE to REVEAL that we have been in the ship's THEATER. A cell is set up on a stage. The theater seats are empty, except for BEVERLY, who is directing the play. DATA -- who is playing the Doctor -- is also on the cell stage. STAR TREK: "Frame of Mind" - 02/16/93 - TEASER 4. 2 CONTINUED: BEVERLY (to all) Why don't we break for tonight. I think we've made a lot of progress. RIKER But I'm still not confident about that final speech... Beverly moves to Riker onstage. BEVERLY There's such a thing as over-rehearsing, Wil. You'll do just fine. (beat) Try to relax. You're resisting the character. Let yourself feel what he's feeling. Riker is frustrated. RIKER (unsure) Maybe I'm just not right for this part... Data chimes in. DATA (to Riker) Most humanoids have the potential to be irrational. Perhaps you should attempt to access that part of your psyche. Beverly nods, tries to give Riker the insight he needs. BEVERLY Haven't you ever felt at odds with everyone -- like the whole world was against you? Riker thinks. RIKER Yeah... my first year at the Academy... STAR TREK: "Frame of Mind" - 02/16/93 - TEASER 4A. 2 CONTINUED: (2) BEVERLY Try to tap into that feeling. That's what your character is going through in this scene. Riker nods, feeling a little better. STAR TREK: "Frame of Mind" - 02/16/93 - TEASER 5. 2 CONTINUED: (3) RIKER I'll work on it... BEVERLY It'll be wonderful. You're going to knock 'em dead. Riker nods. As everyone moves to go... 3 INT. CORRIDOR A few minutes later. Riker walking along, still dressed in his inmate costume. He's practicing lines from his final speech, trying to get it right. RIKER "You control every move... tell me what to eat, what to think, what to say... " He tries again, this time with more emphasis: RIKER (continuing) "What to eat, what to think, what to say... " (beat) "And when I show a glimmer of independent thought, you strap me down, inject me with drugs and call it a 'treatment'... " Over the above, a CREWPERSON walks past and gives Riker a curious look. Riker is too absorbed to notice. He stops at a Turbolift and taps a button by the door. As he waits... RIKER (continuing) "I may be surrounded by insanity, but I'm not insane --" The doors open and Riker runs directly into an ALIEN LIEUTENANT. The Lieutenant stares at him with intense eyes, face utterly expressionless. Riker steps back, startled... RIKER Excuse me... STAR TREK: "Frame of Mind" - 02/16/93 - TEASER 6. 3 CONTINUED: The Lieutenant walks past him. Riker enters the Turbolift, glances back to see -- The Lieutenant has stopped and is watching Riker. For a moment, he seems almost menacing. Then he walks off down the hall... Riker stands there a moment... trying to shake the creepy feeling... Then he ENTERS the Turbolift. As the doors close... FADE OUT. END OF TEASER STAR TREK: "Frame of Mind" - 02/16/93 - ACT ONE 7. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes) 4 INT. READY ROOM Riker and PICARD standing at the desk, looking at a terminal. RIKER (surprised) Tilonus Four? Didn't their government just collapse? PICARD (nods) It's in a state of total anarchy. When the Prime Minister was assassinated, a Federation research team was on the planet. It is believed they were forced to go into hiding... (beat) Your mission will be to locate and evacuate them. RIKER Can't they go to local authorities? PICARD There are no local authorities. The government's been splintered -- several factions are vying for power. And they're desperate for weapons or technology of any kind... (beat) Apparently, some factions are resorting to torture to gather information. A Starfleet research team would be a prime target. Riker weighs the situation. RIKER Then I'll have to go alone... undercover. STAR TREK: "Frame of Mind" - 02/16/93 - ACT ONE 7A. 4 CONTINUED: PICARD Agreed. Mister Worf is ready to give you a detailed briefing on Tilonian culture. Riker nods... and smiles, remembering something. STAR TREK: "Frame of Mind" - 02/16/93 - ACT ONE 8. 4 CONTINUED: (2) RIKER (smiles) Looks like I'll have to back out of Doctor Crusher's play after all... Picard reacts, supportive. PICARD No, no... you'll have plenty of time for that, Number One. We won't be arriving at Tilonus for another five days. (beat) Besides, if you back out now, Beverly will come after me to play the part. Riker nods and they exchange a smile. As Riker EXITS... 5 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE Later. Riker and WORF standing at the wall MONITOR, which displays an AERIAL MAP of TILONUS FOUR. Worf points to a specific region on the map. WORF This is the last known location of the research team. They had occupied a small building in the Southwest quarter of the city. You will begin your search there. Riker considers. RIKER The Southwest quarter covers over two hundred square kilometers. That's a lot of ground for one man to cover... (lightly) I'd better pack an extra pair of boots. STAR TREK: "Frame of Mind" - 02/16/93 - ACT ONE 9. 5 CONTINUED: Worf shoots him a look, not in the mood for jokes. A tense beat. Then he moves to the table, where SEVERAL pieces of EQUIPMENT have been laid out -- a canteen, some clothing, a tricorder, etc. Worf points to a bundle of plain-looking CLOTHING. WORF (re: clothing) This apparel will allow you to pass as a common merchant. Worf picks up a small Tilonian PENDANT. WORF (re: pendant) This Tilonian pendant has been equipped with a communicator circuit. Riker takes the pendant -- holds it up to the clothing. RIKER (with humor) It doesn't really match the outfit... Worf's temper flares. WORF I suggest you pay closer attention, Commander. Your life will be at stake. Worf stares intensely at Riker -- almost threatening. It's a very odd moment -- strange and creepy. WORF (hard) Do you understand what I am saying? Riker is taken aback by Worf's tone. RIKER (an edge) Yes... of course I do... Worf picks up a small, exotic-looking KNIFE. Riker observes somberly, his mood darker now. STAR TREK: "Frame of Mind" - 02/16/93 - ACT ONE 10. 5 CONTINUED: (2) WORF (re: knife) Because you will be posing as a merchant, you will need to know how to use the Nisroh for the traditional bartering ceremony. Worf demonstrates by raising the blade high into the air, moving it in a complex, ritualistic manner... WORF (continuing) You will be judged on your prowess with the blade... Worf moves the blade in quick thrusting motions... faster.. more elaborate... Without warning, the blade CATCHES THE SIDE OF RIKER'S HEAD. Riker recoils, startled. Worf reacts, genuinely concerned. WORF I am sorry, Commander! I did not intend -- RIKER That's okay, that's okay... Riker touches his head -- the wound is bleeding. RIKER (continuing) I guess I really wasn't paying attention... (beat) I'd better get to Sickbay. We'll pick this up later. WORF Aye sir... Worf watches with concern as Riker heads for the door... 6 INT. SICKBAY (OPTICAL) Riker sitting on a bed; Beverly HEALING his head wound with a medical device. STAR TREK: "Frame of Mind" - 02/16/93 - ACT ONE 11. 6 CONTINUED: BEVERLY (with humor) You'll do anything to get out of this play, won't you? (beat) Well, you're going to have to do better than this... Riker smiles. RIKER The play's tomorrow night. I've still got twenty-four hours left. Beverly shuts off the device. Riker turns -- his wound is completely healed. BEVERLY Don't get any ideas. I'll expect you on stage at eighteen hundred hours. RIKER Right... Riker stands to go -- and stops, reacting to a sharp pain in his head. RIKER (re: his head) It still hurts... Beverly quickly scans his head with a medical tricorder. BEVERLY There's no nerve damage... you shouldn't be feeling any pain. RIKER Probably just a symptom of stage fright -- Suddenly, the doors OPEN and GEORDI rushes in with TWO N.D. CREWMEMBERS. One of the crewmembers is badly INJURED -- his face and uniform are marred by scorch marks and blood. Geordi and the other N.D. carry him along, urgent... GEORDI (re: wounded N.D.) He was working on a conduit on Deck Thirty-seven. A plasma torch blew up in his hands... STAR TREK: "Frame of Mind" - 02/16/93 - ACT ONE 12. 6 CONTINUED: (2) The crewmember screams in pain -- it's an awful sight. WOUNDED CREWMEMBER It hurts! Oh God -- it hurts! The scene takes on a frantic, disturbing tone as they help him toward a nearby bed... Riker moves out of the way. The wounded N.D. moans in pain and looks directly at him. Riker reacts, startled. The N.D. stares at Riker even as he is laid on the bed... as Beverly begins to treat the wounds... He just keeps staring... strange... unsettling... Riker edges toward the doors... unable to tear his eyes away from the man... shaken by the sight... EXITS... 7 INT. TEN FORWARD Later. Riker and TROI sitting at the bar, drinks in front of them. Riker is troubled by the day's events. RIKER I've been on a lot of missions... and I've seen a lot of people get injured... (beat) But I've never been affected like this... Riker is chilled by the memory. RIKER (continuing) He was looking right at me. TROI And that was disturbing to you... RIKER It was like he was... blaming me or something. But it's more than just this one incident. For the past few days, I've been feeling like everyone's staring at me... or talking about me... (MORE) STAR TREK: "Frame of Mind" - 02/16/93 - ACT ONE 13. 7 CONTINUED: RIKER (Cont'd) (lightly) I feel like I'm in "Frame of Mind"... TROI "Frame of Mind"? RIKER Doctor Crusher's play. Ever since I started rehearsing the role, I've been feeling a little restless... uneasy... Troi considers. TROI You're probably drawing on feelings that you're not used to expressing... RIKER Yeah. The play is full of disturbing images. People losing their minds... being tortured by doctors... (beat) I can't get it out of my head... Troi is supportive, tries to help. TROI Sometimes it's healthy to explore the darker sides of the psyche. Jung called it "owning your own shadow." (beat) This could be a sign that you're a real actor, Wil. It's becoming more than just a role to you. Riker is intrigued by her words. RIKER Maybe you're right... TROI Don't be afraid of your darker side. Have fun with it. Riker nods, feeling better. He lifts his glass to take a drink, and stops -- reacting to a pain in his temple, where the wound was. He puts his hand to his head, and something across the room catches his eye... STAR TREK: "Frame of Mind" - REV. 02/24/93 - ACT ONE 14. 8 NEW ANGLE of the strange, alien Lieutenant (as seen in the Teaser). He is sitting across the room, alone at a table, staring at Riker with his expressionless face. He stands and heads for the door... 9 RESUME Riker turns to Troi. RIKER (re: Lieutenant) Who is that? Troi turns to look, but the doors are just closing. The Lieutenant is gone. RIKER (continuing) You just missed him. (beat) Do we have a new Lieutenant on board? TROI I'm not sure. Do you want me to check the personnel logs? Riker shakes off the creepy feeling, stands to go. RIKER No... I'll check them tomorrow... (beat) I think I'll get to bed early. Tomorrow's the performance and I want to be up for it. TROI I'm looking forward to it. (beat) Break a leg. RIKER I'll try not to take that literally. They share a smile. Riker heads for the door... STAR TREK: "Frame of Mind" - 02/16/93 - ACT ONE 15. 10 INT. ASYLUM CELL/THEATER The austere set, as seen in the Teaser. But now there is a full AUDIENCE -- Picard, Beverly, Worf, Troi, Geordi and several other crewmembers and civilians are watching, engrossed. The play is in its final moments. Riker is sitting on the bed, strung-out. Data (as the Doctor) is standing nearby. Riker's performance is different from before -- more focused and authentic. A genuine passion drives him through the scene -- he is utterly convincing in the role. DATA/DOCTOR (doubtful) Perhaps we should continue this discussion next week... Riker stands, temper flaring. RIKER No. I want to talk about it now... DATA/DOCTOR (calmly) You're starting to sound angry again. Maybe you need another treatment... RIKER What I need is to get out of this cell. I'm locked up day and night... you control every move... tell me what to eat, what to think, what to say... Riker moves around the room, liked a caged animal. RIKER (continuing) And when I show a glimmer of independent thought, you strap me down, inject me with drugs and call it a "treatment." DOCTOR You're becoming agitated... STAR TREK: "Frame of Mind" - 02/16/93 - ACT ONE 16. 10 CONTINUED: Riker lets loose -- genuine emotions rushing to the surface. He has no trouble with his final speech this time around -- it's passionate and intense. RIKER You bet I'm agitated! I may be surrounded by insanity, but I'm not insane. And I won't let you or anyone else tell me I am. Riker prowls about the stage... hands shaking... voice breaking with emotion. A believable, bravura performance that has the audience riveted and moved. RIKER (continuing) You can destroy my mind, but you can't change the truth. I didn't kill that man. (beat) And that's what's driving you crazy... A long tense beat. DATA/DOCTOR I can see we have a lot of work to do. Data turns and EXITS. The sound of it being LOCKED. Riker moves to the door and shouts at Data. RIKER No matter what you do, you can't change the fact that I'm innocent! (beat) I'm not crazy! Suddenly, the cell lights GO OUT and Riker sags against the door, defeated. RIKER (to himself) I'm not crazy... He pauses, staring into middle distance... suddenly frozen with uncertainty... pondering the events that have led to his imprisonment. The play has built to this instant... RIKER (doubtful) I'm... not... (beat) ...crazy. STAR TREK: "Frame of Mind" - 02/16/93 - ACT ONE 17. 10 CONTINUED: (2) The stage lights slowly FADE OUT. The End. A beat, then the house lights COME UP. The audience begins to APPLAUD enthusiastically. Several people stand... then a few more... soon it is a standing ovation... The stage lights GO UP for the curtain call. Data walks out and takes a bow. The applause intensifies. Riker walks onstage, out of breath... shaky... the performance has taken its toll... but he smiles at the audience and takes a bow... 11 NEW ANGLE of the audience. Picard and the others can be seen smiling, cheering... 12 RIKER takes another bow... 13 NEW ANGLE The alien Lieutenant is now standing next to Picard. He is staring directly at Riker... eyes intense... face cold... and he is not applauding... 14 RIKER reacts to the sight, startled. He takes a final bow... 15 NEW ANGLE As Riker stands. THE AUDIENCE IS GONE AND THERE IS A CELL WALL IN ITS PLACE. The cheering has stopped -- silence. 16 RIKER reacts and spins around -- 17 NEW ANGLE TO REVEAL: we are now in an ACTUAL ASYLUM CELL. Similar to the set but clearly a real place. Riker is completely stunned. From offscreen: STAR TREK: "Frame of Mind" - 02/16/93 - ACT ONE 18. 17 CONTINUED: VOICE (O.S.) I can see we have a lot of work to do. Riker turns to see -- 18 AN ALIEN DOCTOR is standing nearby -- a species we've never seen before. A real Doctor. OFF Riker's shock and confusion... FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE STAR TREK: "Frame of Mind" - 02/16/93 - ACT TWO 19. ACT TWO FADE IN: 19 INT. ASYLUM CELL - CONTINUOUS Riker is glancing around the room, trying to make sense out of the situation. He turns to the Doctor. RIKER Where am I? (beat) How did you get me off the ship? The Doctor studies him with concern... then taps a few controls on a note-taking device. DOCTOR (to himself) The ship again... Riker eyes him, confused. He moves to the door and scans it -- but there's no visible way of getting it open. RIKER What's going on? The Doctor tries to keep Riker calm by staying calm himself. It's like he's been through this before. DOCTOR I understand this must be very disturbing for you. But try to relax. (beat) Tell me. Where were you a moment ago? RIKER I was on the Enterprise. In the middle of a play... (looks around) Here... but it wasn't real... it was a stage... DOCTOR I can assure you this is not a stage. (beat) Do you remember your name? STAR TREK: "Frame of Mind" - 02/16/93 - ACT TWO 20. 19 CONTINUED: RIKER I'm Commander... (beat) Commander... Riker hesitates, unable to remember. He begins to move about the room, grasping at the memories... but they're quickly fading away... RIKER (continuing) I knew who I was a second ago... I was on the ship... in a play... (beat) It's getting harder to remember... The Doctor nods. DOCTOR That's good. You're starting to come out of your delusional state. RIKER (reacts) Delusion... it couldn't be a delusion. I was there... A beat. DOCTOR (gently) We've discussed this. Do you remember when we contacted Starfleet... and asked them about you? RIKER No... DOCTOR We spoke with Admiral Budrow. On Starbase... RIKER (chiming in) ... Starbase Twenty-nine. Riker's face changes as he starts to remember -- a mixture of shock and realization... STAR TREK: "Frame of Mind" - 02/16/93 - ACT TWO 21. 19 CONTINUED: (2) RIKER He said he'd never heard of me... that they had no officer matching my description... DOCTOR That's right. Now. Focus on who I am. Do you remember me? Riker eyes him. RIKER I'm not sure... DOCTOR I'm Doctor Syrus. (beat) Do you remember anything about where you are now? Riker thinks... instinctively puts a hand up to his temple, feeling a pain there... RIKER I hurt my head... somebody hit me... DOCTOR You tried to escape. You struggled with one of the attendants and hit your head on a door. Do you remember that? It finally starts to come back to Riker -- he remembers what happened... RIKER Yes... now I do. But at first, I thought a Klingon cut me... with a knife... DOCTOR It's called transposition. You're projecting elements from your delusions onto events that really happened. (beat) But that's good. There was a time when you couldn't break away from your Starship fantasy at all. STAR TREK: "Frame of Mind" - 02/16/93 - ACT TWO 22. 19 CONTINUED: (3) Riker looks at him. He's starting to accept this reality. RIKER If what you're saying is true... where am I? The Doctor takes a beat. DOCTOR You're in Ward Forty-seven of the Tilonus Institute for Mental Disorders. Riker reacts. He sits down on the bed... weighing the implications. RIKER Why am I here? The Doctor softens his tone. DOCTOR We'll talk more later. You don't have to remember everything today. (beat) You're making excellent progress. He gives Riker a gentle smile and a pat on the arm... turns to go. Riker stands. RIKER Wait... Too late -- he EXITS and the door shuts with a distinctive LOCKING NOISE. Riker moves to the small window on the door and peers through it. The Doctor disappears from view down an austere CORRIDOR. Riker stands there a moment... not sure what to do with himself... then begins to take in the room. There's not much to see. The walls and ceiling and floor are blank. He presses his hands against the wall, as if to test it. Solid. There is a small stainless steel MIRROR inset in a wall. Riker moves to it and stares at his reflection. At his clothing... his tired eyes... somber expression... A voice is heard over the COM: STAR TREK: "Frame of Mind" - 02/16/93 - ACT TWO 23. 19 CONTINUED: (4) ATTENDANT'S COM VOICE Good afternoon. I've got some good news for you. (beat) Doctor Syrus suggested that you might enjoy a couple of hours in the Common Area today. Riker doesn't respond. ATTENDANT'S COM VOICE (continuing) Well? RIKER (to com) I guess so... The door OPENS and an ATTENDANT (MAVEK) ENTERS along with a HOSPITAL GUARD. The guard is holding a small stun WEAPON. The Attendant offers Riker a smile. ATTENDANT I hope you're hungry. They're serving spiny lobe-fish today. The Guard moves behind Riker to escort him out of the room. Riker is surprised by the high level of security. RIKER (re: guard) There's no need for this. ATTENDANT That's what you said the last time. Riker reacts. As they EXIT.. 20 INT. ASYLUM CORRIDOR Riker, the Attendant and the Guard walking along. The hall is ascetic, lined with CELL DOORS on either side, each with an inset window pane. They pass another inmate, who is being led along by an Attendant. Somewhere in the distance, a brief YELL echoes through the corridors. Riker takes it all in, unsettled by the chilly environment. STAR TREK: "Frame of Mind" - 02/16/93 - ACT TWO 24. 20 CONTINUED: Another Doctor is approaching from the opposite end of the corridor. Riker eyes him as they get closer... 21 ANGLE ON THE DOCTOR He looks exactly like the alien Lieutenant seen earlier. He passes Riker without so much as a glance... 22 RIKER reacts. As the Guard leads him around a corner... 23 INT. ASYLUM - COMMON AREA A large room that is brighter and more colorful than the cell and the corridor. There are windows... plants... several tables and activities for the patients. One inmate is painting a bizarre PICTURE... two other inmates are sitting together, engaged in a hushed conversation... another sits alone, staring into middle-distance, slowly rocking back and forth... Riker, the Attendant and the Guard ENTER. The Attendant dismisses the Guard and leads Riker to a table, sits him down. ATTENDANT (to Riker) I'll be back with your lunch. The Attendant walks off. Riker glances around nervously, uncomfortable in this strange setting. A few moments go by... then a FEMALE INMATE -- alien, humanoid -- sits down next to Riker and stares at him. She glances around to make sure no one's listening... speaks to him in an urgent whisper... INMATE I hear you're a Starfleet officer... Riker looks at her, surprised. INMATE (continuing) I'm Commander Bloom from the Yorktown... (looks around) There are at least a dozen of us here... maybe more... (MORE) STAR TREK: "Frame of Mind" - REV. 02/17/93 - ACT TWO 25. 23 CONTINUED: INMATE (Cont'd) We were kidnapped... brought here against our will... Riker just stares at her... listening and trying to figure out what to believe... She points out various inmates around the room. INMATE (re: inmate) Sanders was on the Yosemite. They did something to his mind. I think they're trying to get neuro chemicals from our brains... (points to another) Stafko was with me on the Yorktown. I don't know what they did to him... Riker is compelled by her story... INMATE (continuing) We're going to get out of here. I've made a communicator... RIKER (hopeful) You have? INMATE Yes. There are three Starships in orbit. They're going to beam us out of here any day now... (beat) I'll tell them to get you out, too... Riker's hope is rising... She looks around surreptitiously... then carefully pulls out a spoon. INMATE (into spoon) Lieutenant Bloom to Yorktown... come in Yorktown. I've made contact with another officer... Riker's realizes, his hopes dashed. From offscreen: ATTENDANT (O.S.) Talking to your Starship again, Jaya? She quickly hides the spoon. STAR TREK: "Frame of Mind" - 02/16/93 - ACT TWO 26. 23 CONTINUED: (2) INMATE No. She gets up and gives Riker a conspiratorial look -- INMATE (quiet) Don't let them tell you you're crazy. The Attendant sets down a plate of FOOD in front of Riker, then moves to the inmate and stretches out his hand. ATTENDANT You know you're not supposed to take utensils from the Common Area. A beat. She grudgingly hands over the spoon and moves off. The Attendant sits down and sets down the spoon in front of Riker. ATTENDANT (re: spoon) You're welcome to try it. Riker manages a smile. RIKER I'm not that far gone, am I? ATTENDANT Of course you are. Last week you held an entire conversation with a chair, remember? Riker looks at him, surprised. RIKER No... A beat. The Attendant laughs. Riker realizes he was joking and somberly looks down at his tray. There is an underlying tension to the Attendant's friendly demeanor -- he enjoys manipulating the patients to get a reaction. STAR TREK: "Frame of Mind" - REV. 02/17/93 - ACT TWO 27. 23 CONTINUED: (3) ATTENDANT Where's your sense of humor? If you ever want to get better, you've got to relax. Riker takes a bite of food. A moment as he eats... then he gazes at the Attendant, suddenly remembering something... RIKER Your name -- it's Mav... Mavek. ATTENDANT That's right. Not bad for a crazy man. Riker looks frustrated. RIKER I'm starting to remember certain things, but... (beat) Why am I here? The Attendant considers... eyeing Riker... ATTENDANT I remember when they brought you in. You were screaming... struggling... Riker listens intently, unsettled. The Attendant seems to relish in the description... ATTENDANT (continuing) We could barely hold you down. In fact, just getting the blood off your hands took over an hour. RIKER (reacts) Blood? STAR TREK: "Frame of Mind" - 02/16/93 - ACT TWO 28. 23 CONTINUED: (4) ATTENDANT (nods) On your hands... your clothes... (beat) You didn't just kill that man... you mutilated him. Riker is shocked. RIKER What are you talking about? I didn't kill anybody. The Attendant is deliberately pushing Riker to get a response. ATTENDANT I'm afraid you did. You stabbed him. They found you near the body... with the knife in your hand... Riker grows fearful... angry... RIKER No. It's not true... ATTENDANT Yes it is. And if you get out of here, you're going to stand trial... RIKER (yells) You're lying! ATTENDANT I imagine the punishment will be quite severe... considering you stabbed him nine times -- Riker loses control -- RIKER NO! He stands, GRABS the Attendant and shoves him against the wall. TWO GUARDS hurry over. They grab Riker by the arms, restraining him. He struggles. The entire room is watching. The Attendant pulls out an ALIEN SYRINGE from his coat -- moves toward Riker... As he INJECTS Riker with the syringe -- STAR TREK: "Frame of Mind" - 02/16/93 - ACT TWO 29-31. 24 thru OMITTED 25 26 INT. ENTERPRISE - RIKER'S QUARTERS - CONTINUOUS Riker bolts awake in his bed, as if from a nightmare. He's dressed in his nightclothes... sweating... rattled by the dream. He glances around the room in momentary confusion... but there's no one there. He's safely aboard the Enterprise. OFF his shaken expression... FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO STAR TREK: "Frame of Mind" - 02/16/93 - ACT THREE 32. ACT THREE FADE IN: 27 INT. RIKER'S QUARTERS Riker is standing in the bathroom, dressed in his INMATE COSTUME, looking in the mirror. He is preparing himself for that evening's performance of the play. Everything appears to be normal. Beverly stands nearby, listening to Riker recall his "dream." RIKER (to Beverly) I was there... in Ward Forty-seven, just like in the play. Everyone thought I was insane... that I'd killed somebody... (beat) Except it was all real. Beverly is fascinated. BEVERLY Deanna mentioned you went to bed early because you felt a little anxious about the play. But I had no idea... Riker picks up a small MAKE-UP STICK and begins to apply dark make-up in circles around his eyes -- creating the subtle effect that he is exhausted. Beverly lightens the mood. BEVERLY You said that in your dream we performed the play... (beat) How'd it go? RIKER It was a smash. We got a standing ovation. BEVERLY Let's hope it goes that well tonight. Riker smiles. He finishes applying the make-up, sets down the tube. STAR TREK: "Frame of Mind" - 02/16/93 - ACT THREE 33. 27 CONTINUED: BEVERLY We've got one hour to curtain. How do you feel? Riker smiles, confident. RIKER I feel... like an actor. Beverly musses his hair a little for added effect. BEVERLY You're certainly starting to look the part. They exchange a smile. Beverly EXITS. Riker stands to take a final look at himself in the mirror... And stops at what he sees. The image is disquieting: Riker the asylum inmate. There is a creepy moment as he stares at himself... remembering the dream... then he shakes off the feeling and turns away from the mirror... 28 INT. ASYLUM CELL/THEATER Mid-performance -- the same scene from Teaser and Act One. There's a full AUDIENCE -- Picard, Beverly, Worf, Troi, Geordi, etc. They are engrossed. Riker on his feet, haggard; Data the Doctor stands nearby. Riker's performance is focused and intense. DATA/DOCTOR (doubtful) Perhaps we should continue this discussion next week... Riker's temper flares. RIKER No. I want to talk about it now... STAR TREK: "Frame of Mind" - 02/16/93 - ACT THREE 34. 28 CONTINUED: DATA/DOCTOR You're starting to sound angry again. Maybe you need another treatment... RIKER What I need is to get out of this cell. I'm locked up day and night... you control my every move... At that instant, Riker something catches Riker's eye. he looks toward the door. A face is staring in through the small window. Riker reacts, surprised -- it's not part of the play. RIKER (distracted) You tell me what to eat... what to think... what to say... The cell door starts to OPEN. Riker watches as Mavek the Attendant -- as seen in the "dream" -- walks onto the stage. He shuts the door and stands there, silently watching him. Riker is stunned -- what's happening? He looks to Beverly, who sits in the wings... 29 BEVERLY reacts, thinking Riker has forgotten his dialogue. She picks up a PADD and feeds him his next line -- BEVERLY (whispers) "And when I show a glimmer of independent thought... " 30 RIKER looks back toward Mavek -- he is gone. Riker hesitates, unsettled... but his instincts quickly kick in and he continues... RIKER And when I show a glimmer of independent thought, you strap me down, inject me with drugs and call it a "treatment." STAR TREK: "Frame of Mind" - 02/16/93 - ACT THREE 35. 30 CONTINUED: DATA/DOCTOR You're becoming agitated... Riker gets back into the scene... genuinely agitated now... and it fuels his performance... RIKER You bet I'm agitated! I may be surrounded by insanity, but I'm not insane. And I won't let you or anyone else tell me... Something catches Riker's eye -- he glances toward the audience to see: 31 RIKER'S POV THE AUDIENCE IS GONE. In its place is an ASYLUM CELL WALL. 32 RIKER can't believe his eyes. He looks to Data, who stares back at him as if nothing is wrong. Riker looks back toward the wall -- it's gone and the audience has returned. RIKER (to himself) What's happening... An awkward beat. The scene has stalled. Data, thinking fast, jumps to his next line of dialogue to keep things moving. DATA/DOCTOR I can see we have a lot of work to do. Data EXITS. Riker is truly shaken, continuing the scene out of desperation if nothing else. RIKER No matter what you do, you can't change the fact that I'm innocent... Riker sees something in the audience -- STAR TREK: "Frame of Mind" - 02/16/93 - ACT THREE 36. 33 RIKER'S POV In the audience, sitting next to Picard, is the alien Lieutenant. He stares at Riker, expressionless. 34 RIKER is at the breaking point. He stares at the Lieutenant, growing angry. Data is unsure what to do. Beverly looks alarmed. Riker calls out -- RIKER (to Lieutenant) You're the key to all this, aren't you? Who are you? Riker forgets the play and walks offstage... directly into the audience... straight toward the alien Lieutenant. People react, surprised, and get out the way. Riker GRABS the Lieutenant by the uniform. RIKER Who are you? The Lieutenant looks confused. LIEUTENANT Lieutenant Suna, sir... The Lieutenant is clearly terrified. Riker realizes... and gradually lets him go... looks around the room to see that everyone is staring at him. There is a long, awkward silence. Beverly walks up to Riker. BEVERLY Wil... are you alright? Riker is confused. RIKER No... I don't know... She gently takes him by the arm. BEVERLY Why don't we go down to Sickbay... STAR TREK: "Frame of Mind" - 02/16/93 - ACT THREE 37. 34 CONTINUED: Riker nods. Everyone watches with concern as Beverly leads him toward the door... 35 INT. SICKBAY Later. Riker sitting on a bio-bed; Beverly scanning him with a medical tricorder. BEVERLY (off tricorder) There's nothing wrong with you neurologically. I don't see anything that could've caused your hallucinations. (beat) But your heart rate is up... blood pressure's way above normal. You're physically exhausted. Riker is on edge. RIKER This is more than just fatigue... BEVERLY It's possible under conditions of extreme stress for the mind to manufacture all kinds of things. Riker thinks -- remembers something. RIKER Drugs. They injected me with me drugs... (to Beverly) Are there drugs in my system? Beverly scans him with the tricorder just to be sure. BEVERLY (off tricorder) Nothing. Riker lets out a long breath. RIKER It's that dream... they gave me drugs in the dream... (beat) (MORE) STAR TREK: "Frame of Mind" - REV. 02/22/93 - ACT THREE 38. 35 CONTINUED: RIKER (continuing) Did anybody in the theater see anything strange happen during the performance? BEVERLY No... nobody. Riker looks uneasy. Beverly tries to comfort him. BEVERLY (continuing) Get some rest, Wil. The play is over. Don't give it another thought. Riker nods, starting to feel normal again. RIKER Thanks... Riker stands and heads for the door. Beverly watches him go, concerned... 35A INT. CORRIDOR A few minutes later. Riker and Troi walking along. Troi is trying to ease Riker's mind. RIKER How's Lieutenant Suna? TROI A little shaken... but alright. RIKER I feel like such an idiot. TROI It's nothing to be embarrassed about. We're your friends... We all know the stress you've been under. I'm sure everyone understands perfectly... They reach an intersection and run into Data, who is back in uniform. A moment as they stop. STAR TREK: "Frame of Mind" - REV. 02/23/93 - ACT THREE 39. 35A CONTINUED: DATA (to Riker) Commander, I must compliment you on your performance this evening. RIKER Oh? DATA Your unexpected choice to improvise was an effective method of drawing the audience into the plight of your character. (beat) You gave a truly realistic interpretation of multi-infarct dementia. Riker and Troi exchange a look. RIKER Thank you. Data nods and continues on his way. TROI (with humor) Well... maybe not everyone understands. 35B CLOSE ON RIKER as he smiles -- feeling better. HOLD on Riker as he continues walking with Troi (who is now offscreen). RIKER I guess all I need is a little rest... clear my mind a little... TROI (O.S.) I want you to try a few relaxation techniques, as well. Remember the ones I showed you a few months ago? RIKER Yeah... but they didn't seem to work for me. Suddenly, Troi's VOICE changes to Doctor Syrus' voice: STAR TREK: "Frame of Mind" - REV. 02/22/93 - ACT THREE 40-41. 35B CONTINUED: DOCTOR (O.S.) Maybe you need another treatment. Riker stops, turns to Troi, startled. 35C INCLUDE TROI She looks at him, puzzled. TROI What's wrong? Riker suddenly isn't sure he heard anything after all. RIKER Nothing... nothing... TROI (gentle) Get some sleep, Wil. I'll see you tomorrow. Troi walks off. Riker heads down a different corridor, unsettled... STAR TREK: "Frame of Mind" - 02/16/93 - ACT THREE 42. 36 thru OMITTED 39 40 INT. TURBOLIFT - MOVING A few minutes later. Riker is trying to stay calm. After a beat, the lift STOPS and the doors OPEN to reveal -- THE ASYLUM CORRIDOR (as seen in Act Two). Riker reacts, startled -- backs up against the inside of the lift and closes his eyes... RIKER (quietly) It's not real... not real... Slowly, he opens his eyes to look -- the asylum corridor is gone. It's the Enterprise again. Riker takes a breath, then EXITS... 41 INT. ENTERPRISE - CORRIDOR - CONTINUOUS Riker walking down the hall, staring straight ahead, trying to maintain control. He passes a crewmember... walks a little further... then turns a corner... 42 INT. ENTERPRISE - ANOTHER CORRIDOR Riker turns the corner and stops at what he sees... INCLUDE the female inmate -- "Commander Bloom" seen in the Asylum Common Area. She is standing in the corridor, staring blankly at Riker. INMATE (to Riker) Don't let them tell you you're crazy. Riker panics -- turns and quickly walks the other direction... 43 INT. ENTERPRISE - ANOTHER CORRIDOR Riker running down the hall... afraid... stops at the door to his quarters and hurries inside... 44 INT. RIKER'S QUARTERS As Riker ENTERS. The doors slide shut with the distinctive LOCKING SOUND (as heard in the Asylum Cell). Riker reacts to the noise -- turns to see: STAR TREK: "Frame of Mind" - 02/16/93 - ACT THREE 43. 45 NEW ANGLE to REVEAL we are in the ASYLUM CELL. Riker is wearing the inmate clothing. Riker reacts -- runs to the door and tries to get it open... RIKER No... NO! Let me out of here! He loses control -- beats his fists on the door, helpless, keeps yelling -- RIKER No! Let me out of here! Help me... FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE STAR TREK: "Frame of Mind" - 02/16/93 - ACT FOUR 44. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 46 INT. COMMON AREA A couple of hours have passed. Various inmates are around the room. Riker and Doctor Syrus sitting at a table. Riker looks exhausted -- at the breaking point. RIKER I need help. I don't want to be at the mercy of these hallucinations any more. DOCTOR So you've accepted that you're not from a starship... and that it's all a delusion? Riker nods. RIKER All I know is that whenever I go back to the ship, reality starts to break apart... nothing makes sense. And when it's over, it fades away... like a dream... (beat) But the hospital... everything here seems real. I can always remember what happens here... DOCTOR And what about how you got here? Riker takes a deep breath... nods. RIKER Maybe I did kill someone. I don't know. But I want to find out. DOCTOR I'm glad to hear you say that. Because I just had a long talk with the hospital Administrator. He told me there are certain legal questions that have to be resolved relatively soon. RIKER Meaning? STAR TREK: "Frame of Mind" - 02/16/93 - ACT FOUR 45. 46 CONTINUED: DOCTOR Meaning we can't keep you here much longer. We're the only mental health facility on Tilonus Four. There are many people who need our help... (beat) I don't want to put any undue stress on you... but we have to settle this case one way or another within the next few days. RIKER What does that mean? The Doctor takes a beat. DOCTOR You're facing a choice. We can try to help you remember what happened using Reflection Therapy. If it's successful, you would be fit to stand trial. RIKER Reflection Therapy? DOCTOR It's a way for you to interact with various facets of your personality. We scan the regions of your brain that control emotions and memory... then project them holographically. Riker considers. RIKER What's the other option? The Doctor finds the best way to put this. DOCTOR A complete synaptic reconstruction of your cerebral cortex. RIKER Surgery? STAR TREK: "Frame of Mind" - 02/16/93 - ACT FOUR 46. 46 CONTINUED: (2) The Doctor nods grimly. DOCTOR We would neutralize the synaptic pathways responsible for your mental instability. RIKER You don't seem to like that option. DOCTOR I don't. The procedure is irreversible. You'd be left with a completely altered personality. The person you are now would cease to exist. Riker doesn't like the sound of it. RIKER Option one is starting to sound better... DOCTOR I agree. A beat as Riker makes the choice. RIKER Reflection Therapy then... when do we start? DOCTOR This afternoon, if you're ready. I want you to understand this isn't going to be easy. You'll be interacting with aspects of your psyche that you've never dealt with before. (beat) And you may be disturbed by what they have to say. Riker nods, understanding what he's about to face. OFF his apprehension... 47 INT. ASYLUM CELL (OPTICAL) Riker is sitting on the bed, watching Doctor Syrus, who is placing a MEDICAL DEVICE on the floor. The device is a tall, sleek cylinder with several controls on the side. STAR TREK: "Frame of Mind" - 02/16/93 - ACT FOUR 46A. 47 CONTINUED: The Doctor ACTIVATES the device and it sends out a low HUMMING NOISE. DOCTOR (to Riker) Close your eyes. Try to relax. Clear your mind. STAR TREK: "Frame of Mind" - 02/16/93 - ACT FOUR 47. 47 CONTINUED: (2) Riker shuts his eyes. The Doctor hits a control on the device -- it SENDS OUT a THIN BEAM OF LIGHT that briefly PLAYS ACROSS Riker's forehead in a scanning pattern. DOCTOR Now. Think back to before you came to the hospital. But don't try to remember specific incidents. Concentrate on how you felt... Riker thinks. RIKER I was... afraid... From offscreen: TROI (O.S.) Terrified... 48 INCLUDE TROI (OPTICAL) who is standing in the room -- a holographic image. Riker reacts. RIKER (re: Troi) She was on the ship with me... DOCTOR That's because she represents an aspect of your personality -- and there are many parts of you that still believe you're on that starship. RIKER Why her? DOCTOR I asked you to get in touch with your feelings, and this is the part of you that responded. Talk to her about how you felt before you came here... STAR TREK: "Frame of Mind" - 02/16/93 - ACT FOUR 48. 48 CONTINUED: Riker walks over to the Troi image, eyes her. RIKER (to Troi) You said I was terrified... of what? Troi looks at Riker. TROI I was in a dark place... cold... frightened... someone was there... RIKER Who? TROI I felt threatened by them... trapped... The Doctor leads him through the process. DOCTOR You're doing very well. Let's try to find out how you responded to these feelings. Try to focus on your actions... (beat) You felt trapped. What did you do? Riker thinks. Worf APPEARS in the room. He seems furious -- at a high emotional pitch. WORF I was angry. They were attacking me... I fought back... TROI I felt pain... WORF I was injured... TROI I began to panic... STAR TREK: "Frame of Mind" - 02/17/93 - ACT FOUR 49. 48 CONTINUED: (2) WORF There was a struggle... and I... Worf trails off. RIKER You what? What happened? Worf and Troi are silent -- they don't have an answer. Riker looks to the Doctor, agitated. DOCTOR (to Riker) Try to associate your actions and emotions with logical thoughts. What do you think caused you to act and feel this way... ? Riker concentrates. Picard APPEARS in the room. He is thoughtful, assured. PICARD It was dark and cold because... I was outdoors... at night... in a narrow space... (thinks) I was walking through an alley. TROI I felt threatened... WORF I was being watched... PICARD Someone must have followed me into the alley. That's why I started to walk faster. Then someone grabbed me from behind... TROI I panicked... WORF I tried to fight them off... RIKER How many of them were there? PICARD Three. They were humanoid. I could only make out one of their faces... RIKER Who was it? STAR TREK: "Frame of Mind" - 02/16/93 - ACT FOUR 49A. 48 CONTINUED: (3) Suddenly, the alien Lieutenant APPEARS. He stands silently, staring at Riker. Riker is surprised by the sight. RIKER (re: Lieutenant) He was on the ship too... and I saw him here in the hospital... but I don't know who he is... The Doctor looks curious. DOCTOR That's Mister Suna -- the hospital Administrator. You met him when you first arrived. RIKER What part of me does he represent? DOCTOR I don't know... Suddenly, Picard and Worf all turn to Riker. Their demeanors change -- they sound and act just like themselves. It's an eerie moment... TROI Don't believe this, Wil. (indicates room) None of it is real. You're still with us... on the Enterprise. Riker is worried by this change in attitude. RIKER Doctor... STAR TREK: "Frame of Mind" - 02/16/93 - ACT FOUR 50. 48 CONTINUED: (4) PICARD We're your colleagues. Trust us. It's going to be alright... DOCTOR (to Riker) Do you have anything to say to them? RIKER (to crew) You're just... delusions... WORF (re: Doctor) Do not listen to him, Commander. He is trying to trick you. You are in danger here. Let us help you... Riker's mind is reeling -- he's trying desperately to hang on to what he believes to be the here and now. RIKER Stop it... please. Leave me alone... TROI Listen to me, Wil. In all the years we've known each other, have I ever lied to you? Riker glances between Troi and the Doctor, who is waiting to see what he will do. Finally -- RIKER (a shout) You are not real! PICARD Wil, please -- RIKER NO! Picard, Troi, Worf and the alien Lieutenant VANISH. Riker sags into his chair, exhausted. The Doctor looks pleased. DOCTOR You've taken a big step today. You've finally turned your back on those delusions and all that they represent. STAR TREK: "Frame of Mind" - 02/16/93 - ACT FOUR 51. 47A CONTINUED: (5) The Doctor deactivates the device and stands to go. DOCTOR We'll continue later. Riker pulls a hand across his weary face. As he sits silently, staring... CUT TO: 49 INT. COMMON AREA The next day. Various inmates engaged in various activities. Riker sits alone at a table, eating food from a tray. A silent moment as he eats, then something across the room catches his eye... 50 INCLUDE BEVERLY as she ENTERS the room. She is dressed in a hospital doctor's uniform and holds a note-taking device. Very official. She scans the room a moment, then spots Riker -- Riker reacts, unnerved by the sight. Beverly starts to approach him. He quickly shuts his eyes. RIKER (to himself) It's not real... He opens his eyes -- Beverly is sitting down at his table. Riker looks down at his food and continues eating, desperately trying to ignore her presence. Beverly studies him, gauging his condition -- speaks in an urgent whisper. BEVERLY (to Riker) Commander... do you know who I am? Riker doesn't respond -- keeps eating. BEVERLY Do you know where you are? (no response) If you can't answer, just listen. You were on an undercover mission to Tilonus Four... something happened... we've been told that you killed someone. But we don't believe that's true... STAR TREK: "Frame of Mind" - 02/16/93 - ACT FOUR 52. 50 CONTINUED: Beverly glances around to make sure no one's watching -- pulls out a tricorder and surreptitiously scans Riker. BEVERLY (continuing) We've been in orbit, trying to find a way to get you out. But there's a security field around the hospital that we can't penetrate... Riker eats faster, agitated, trying not to listen -- it's a struggle. BEVERLY (continuing) We've been blocked at every turn. The hospital Administrator denies you're here at all. It's beginning to look like some kind of a conspiracy... (beat) I had to come in posing as a health official... She stands to go, looks at him with concern. BEVERLY (continuing) Sit tight. We're going to get you out of here. She walks away. Riker breathes a sigh of relief. He stares at his tray... unsettled by the incident... RIKER (quiet) Not real... OFF his troubled face... 51 INT. ASYLUM CELL Later. The room is dark. Riker is lying in bed, eyes closed, asleep. Gradually, a TAPPING NOISE can be heard somewhere in the darkness. Riker opens his eyes... listens a moment... then looks toward the door... Someone is trying to break in. Riker sits up, alarmed. The tapping noise is followed by a CLACK and other tampering sounds. Riker watches as the door starts to OPEN -- slowly, as if someone is forcing it. Two hands can be seen pulling the door apart... STAR TREK: "Frame of Mind" - 02/16/93 - ACT FOUR 53. 51 CONTINUED: Data gets the door all the way open and ENTERS the room. He's dressed in dark clothing. Worf quickly follows, holding a phaser, also in dark clothing. They scan the room, then spot Riker on the bed. DATA (whispers) Commander. They move to help him, but Riker jumps off the bed and backs against a wall -- can hardly believe his eyes. RIKER Get away from me... Data and Worf exchange a concerned look. Worf takes a step toward Riker, speaks very carefully. WORF Commander, you must come with us. You are in danger here... RIKER (louder) No. WORF Silence... Riker starts to say something, but Data quickly moves in and GRABS him -- puts a hand over his mouth. Riker struggles, to little effect. They lead him toward the door... 52 INT. ASYLUM CORRIDOR - CONTINUOUS (OPTICAL) Worf ENTERS the hall, looks around -- it's empty. Data ENTERS holding Riker tightly by the arm. They quickly move down the hall, Worf leading the way, keeping a look-out... Suddenly, Riker goes limp in Data's arms. Data looks down at him, loosening his grip a little, concerned. DATA Commander, are you -- STAR TREK: "Frame of Mind" - 02/16/93 - ACT FOUR 54. 52 CONTINUED: Riker BREAKS OUT of Data's grip, taking him by surprise. He bolts down the hall. RIKER (calls out) Help me! HELP ME! Worf goes to grab him. Mavek the Attendant and a hospital Guard round a corner. The Guard immediately draws his weapon, getting the drop on Worf, who stops. Riker runs to the safety of the guards -- he looks like he's coming unhinged. OFF Data and Worf, who are stunned by the development... FADE OUT: END OF ACT FOUR STAR TREK: "Frame of Mind" - 02/16/93 - ACT FIVE 55. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 53 INT. ASYLUM CORRIDOR - CONTINUOUS As before. Worf and Data facing Mavek and the Guard. Riker looks on. ATTENDANT (to Worf, Data) Who are you? Worf just glares at him. ATTENDANT (to Guard) Take them to Security Ward. Suddenly, Data moves for the Guard, disarms the man and easily KNOCKS him to the floor. Worf takes out Mavek with a single well-timed PUNCH. Riker makes a run for it, but Data GRABS him firmly by the arms. As they lead Riker down the hall... 54 INT. COMMON AREA - NIGHT (OPTICAL) After hours -- dark. Worf, Data and Riker ENTER and cross to the middle of the room, where THREE PATTERN ENHANCER DEVICES have been set up (as seen in "Power Play"). Worf activates one of the enhancers and they create a TRIANGLE OF LIGHT. Worf pulls out a communicator. WORF (taps communicator) Worf to Enterprise -- the pattern enhancer has been activated. Three to beam up. N.D.'S COM VOICE Acknowledged. Riker struggles, but it's too late -- the three of them DEMATERIALIZE. 55 INT. ENTERPRISE - SICKBAY (OPTICAL) A few hours later. Picard looks on as Beverly scans Riker with a medical tricorder. STAR TREK: "Frame of Mind" - 02/17/93 - ACT FIVE 56. 55 CONTINUED: Riker sits on a bio-bed, silent, guarded, wary of everything and everyone around him. He still does not believe any of this is really happening. Worf stands close by, alert. Beverly turns to Picard. BEVERLY (to Picard, off tricorder) There's damage to his parietal lobe. It's as if someone was trying to access his long term memory... They watch Riker a moment. BEVERLY (re: Riker) He's still in a state of severe neural shock. It'll take him a while to recover... Picard moves to Riker, reaches out a comforting hand. Riker jerks back, skittish. PICARD (gentle) Number One... do you remember what happened? Riker tries to ignore him, tense. PICARD (continuing) You were abducted during your mission to Tilonus Four. You were taken to a psychiatric hospital... Riker glances at him, compelled by the words but not wanting to believe it. Suddenly, he reacts to a pain in the side of his head -- and we see that there is a WOUND on his temple (as seen in Act One). It's bleeding. Riker touches it, looks at the blood on his hand. STAR TREK: "Frame of Mind" - 02/16/93 - ACT FIVE 57. 55 CONTINUED: (2) RIKER My head... why is it still bleeding? Beverly eyes the wound, picks up a medical device. BEVERLY It's minor. Nothing to worry about... Beverly uses the device to OPTICALLY HEAL Riker's wound. PICARD (to Riker) We've done some checking on the hospital Administrator... RIKER ... Mister Suna... PICARD That's right. It appears he's involved with one of the rival factions. We believe he was responsible for what happened to you... Riker considers the possibility -- then reacts to a sharp pain in his temple, the same place as before. RIKER (re: head) It still hurts... A drip of blood trails down the side of his face. Riker reacts -- touches his face: THE WOUND HAS REAPPEARED. He reacts, startled -- how could that be? RIKER It's bleeding again... (to Beverly) But how? You just healed it... Beverly eyes him. BEVERLY Wil, try to calm down... Riker comes to a realization -- and a look of resolve crosses his face. STAR TREK: "Frame of Mind" - 02/16/93 - ACT FIVE 57A. 55 CONTINUED: (3) RIKER This isn't real... With that, he lunges for a nearby MEDICAL KIT. Worf tries to stop him but Riker SMASHES the kit against the side of Worf's head. Worf staggers back, and he as he does, Riker grabs his phaser. Picard makes a move but stops when Riker trains the phaser on him. Nobody moves. PICARD Wil, what are you doing? Riker's hands are shaking -- he's determined to shatter this reality. RIKER If I'm right, you're not really here... and this isn't a real phaser... (beat) It's all a fantasy, and I'm ending it no matter what it takes... Picard takes a step toward him. PICARD But what if this isn't a fantasy? Are you willing to take that chance? Riker hesitates, lowers the phaser slightly... RIKER You're right... I won't. But I've got to find out what's real and what's not... Riker turns the phaser on himself. RIKER One way or another, this is going to end. BEVERLY Wil, don't -- ! Riker FIRES. The blast has no effect on him -- at that instant: STAR TREK: "Frame of Mind" - 02/16/93 - ACT FIVE 57B. 56 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) AS THE ENTIRE ROOM SHATTERS LIKE BREAKING GLASS AROUND RIKER -- "REALITY" BREAKING APART -- THE SCENE SPLINTERING AWAY TO REVEAL: STAR TREK: "Frame of Mind" - REV. 02/17/93 - ACT FIVE 58. 57 INT. ASYLUM CELL - CONTINUOUS (OPTICAL) Riker standing in the exact same position, arms hanging at his side -- his head wound is gone. The alien Lieutenant is standing in front of him, dressed as the hospital Administrator (as seen in Act Two). Doctor Syrus and Mavek stand nearby. Riker glances around, startled by the change in setting. ADMINISTRATOR (re: Riker) How's he progressing? DOCTOR He's not responding to the Reflection Therapy. His delusions are growing more elaborate... ATTENDANT He broke out of his cell last night. We found him running down a corridor... claiming people had come to take him back to his "starship." A grim beat. ADMINISTRATOR Then I see no other choice... (beat) We'll have to perform the synaptic reconstruction. Riker senses something odd -- looks down at his hand. HE IS STILL HOLDING THE PHASER. He reacts, startled -- aims the phaser at the others. RIKER I still have the phaser... why do I still have the phaser? ADMINISTRATOR It's not a phaser. It's a knife. You stole it from one of the food trays. (beat) Give it to me. We don't want you to hurt yourself... Riker hesitates, unsure, then -- STAR TREK: "Frame of Mind" - 02/16/93 - ACT FIVE 59. 57A NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) As a trickle of blood runs down Riker's face -- THE WOUND HAS REAPPEARED ON HIS TEMPLE. Riker touches the wound, and it shocks him into awareness. He aims the phaser at the Attendant. RIKER I don't believe you -- Riker FIRES, VAPORIZING the Attendant. The Doctor and the Administrator/Lieutenant react, shocked. Riker smiles -- he's feeling more confident... RIKER (re: phaser) If this is a knife... what happened to Mavek? The Administrator/Lieutenant tries to stay in control of the situation. ADMINISTRATOR It's very complicated. I'll answer all of your questions. But first I want you to put it down... RIKER No. If I'm really holding a phaser, then that means I was on the Enterprise... He realizes the implications, stares at the phaser. RIKER But I fired this at myself on the Enterprise. I should be dead right now... Riker looks around the room, trying to put it all together. RIKER None of this is real -- 58 INSERT: THE PHASER as Riker presses a few buttons. STAR TREK: "Frame of Mind" - 02/16/93 - ACT FIVE 59A. 59 RESUME (OPTICAL) RIKER I'm setting this to Level Sixteen, wide field. That should destroy half of this building... (beat) Unless, of course, it isn't a real phaser. Riker FIRES an IMMENSE BLAST -- 60 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) AS THE ENTIRE ROOM SHATTERS LIKE BREAKING GLASS AROUND RIKER AND THE ALIEN ADMINISTRATOR/LIEUTENANT -- "REALITY" BREAKING APART -- THE SCENE SPLINTERING AWAY TO REVEAL: 61 INT. ENTERPRISE - ASYLUM CELL/THEATER - CONTINUOUS Riker (wound gone) and the Administrator/Lieutenant now standing face to face on the stage set. Riker looks around -- 62 INCLUDE - THE AUDIENCE Filled with people: Picard, Data, Worf, Geordi, Beverly, Troi -- the entire Enterprise crew, and more: Doctor Syrus, Mavek. Nearly everyone Riker saw during the last five Acts is present, watching the stage intently. STAR TREK: "Frame of Mind" - 02/16/93 - ACT FIVE 60. 62 CONTINUED: Riker is more confused than ever, but he's determined to get to the bottom of this. He turns to the Administrator/Lieutenant. RIKER It's all about you, isn't it? You're the only constant... the only person in both places... ADMINISTRATOR There's a lot more going on here than you realize. Riker glances toward the audience. RIKER None of this is real, either... (beat) What's happening to me? The administrator/Lieutenant steps toward him. ADMINISTRATOR We can still save you -- but you must stop fighting us. Riker hesitates, unsure for a moment -- then he reacts to a pain in the side of his head. STAR TREK: "Frame of Mind" - 02/16/93 - ACT FIVE 61. 62A NEW ANGLE as a trickle of blood runs down the side of his face. THE WOUND HAS REAPPEARED. Riker reacts, touches the wound. It seems to jolt him into awareness. He looks up, defiant. RIKER You're lying... ADMINISTRATOR Let me help you... RIKER (yells) No! The audience reacts with a smattering of APPLAUSE. Riker glances at them, encouraged. ADMINISTRATOR I'm warning you... RIKER No! Riker loses control -- he SHOVES the Administrator/Lieutenant aside and heads for the back wall of the stage set. The audience CHEERS and starts to get to its feet. Determined to break out of this reality, driven by the applause, Riker PUNCHES both fists toward the back wall -- 62B NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) AS EVERYTHING SHATTERS LIKE BREAKING GLASS, INCLUDING RIKER AND THE ADMINISTRATOR/LIEUTENANT -- "REALITY" BREAKING APART ONE FINAL TIME TO REVEAL: STAR TREK: "Frame of Mind" - 02/17/93 - ACT FIVE 62. 63 INT. ALIEN LAB Riker bolts awake. He looks around, sees that he is lying on an EXAMINATION TABLE. An alien MEDICAL APPARATUS is above him -- a PROBE is connected to the side of his head at the exact spot where the wound has appeared all along. He is dressed in the Tilonus merchant costume seen in Act One. He turns to see: 64 INCLUDE - THE ROOM (OPTICAL) It's a redress of the Asylum Cell -- rigged with various alien medical equipment. The Administrator/Lieutenant is working at a console that displays a GRAPHIC of a HUMAN BRAIN. The mood is different here -- THIS IS REALITY. The Administrator/Lieutenant turns, sees that Riker is awake, yells to someone offscreen: ADMINISTRATOR (urgent) He's conscious! The Administrator/Lieutenant rushes to Riker and tries to pin him down. Riker struggles. An ALIEN ASSISTANT moves into view. ADMINISTRATOR (to assistant) We haven't finished the neuro chemical drain -- get him sedated! The Assistant moves for him -- but Riker KICKS him squarely in the head, knocking him unconscious and to the floor. Riker tears the probe away from his head, revealing a nasty-looking wound -- blood trails down his face. He quickly scans the room -- spots a nearby table -- INCLUDE the table, which contains the tricorder, water bottle, nisroh knife and the pendant/communicator seen in Act One. Before the Administrator can stop him, Riker grabs the knife and turns it on the Administrator -- holds it close to his neck, threatening. The Administrator stops. Riker grabs the pendant -- RIKER (taps pendant) Riker to Enterprise! Beat. STAR TREK: "Frame of Mind" - REV. 02/17/93 - ACT FIVE 63. 64 CONTINUED: WORF'S COM VOICE Enterprise here. Are you alright, sir? RIKER Emergency transport -- get me out of here! Riker DEMATERIALIZES. OFF the Administrator's frustrated reaction... CUT TO: 65 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) at impulse. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's Log, Stardate 46778.1. Commander Riker has returned safely from his mission to Tilonus Four, where he was being held captive by one of the rival factions. Doctor Crusher has repaired the damage to his long term memory. His recovery is proceeding well. 65A INT. READY ROOM A couple of days have passed. Riker looks rested and in good health. He's sitting with Picard and Troi, midconversation. PICARD (to Riker) Evidently, you were abducted two days after beaming to the surface. RIKER I remember it now... I was in an alley... they attacked me from behind. I tried to defend myself with the nisroh knife Worf gave me... (beat) I managed to fight off one of them... but I think they injected me with some kind of drug... STAR TREK: "Frame of Mind" - 02/16/93 - ACT FIVE 63A. 65 CONTINUED: PICARD We believe they were trying to extract strategic information from your memory using a neuro-somatic technique. Riker considers, disturbed. RIKER I was in a hospital... then on the Enterprise... and the hospital again... (beat) I kept shifting back and forth... I couldn't tell what was real... TROI Your mind must have created a defense mechanism, a fantasy that helped you resist the neuro-somatic process. Your unconscious fastened onto elements from your real life in an attempt to keep you grounded... to keep you sane. RIKER (onto the idea) The preparation for the mission... the play... they were all recent experiences, fresh in my mind... Troi nods. A thoughtful beat. PICARD Get some rest, Number One. We can talk more in the morning. RIKER Alright... but there's one thing I'd like to do first... STAR TREK: "Frame of Mind" - 02/16/93 - ACT FIVE 64. 66 INT. ASYLUM CELL/THEATER Riker and Beverly standing on the stage set. They are alone. Riker is eyeing the stage intently. BEVERLY Are you sure you want to do this by yourself? The stage crew and I were going to wait until morning... RIKER I'm positive. After what I've experienced... I don't think I could sleep knowing this was still up... Riker moves to a stage wall and removes a piece of the set, starting to break it down. He drops the piece to the floor, satisfied. Beverly smiles gently and EXITS. Riker considers the stage for a long beat... reflecting on his experience... then continues to break it down. As he works... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END