STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Second Chances" #40276-250 Story by Mike Medlock Teleplay by Rene Echevarria Directed by LeVar Burton THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1993 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. FINAL DRAFT MARCH 17, 1993 STAR TREK: "Second Chances" - 3/17/93 - CAST STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Second Chances" CAST PICARD PALMER RIKER (LIEUTENANT RIKER) DATA BEVERLY TROI WORF GEORDI Non-Speaking N.D SUPERNUMERARIES N.D. WAITERS TWO N.D. TECHNICIANS TWO SECURITY GUARDS STAR TREK: "Second Chances" - 3/17/93 - SETS STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Second Chances" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS USS ENTERPRISE USS ENTERPRISE BRIDGE TEN FORWARD TRANSPORTER ROOM ENGINEERING CORRIDOR READY ROOM SHIP'S GYMNASIUM SICKBAY OBSERVATION LOUNGE RIKER'S QUARTERS TROI'S QUARTERS LT. RIKER'S QUARTERS RESEARCH STATION CAVERN STAR TREK: "Second Chances" - 03/17/93 - PRONUNCIATION STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Second Chances" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE NERVALA ner-VAHL-uh IMZADI im-ZAHD-ee JANARAN jn-AIR-'n TAI-CHI-CHUAN tie-chee-chwahn KOH-MAN-ARA koh-mahn-ARE-uh STAR TREK: "Second Chances" - REV. 03/18/93 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "Second Chances" TEASER FADE IN: 1 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as it orbits a planet whose atmosphere shimmers with a strange luminescence. PICARD (V.O.) Captain's Log, Stardate 46915.2. The Enterprise is orbiting Nervala Four, waiting for an opportunity to retrieve scientific data left there by Starfleet researchers when they were forced to evacuate eight years ago. 2 INT. TEN FORWARD It is Jazz Night. RIKER is in civilian clothes playing the trombone in a quartet. N.D. Supernumeraries sit at tables listening and talking quietly among themselves. It is a casual setting, with N.D. Waiters moving around as the music plays. TROI and BEVERLY are sitting together, enjoying the music. Riker's quartet finishes a number and they join in the applause. Riker bows, gestures to include his fellow Band Members. RIKER Thank you... thank you very much. As the applause dies down. RIKER Any requests tonight? When no one else says anything, Troi gets a mischievous look and calls out. TROI Night Bird. Riker pretends he didn't hear her, looks out at the crowd. STAR TREK: "Second Chances" - REV. 03/19/93 - TEASER 2. 2 CONTINUED: RIKER Anyone? TROI (louder) Night Bird! A few off-screen VOICES murmur their approval -- Riker can't ignore her this time and shoots her a "why are you doing this to me?" look. Troi just smiles back at him as innocently as she can. Riker decides to take the challenge. RIKER Ladies and Gentlemen... Night Bird. With a look at his fellow musicians, he taps out a count and launches into the piece. After a moment. BEVERLY What was that all about? TROI (mischievous smile) Wil's been trying to get this piece right for ten years now. He's never made it through the solo. Beverly looks at her, amazed to see her friend in so mischievous a mood. BEVERLY Remember that dance recital I told you I was doing? TROI (nods) Next week. BEVERLY You're dis-invited. Beverly holds a straight face for a beat before smiling. Troi reacts to the music. STAR TREK: "Second Chances" - 03/17/93 - TEASER 3. 2 CONTINUED: (2) TROI Here it comes. They both turn to look at Riker. One of the other players is doing a solo and Riker is readying himself to dive in for his solo. He casts a defiant glance over at Troi, then brings his horn to his lips. Suddenly... DATA'S COM VOICE Data to Commander Riker. Riker stops and with a nod to the others -- who improvise and keep playing -- moves away to take the com. RIKER (hits combadge) Riker, here. DATA'S COM VOICE Commander, you are needed on the Bridge. RIKER On my way. As he passes Troi and Beverly. RIKER Saved by the bell... They smile and he moves off. 3 INT. BRIDGE It is the night shift; DATA and various N.D.'s. Riker ENTERS from the Turbolift and moves to aft-science where Data is working. RIKER You wanted to see me, Data? DATA Yes, sir. It appears that we will be able to transport to the surface sooner than we anticipated. STAR TREK: "Second Chances" - 03/17/93 - TEASER 4. 3 CONTINUED: Riker glances at the monitor, where an OKUDAGRAM shows a cross-section of the planet and its atmosphere. RIKER Is the planet's distortion field de-phasing sooner than you predicted? DATA No, sir. But using the Potemkin's transport logs from the original evacuation, Commander La Forge and I were able to modify the Transporters. RIKER (catching on) So we can beam through higher distortion levels. DATA (nods) The Transporters are now considerably more efficient than those used on the Potemkin eight years ago. RIKER Glad to hear it. I almost didn't make it off the surface that day. (beat) When can we get started? DATA Ninety-seven minutes. RIKER How long will the transport window last? DATA Twenty-six minutes. After that, the distortion field will re-phase. RIKER That doesn't give us much time to retrieve the database. DATA The planet's proximity to its sun will create two additional transport windows in the next three days. RIKER Let's hope that's enough. STAR TREK: "Second Chances" - REV. 03/18/93 - TEASER 5. 3 CONTINUED: (2) DATA It will have to be. The next transport window will not occur for another eight years, when the planet's orbit brings it close enough to the sun to de-phase the distortion field. RIKER Notify the Away Team we're going in ahead of schedule; I'll tell the Captain. Data nods and Riker heads for the Turbolift. 4 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as it orbits the planet. 5 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM GEORDI is doing a last minute check on the Transporter system. A transport technician, ENSIGN PALMER is at one of the side panels adjacent to the Transporter chamber, assisting him. Riker, Data, and WORF ENTER with an N.D. technician. RIKER (to Geordi) How long until the transport window opens? STAR TREK: "Second Chances" - 03/17/93 - TEASER 6. 5 CONTINUED: GEORDI Fourteen seconds. RIKER (to others) Let's get in position. Riker leads them up to the Transporter pad. GEORDI Whenever you're ready, Commander. RIKER Energize. 6 INT. RESEARCH STATION (OPTICAL) as the away team MATERIALIZES on the station's transporter pad (the pad is not operational -- it is merely a convenient place to beam in). The station is standard Starfleet issue, with the familiar console designs. It is dark, the only light coming from the few consoles that are running. Even with the low light, we can see that everything is neat and orderly. Riker looks around in surprise. RIKER This isn't how I remember it; the place was a mess when we left. DATA Commander... Riker turns and Data gestures toward the ceiling. A hole in the station's roof has been repaired with pieces of scrap metal, welded into place. RIKER Someone's been here... Worf reaches for his phaser, Data for his tricorder. WORF A vessel could have gotten caught in the distortion field and crashed. The survivors may have taken shelter here. Data is scanning with his tricorder. DATA Commander, someone is approaching... a humanoid. Forty meters due east and closing. STAR TREK: "Second Chances" - 03/17/93 - TEASER 7. 6 CONTINUED: (2) Riker draws his phaser and gestures that they take position behind various consoles. The suspense builds as the unknown person approaches; we hear the SOUND of footsteps outside the door. Suddenly the door swings open and a human figure is silhouetted there, though the light from outside prevents us from seeing their face. The figure steps inside and shuts the door, giving us our first look at his face. He could be Wil Riker's twin. Shocked, Riker steps out from where he is... 6A ANOTHER ANGLE (OPTICAL) Both Rikers in frame. The two men look at each other in amazement. Off this moment we... FADE OUT. END OF TEASER STAR TREK: "Second Chances" - REV. 03/18/93 - ACT ONE 8. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes) 7 INT. RESEARCH STATION - CONTINUOUS (OPTICAL) The second Riker looks very much like Commander Riker except his beard is a little fuller, his hair a little wilder, and his face a little more weathered. He wears simple civilian clothes that are slightly soiled here and there, as if he's been working in them. The other Riker looks warily from Data to Worf to Riker. RIKER Who are you? LT. RIKER Who are you? RIKER Commander William Riker of the Federation Starship Enterprise. The other Riker reacts. LT. RIKER That's not possible. I'm Wil Riker. Riker glances at Data and Worf. Data steps forward. STAR TREK: "Second Chances" - 03/17/93 - ACT ONE 9. 7 CONTINUED: DATA May I ask how you got here? Lieutenant Riker eyes this strange but seemingly sincere man. LT. RIKER Eight years ago, I led a team to evacuate this station. Riker reacts. RIKER What ship were you on? LT. RIKER The Potemkin. Riker looks at Data -- how does this man know these things? DATA Why did you not return to the Potemkin with the others? LT. RIKER I was the last one out. The distortion field must have interfered with the transport; they lost their signal lock on me. When I tried to contact the ship, I couldn't get through the interference. Lieutenant Riker sees the looks on their faces. LT. RIKER Check with Starfleet; I'm sure they recorded me lost that day. RIKER That's not what happened. I was the last one out... but I made it back to the Potemkin. STAR TREK: "Second Chances" - 03/17/93 - ACT ONE 9A. 7 CONTINUED: (2) Lieutenant Riker reacts to this claim. Their stories are clearly incompatible. Data regards them both thoughtfully. LT. RIKER You don't believe me. RIKER It's not that we don't believe you; it's just hard to see how both our stories could be true. (beat) Would you be willing to let our Doctor check you out? STAR TREK: "Second Chances" - 03/17/93 - ACT ONE 10. 7 CONTINUED: (3) LT. RIKER Of course. RIKER Lieutenant Worf, take him to Sickbay. Notify the Captain as soon as you're aboard. Lieutenant Riker watches the Klingon as he steps toward him. He is clearly surprised to see him in a Starfleet uniform. Things have really changed. WORF (activates combadge) Worf to Enterprise. Two to beam up. 8 ON RIKER as we hear the SOUND of DEMATERIALIZATION. He doesn't know what to make of all this. When his double is gone, he casts a glance at Data. RIKER Let's get to work. 9 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as it orbits the planet. 10 INT. SICKBAY where Beverly is checking out Lieutenant Riker. TWO SECURITY GUARDS hang back by the door. He is sitting on the table, watching her as she works. As she raises her scanner upwards their eyes meet for a moment. This is very strange for her -- in a way she feels that she knows this man, but of course she doesn't. STAR TREK: "Second Chances" - REV. 03/18/93 - ACT ONE 11. 10 CONTINUED: BEVERLY Looks like you fractured your arm a few years ago. LT. RIKER I was underneath the station making repairs when an earthquake hit -- I got caught in a rockslide. I had to set it myself. Beverly nods, realizing how painful this must have been. PICARD ENTERS from the corridor. He stops when he sees Lieutenant Riker. Although Worf has filled him in, nothing could have prepared him for this very strange encounter. PICARD Captain Jean-Luc Picard. LT. RIKER Lieutenant Wil Riker, sir. Picard chooses his words carefully. PICARD If you are Wil Riker, if there are two of you... then something extraordinary has occurred. I hope you understand our need to verify your claim. LT. RIKER Yes, sir. Picard turns to Beverly for a report. BEVERLY Genetically, he's indistinguishable from Commander Riker. Picard considers for a beat before asking what seems an almost impolite question. PICARD Could some sort of cloning be involved? BEVERLY I don't think so, there's no genetic drift. PICARD But that isn't conclusive. STAR TREK: "Second Chances" - REV. 03/18/93 - ACT ONE 12. 10 CONTINUED: (2) BEVERLY That's why I compared their brain scans. Brain organization patterns are as unique as... fingerprints. Except for some minor differences, theirs are identical. PICARD Can't brain patterns be cloned? BEVERLY No. They're determined by experience, mostly in early childhood. Picard takes this in. PICARD How could two men have shared the same childhood experiences? It doesn't make any sense. Lieutenant Riker has been listening quietly, and now speaks to Picard with urgency. LT. RIKER Sir, I am Wil Riker. I don't know who or what made it back to the Potemkin that day, but it wasn't me. PICARD (stopping him) Lieutenant -- my Chief Engineer is checking over the transport logs from the Potemkin. They may shed some light on what happened. Lieutenant Riker backs off. LT. RIKER Yes, sir. Picard tries to be reassuring. PICARD Don't worry, we'll get to the bottom of this. Lieutenant Riker nods, relieved that at least now his story is being taken seriously. STAR TREK: "Second Chances" - 03/17/93 - ACT ONE 13. 10 CONTINUED: (3) PICARD In the meantime you'll be taken to quarters. Make yourself comfortable. LT. RIKER I will, sir. The replicators on the station stopped working a long time ago. It's been a while since I had a decent meal. He flashes a grin so like Commander Riker's that our people are struck by it. He hops off the bed and nods to Beverly. LT. RIKER Doctor... The Security officers and Lieutenant Riker EXIT. Picard and Beverly exchange a look. This is all very strange to them. 11 INT. OBSERVATION LOUNGE Geordi is reporting his findings to Picard, Commander Riker, Data, Beverly and Troi. GEORDI (to Riker) ... apparently there was a massive energy surge in the distortion field around the planet just at the moment you tried to beam out. The Transporter Chief tried to compensate by initiating a second containment beam. DATA An interesting approach. He must have been planning to reintegrate the two patterns in the transport buffer. GEORDI Turns out he didn't have to. Commander Riker's pattern maintained its integrity with just the one containment beam -- he made it back to the ship just fine. STAR TREK: "Second Chances" - REV. 03/18/93 - ACT ONE 13A. 11 CONTINUED: BEVERLY What happened to the second beam? GEORDI The Transporter Chief shut it down, but somehow... it was reflected back to the surface. PICARD And another Wil Riker materialized there. RIKER How could the second pattern have maintained its integrity? Geordi's tone indicates he's making his best guess. GEORDI The containment beam must have had the exact same phase differential as the distortion field. STAR TREK: "Second Chances" - REV. 03/19/93 - ACT ONE 14. 11 CONTINUED: (2) Riker has to know. RIKER Which one of us is... real? The answer is clearly important to him. GEORDI Both. You were both re-materialized from a complete pattern. Riker struggles to assimilate this information. BEVERLY (to Riker) Up to that moment, you were the same person. PICARD But over the last eight years, you and... Picard searches for a way to differentiate them. PICARD (continuing) -- Lieutenant Riker have lived very different lives. You're different people now. He addresses the others. PICARD For us, it's a little like meeting a close friend's twin. You can't help feeling that you know them... but of course you don't. Picard ponders the strangeness of it. STAR TREK: "Second Chances" - 03/17/93 - ACT ONE 15. 11 CONTINUED: (3) PICARD No matter how strange it may seem to us... there are now two Wil Rikers aboard this vessel. Getting used to the idea may take a while... especially for you, Wil. Riker nods an acknowledgement. RIKER I'll be all right, sir. PICARD Lieutenant Riker will be here for a few days at least. We should do everything we can to make him feel comfortable and welcome. There is a consensus about this in the room. RIKER That still leaves us with the problem of how to retrieve the database. The station's computer is only partially operational. DATA Many of its components have been removed. Apparently Lieutenant Riker used them to keep the station's radiation shield operational. PICARD Can we repair it, at least enough to access the database? RIKER Without knowing what he did, it'll be tough. BEVERLY Maybe he could help? Picard considers. PICARD He was alone down there a long time. I'm hesitant to send him back until he's been evaluated. TROI I'll talk to him. STAR TREK: "Second Chances" - REV. 03/19/93 - ACT ONE 16. 11 CONTINUED: (4) Riker glances up when she says this. PICARD Thank you, Counselor. Picard stands and the meeting breaks up. 12 INT. LIEUTENANT RIKER'S QUARTERS Lieutenant Riker is cleaned up, now wearing a gold Lieutenant's Uniform. He is sitting at a table, looking at the screen of a desktop terminal. A now empty dinner plate is pushed off to the side. He takes a sip from his beverage as he studies the screen. 13 ANOTHER ANGLE that includes the screen. We see that he is looking over Commander Riker's service record, finding out what his double has been up to these past eight years. The door CHIMES. Lieutenant Riker stands and moves toward it. LT. RIKER Come in. The door OPENS to reveal Troi standing there. Lieutenant Riker just stares at her for a moment. He can't believe it's really her. TROI Hello, Wil. Without hesitation, he moves toward her. LT. RIKER Imzadi... Before she can react, he takes her in his arms and kisses her... with all the pent-up emotion of a man who has been separated too long from the woman he loves... FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE STAR TREK: "Second Chances" - REV. 03/19/93 - ACT TWO 17. ACT TWO FADE IN: 14 INT. LIEUTENANT RIKER'S QUARTERS - CONTINUOUS as Troi pulls back from him. TROI Wil... He looks at her, his face full of emotion. LT. RIKER I thought I'd never see you again... She gently pulls back from his embrace. TROI We need to talk. Though her tone is gentle, he realizes something's wrong. Suddenly he remembers the situation and it's like the wind has been knocked out of him. LT. RIKER You're here... on this ship... because of him. He is clearly devastated by the prospect. TROI No. He looks up sharply, needing to know everything. TROI Commander Riker and I are friends, close friends; nothing more. He looks at her, no other words could make him happier. He moves to take her in his arms again but she stops him. TROI Wil -- why don't we sit down? He realizes there's more to this. He gestures to the couch and chair and they move toward it and sit. TROI Do you remember the last time we saw each other? STAR TREK: "Second Chances" - REV. 03/19/93 - ACT TWO 18. 14 CONTINUED: LT. RIKER Like yesterday. We spent the day at the Janaran falls, on Betazed. TROI It was the day before you started your tour on the Potemkin. LT. RIKER (smiles) We were going to meet six weeks later, on Risa. TROI We never did. LT. RIKER (laughs) I know. TROI What I mean is... Commander Riker and I never did. He looks at her, beginning to understand what she's getting at. TROI You see... he earned a promotion very quickly. LT. RIKER I know. (with irony) For exceptional valor during the evacuation of the research station on Nervala Four. (off her reaction) I looked over his service record. Troi acknowledges. TROI He chose to make his career a priority. There wasn't time for much of anything else. Though her tone is even, in truth, these aren't easy memories for her. STAR TREK: "Second Chances" - 03/17/93 - ACT TWO 19. 14 CONTINUED: (2) TROI We kept in touch... but we didn't see each other again until we were both posted to the Enterprise two years later. Lieutenant Riker is surprised to hear this. TROI By then, our feelings for each other had changed. We've served together for six years now... things never went back to the way they used to be. Lieutenant Riker takes this in. After a moment. LT. RIKER I had a lot of time on my hands down there. There were days I felt so alone I thought I might lose my mind. STAR TREK: "Second Chances" - REV. 03/19/93 - ACT TWO 20. 14 CONTINUED: (3) He looks at her. LT. RIKER (continuing) Do you know what got me through? (beat) Thinking that if I could hang on, one more day, maybe I'd be rescued... and I'd see you again. The depth of his emotion is almost overwhelming to her. LT. RIKER Well... I guess things don't always turn out quite the way you expect them to. His disappointment is obvious. TROI I know this isn't what you were hoping for, but that doesn't mean you can't make a future for yourself. LT. RIKER For now, I think I'll just take things one day at a time. TROI Captain Picard wanted me to find out if you'd be willing to help us retrieve the station's database. LT. RIKER I reconfigured that computer system so many times they probably can't make heads or tails of it. I'd be happy to help. TROI Do you feel up to it? LT. RIKER Absolutely. TROI I'll tell the Captain. She smiles and stands. TROI Well... I have to go. STAR TREK: "Second Chances" - 03/17/93 - ACT TWO 21. 14 CONTINUED: (4) He's disappointed she's leaving, nods an acknowledgement. She moves toward the door -- it looks like he's going to let her leave without another word when suddenly he stands and moves toward her. LT. RIKER Deanna... I know it's been a long time since we were together; I know your feelings have changed. But... He almost doesn't continue, the emotions are too raw. But he decides to lay it on the line. LT. RIKER Mine haven't. I can't just give up and accept that it's over... I want to be with you again. His feelings are so overwhelming that she doesn't know how to respond. TROI (gently) Good night, Wil... Their eyes meet for a moment... then she turns and EXITS. Off his face as she leaves... 15 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as it orbits the planet. 16 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM (OPTICAL) Riker, Data, Worf and an N.D. technician are getting ready to go, doing a final check on the equipment they're bringing down in carrying cases. Geordi is at working at one of the side panels adjacent to the Transporter chamber; Ensign Palmer is at the main console. STAR TREK: "Second Chances" - 03/17/93 - ACT TWO 22. 16 CONTINUED: PALMER (off console) Phase distortion is dropping -- the second transport window will open in forty-two seconds. Riker and Worf exchange a look -- Lieutenant Riker is supposed to be here. RIKER How long will we have? PALMER Thirty-six minutes, sir. WORF We are losing time. Lieutenant Riker should be here. Riker knows he's right, reaches to activate a control on the Transporter console. RIKER Computer, where is Lieutenant -- The door OPENS and Lieutenant Riker hurries in. RIKER Cancel inquiry. Lieutenant Riker clearly knows he's late. WORF You were supposed to report here at eight hundred hours. LT. RIKER I'm sorry, I was -- But Riker interrupts: RIKER (lightly) I guess it's been a while since you had to punch a clock. Lieutenant Riker is surprised by Riker's relatively easy going attitude. RIKER (to others) Let's go. STAR TREK: "Second Chances" - REV. 03/18/93 - ACT ONE 23. 16 CONTINUED: (2) Riker moves to the Transporter pad and everyone else follows. Geordi joins Palmer at the main console. When the Away Team is in position: RIKER Energize. 17 INT. RESEARCH STATION (OPTICAL) as the Away Team MATERIALIZES. Most of the station's consoles are still down, but the lights are now on. The N.D. technician sets about her task. Lieutenant Riker moves toward the lit center console. LT. RIKER I shut down most of the consoles to save power. I re-routed just about everything through here. He gets to work. 18 ANOTHER ANGLE Riker, Worf and Data. RIKER Check out the primary EPS coupling, see if you can get some power to the rest of these consoles. Data and Worf EXIT to another part of the station. Riker crosses to a lit wall console and begins to work. This is the first time the two men have been alone since they first met, but the awkwardness of it is somewhat mitigated by the fact that they have a job to do. LT. RIKER (as he works) I shunted the database to the main core underneath the station. RIKER Can we access it from here? STAR TREK: "Second Chances" - REV. 03/18/93 - ACT TWO 24. 18 CONTINUED: LT. RIKER There's been a lot of seismic activity over the years; if the servo-links were damaged, we may not be able to. Lieutenant Riker crouches down and opens a panel underneath the console. LT. RIKER I'll try to tap into the command pathways. See if you can disable the file server. They both set to work, getting various tools from the cases they each brought down. After a few moments, Riker casts a glance over at Lieutenant Riker, as if to say something. Lieutenant Riker is on his back underneath the console, his face hidden from view. Riker considers for a beat before going ahead. RIKER I was thinking... we should probably let Dad know what's happened. LT. RIKER (wry) I'm sure he'll be thrilled to hear there are two of us now. Riker hears the same ambivalence he felt about his father just a few years ago. RIKER I don't know. He and I patched up a few things. 19 ANGLE - LIEUTENANT RIKER as he reacts to this news. LT. RIKER I've gotten by without talking to him for a long time. I'm not about to start now. Riker backs off from the subject. They work in silence for a moment. LT. RIKER What made you contact him? STAR TREK: "Second Chances" - REV. 03/19/93 - ACT TWO 25. 19 CONTINUED: RIKER I didn't. He came to the Enterprise to brief me when I was offered the Aries. Beat. LT. RIKER What did he say when you turned down the chance to command your own ship? 19A ANGLE - RIKER (OPTICAL) There's a tone in Lieutenant Riker's voice that Riker isn't sure he likes. RIKER He couldn't understand why I did it. LT. RIKER For once he and I agree on something. Riker reacts to this, but before he can reply Data and Worf ENTER from the other room. WORF The primary EPS coupling is fused. It will have to be replaced. LT. RIKER (standing) I've accessed the command pathways. RIKER Let's see if that does the trick. Lieutenant Riker works his console. Data moves to his side. Lieutenant Riker reacts to something on the monitor. LT. RIKER It's not working. The servo-link must be damaged. We're going to have to go under the station and access the core directly. DATA We have less than three minutes left. STAR TREK: "Second Chances" - REV. 03/18/93 - ACT TWO 26. 19A CONTINUED: LT. RIKER Leave me here. If I start now, I'll be finished by the time the third window opens. RIKER It's too dangerous. Our scans show the caverns are unstable. LT. RIKER I've been down there dozens of times; I know my way around. RIKER We'll come back during the third window with a new EPS coupling and try to access the core from another console up here. STAR TREK: "Second Chances" - 03/17/93 - ACT TWO 26A. 19A CONTINUED: RIKER (hits combadge) Riker to Enterprise. GEORDI'S COM VOICE Enterprise, here. RIKER We're ready to beam up. Lieutenant Riker persists, he's gotten unaccustomed to taking orders. LT. RIKER You go ahead; I'll be finished by the time you get back. Lieutenant Riker doesn't realize he's disregarding a direct order. RIKER Hold it -- Lieutenant Riker doesn't hear the warning in his tone and starts to move away. Riker's anger flares, he moves with surprising speed and grabs Lieutenant Riker, stopping him in his tracks. RIKER (firm) I gave you an order, Lieutenant. Lieutenant Riker is startled by Riker's vehemence. From his perspective, it's come out of nowhere. The two Rikers square off, eye to eye. Though it is clear that Lieutenant Riker intends to do as he's told, we can see the resentment in his eyes. Off this moment we... FADE OUT. 19B OMITTED END OF ACT TWO STAR TREK: "Second Chances" - 03/17/93 - ACT THREE 27. ACT THREE FADE IN: 20 INT. TROI'S QUARTERS as she ENTERS, coming home from duty. She crosses toward the replicator. TROI (to replicator) Computer -- valerian root tea, hot. We HEAR a cup of tea materialize. She takes the cup and crosses toward the bathroom area. As she passes her bed, she notices something on her pillow. She moves to see what it is... it's a small piece of paper rolled into a tiny scroll. She picks it up and unrolls it to reveal a hand-written NOTE. She reads it aloud... 21 INSERT - THE NOTE As Troi reads: TROI Meet me in Transporter Room Three at nineteen hundred hours. It's important. 22 RESUME SCENE Troi thinks a moment -- what's this all about? Curiosity gets the best of her; she sets down her tea and EXITS... 23 INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM Moments later. Troi ENTERS and looks around -- there's nobody here. Then she sees an ORCHID sitting on the Transporter console. She smiles and picks it up... there is another tiny scroll attached. She smells the flower... then unravels the scroll and reads the handwritten note: STAR TREK: "Second Chances" - REV. 03/19/93 - ACT THREE 28. 23 CONTINUED: TROI (reads) It pulses unendingly All through the night; Seek out the crystal That powers our flight. Troi smiles as she realizes she's being led on a treasure hunt. She thinks about the clue for a moment, then moves off down the hall... 24 INT. ENGINEERING Geordi and a few N.D.s working. Troi ENTERS and looks around, then heads toward the main core where the dilithium chamber is located. Geordi turns and sees her. He reacts to the unexpected sight of Troi peering at the dilithium chamber, holding an orchid, and moves to her. GEORDI Can I help you with something, Counselor? Just then she finds what she's looking for: hanging from a string under the dilithium chamber is another hand-written scroll, this one attached to a small, foil-wrapped CHOCOLATE HEART. Geordi reacts as he gets a glimpse of it. TROI No -- thanks, anyway. Geordi is about to ask what this is all about but Troi just smiles and EXITS. Off his confused reaction... 25 INT. CORRIDOR - CONTINUOUS Troi stops outside Engineering and unrolls the scroll... TROI (reads) What the future holds No one can know But forward we look And Forward you go... She pops the chocolate in her mouth, and without hesitation, heads toward the Turbolift... STAR TREK: "Second Chances" - 03/17/93 - ACT THREE 29. 26 INT. TEN FORWARD as Troi ENTERS and looks around... moves across the room toward the windows... and stops at what she sees. Sitting on one of the tables is a GIFT BOX. Next to it is a small VASE filled with water. She puts the orchid in it, smiles at how much thought went into this. She looks around to see if the person responsible is nearby, then opens the box. Inside is a flat piece of slate, irregular in shape and slightly larger than a book. On its surface is etched an image. We see that Troi recognizes it instantly. 27 INSERT - THE ETCHING It depicts a spectacular waterfall, cascading off a cliff. LT. RIKER (off-camera) The Janaran falls... 28 RESUME SCENE - INCLUDING LIEUTENANT RIKER as he approaches. Troi turns and sees him. TROI (smiles) I remember. Where did you get this? LT. RIKER I made it... a few years ago, down on the station. TROI (surprised) You made this? LT. RIKER (laughs) You should have seen the first two. It took me a while to get a fine enough beam from the phaser. TROI It's lovely. Thank you. He nods, shows no embarrassment over having gone to such lengths to get her here. STAR TREK: "Second Chances" - REV. 03/18/93 - ACT THREE 30. 28 CONTINUED: LT. RIKER Do you have time to sit and talk for a while? She nods, and he gestures to a waiter as they sit at the table. Neither one of them is quite sure what to say at first, and they find themselves looking down at the etching. LT. RIKER I wanted to remember... our last night together. She takes this in silently, not wanting to say anything to encourage any more talk about the period they were lovers. She steers the conversation elsewhere. TROI How does it feel being with people again? LT. RIKER Great... (admitting it) A little strange... (beat) For a long time, I did whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted; it's hard to get used to taking orders again. TROI I can imagine. LT. RIKER I guess I'm going to have to if I want to get my career going. TROI Is that what you've decided to do? LT. RIKER Don't you remember? How I wanted to make Captain by the time I was thirty-five? He smiles at his youthful cockiness. LT. RIKER I'm a little behind schedule, I'll admit. He shrugs, and Troi is struck by his optimistic attitude. STAR TREK: "Second Chances" - 03/17/93 - ACT THREE 31. 28 CONTINUED: (2) TROI It's good that you don't feel... set back. LT. RIKER I do. But I promised myself that if I ever got out of there, I'd make up for lost time. Troi is encouraged to hear this. LT. RIKER Things are a little more complicated than I thought they'd be... but I'm not going to let anything stop me from getting what I want. She looks down, knowing what he means by this. A Waiter approaches and sets two glasses down. LT. RIKER Thanks. He leans forward, looks at Troi. LT. RIKER I can't tell you how many times I thought about you... about us. The first few weeks after the evacuation, I was sure they'd find a way to get through the distortion field and come back for me. (smiles) I even thought we'd meet on Risa like we planned. (he shakes his head) But the days kept going by and nobody came. Then I realized why. They thought I'd been killed in the beam out. As far as anyone knew, there was no one to come back for. (smiles) I figured they probably held a memorial service for me. Somehow... it made me feel better. Troi smiles at his confession. TROI I can understand that. STAR TREK: "Second Chances" - 03/17/93 - ACT THREE 32. 28 CONTINUED: (3) LT. RIKER You were there... all in black. (smiles) Very flattering on you, by the way. TROI (smiles) I'm sure I looked terrible -- my eyes all red and swollen from crying. Somehow, sharing his fantasy is strangely intimate. LT. RIKER Sometimes I'd look up into the sky and think that maybe, if I tried hard enough, I could somehow make you... feel my presence. I thought that if I could let you know I was still alive... maybe you'd wait for me. (beat) I know it's crazy, but there were a few times that... that I could've sworn -- Suddenly he feels ridiculous and waves this off. LT. RIKER What am I talking about? But Troi's face shows no sign she finds this ridiculous. TROI The other day, when I told you how Commander Riker and I didn't meet on Risa... what I didn't say was how disappointed I was. LT. RIKER You didn't have to. I knew. TROI I started hearing from him less and less... I knew his career was taking him away from me, but I didn't want to believe it was over. I spent a lot of time thinking about him, wondering where he was, what he was doing. She looks up, meets his eyes. STAR TREK: "Second Chances" - 03/17/93 - ACT THREE 33. 28 CONTINUED: (4) TROI Sometimes I'd look up into the sky... and imagine that he knew, that he could sense me thinking about him. Lieutenant Riker looks at her. Is she saying that maybe, just maybe, he was right? TROI Who knows? Maybe one night... you and I were both looking up at the same star. You were thinking about me... and in a way, I was thinking about you. They look at each other, somehow comforted by the possibility. They pick up their drinks; their eyes meet for a moment. Off the clink of their glasses... 29 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as it orbits Nervala IV. 30 INT. READY ROOM as Commander Riker ENTERS. RIKER You wanted to see me, Sir? PICARD Yes, Number One. Come in. Riker moves into the room. STAR TREK: "Second Chances" - 03/17/93 - ACT THREE 34. 30 CONTINUED: PICARD Lieutenant Riker came to see me about the away mission. Riker reacts, wondering if he'd made a complaint of some sort. PICARD He believes the only way to retrieve the database is by directly accessing the main core underneath the station. This isn't what Riker was expecting, but he's not happy to hear Lieutenant Riker came to the Captain directly. RIKER Seismic activity has made the caverns very unstable. In my opinion, it's too risky. PICARD He said he'd been down there quite recently; he seems confident it can be done safely. RIKER There's a good chance we can retrieve the database from one of the consoles inside the station. PICARD But if that doesn't work, it'll be eight years before we get another chance. RIKER Lieutenant Riker's plan is more dangerous, but I'll admit, it has a better chance of succeeding. PICARD Given the importance of this data, I think it's worth the risk. Riker accepts his decision without hesitation. RIKER I'll look over the schematics and draw up a mission plan. PICARD I'm sure Lieutenant Riker would be happy to help you with that. STAR TREK: "Second Chances" - REV. 03/19/93 - ACT THREE 35. 30 CONTINUED: (2) RIKER (even) I'll talk to him. Riker takes his leave. Off Picard's expression as he watches him go. 31 INT. ENGINEERING (OPTICAL) Commander Riker ENTERS to find Lieutenant Riker working at the pool table. RIKER Lieutenant. LT. RIKER Sir. RIKER I just spoke with the Captain about your mission recommendation. I'd appreciate it if next time you came to me first. LT. RIKER I tried to, yesterday on the station. You wouldn't hear me out. RIKER I heard you, Lieutenant. And I rejected your plan. STAR TREK: "Second Chances" - REV. 03/18/93 - ACT THREE 36. 31 CONTINUED: That should be the end of it, but Lieutenant Riker goes on to ask: LT. RIKER May I ask what the Captain decided? RIKER He's going with your recommendation, but that's not the point. LT. RIKER Isn't it? Riker reacts. RIKER If you think I'm coming down on you because the Captain overruled me, think again. I happen to disagree with his decision, but he's my commanding officer and I follow his orders. Just so there's no confusion, I'm your commanding officer and I expect you to do the same. If you can't, then you don't have a place on my Away Team. Their eyes lock and for a moment we don't know what Lieutenant Riker will do. Finally, he backs down. LT. RIKER Yes, sir. RIKER We're meeting in the Observation lounge at fourteen hundred hours to draw up a mission plan. Riker turns and EXITS. Off Lieutenant Riker's expression as he watches him go. 32 INT. SHIP'S GYMNASIUM where Troi and Beverly are talking while they do slow, controlled martial arts forms, dressed in their robes. Troi is animatedly recounting her evening with Lieutenant Riker. TROI ... we stayed in Ten Forward talking for hours. STAR TREK: "Second Chances" - REV. 03/18/93 - ACT THREE 37. 32 CONTINUED: BEVERLY What happened then? TROI (simply) He walked me to my quarters. BEVERLY (smiles) What happened then? TROI (dismissing this) Beverly -- BEVERLY I'm just asking. TROI It's been over between Wil and me for a long time. BEVERLY He's not Wil. He is, but -- you know what I mean. TROI I do. But... it's hard for me to separate my feelings for them. BEVERLY Deanna... just because things turned out the way they did between you and Commander Riker... that doesn't mean you shouldn't let things with Lieutenant Riker take their own course. Troi takes this in... she hasn't come to any conclusions. TROI (smiles) I should have known you'd encourage me. BEVERLY (smiles) Isn't that why you brought it up? They laugh at this until the door OPENS and Lieutenant Riker ENTERS the gym, dressed in work-out clothes. He sees them and gives a little wave, then heads over to another part of the gym and starts stretching. Beverly drops her form. STAR TREK: "Second Chances" - 03/17/93 - ACT THREE 37A. 32 CONTINUED: (2) BEVERLY (to Troi) Well... I think I'll call it a day. STAR TREK: "Second Chances" - 03/17/93 - ACT THREE 38. 32 CONTINUED: (2) TROI (don't) Beverly. But Beverly just smiles and moves away. As she passes by Lieutenant Riker: BEVERLY Bye. Beverly EXITS. Troi picks up with her exercises again. Lieutenant Riker watches her for a beat, then approaches. LT. RIKER Is that some form of tai-chi-chuan? TROI They're Klingon exercises, actually. Lieutenant Worf has been teaching a class. He moves around in front of her, watching for a moment. LT. RIKER The forms are very similar. He takes a stance in front of her. LT. RIKER Do that last move again. She repeats the move, which involves taking a step forward and thrusting out an arm. Lieutenant Riker parries the thrust with a stylized move of his own. This is all done in a slow, controlled manner. TROI You just did the KoH-man-ara. LT. RIKER In tai-chi-chuan, it's called the crane block. TROI I had no idea they were so similar. LT. RIKER Let's try something else. STAR TREK: "Second Chances" - 03/17/93 - ACT THREE 39. 32 CONTINUED: (3) They take their stances, and this time he pivots and thrusts; she blocks the move with one of her own. They smile at the continued similarity in these two martial arts, then move into a third parry and thrust, a little faster this time. This one takes them into close proximity to each other, so that their faces are quite close. Their eyes meet for a moment, but Troi breaks it off by pivoting and twirling around to take another stance. LT. RIKER Very nice. Worf's a good teacher. Lieutenant Riker executes another move, and Troi anticipates and counters with one of her own -- though the pace quickens, it is still controlled and stylized. He changes tack but Troi is there, and this time she takes him smoothly down on to the mat, so that he ends up on his back and she ends up on one knee. She smiles down at him, and because he's enjoying himself too much to take it badly, he smiles back. When their eyes meet they suddenly realize how close they are physically... there is a charged moment... but Lieutenant Riker decides not to push it and makes to get up. Unexpectedly, Troi doesn't let him. She holds his gaze for a moment, then lowers herself into his arms and kisses him full on the mouth. His hands reach up along her back as they continue to kiss... FADE OUT. END ACT THREE STAR TREK: "Second Chances" - 03/17/93 - ACT FOUR 40. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 33 INT. TEN FORWARD Where various N.D. Supernumeraries are enjoying themselves. Commander Riker is standing near the windows, gazing out at the stars. Troi ENTERS and looks around. She sees Riker and heads toward him. He's lost in thought and doesn't notice her approach. TROI Hello, Wil. He turns at the sound of her voice, smiles when he sees her. RIKER Deanna... TROI I wanted to talk to you about something. He looks at her for a long moment, his expression unreadable. RIKER (gently) If you want to be with him... you don't have to ask my permission. She reacts, clearly surprised that he sensed what is going on. RIKER (smiles) There's a certain look in your eyes. I know... you used to have it for me. She shares his smile, then gestures to a table. Once they're seated: TROI We've both had relationships with other people before; but this is different. He smiles at her understatement. STAR TREK: "Second Chances" - 03/17/93 - ACT FOUR 41. 33 CONTINUED: TROI I didn't know how you would feel about it. RIKER Flattered. (smiles) Sort of. She smiles at this. TROI It must be very strange for you. I know it is for me. Riker nods, takes a moment to think. RIKER Ever since he came aboard... I keep finding myself thinking about... the choices you and I made. They look at each other. TROI Me too. There's no need for them to say anything out loud. They both know what's between them, the complicated history of their relationship. After a long moment, he reaches across the table and takes her hand. RIKER Just do one thing for me... be careful. TROI Wil... I know you and he have had some problems -- RIKER We have. But that's not what I'm talking about. (MORE) STAR TREK: "Second Chances" - 03/17/93 - ACT FOUR 42. 33 CONTINUED: (2) RIKER (Cont'd) (beat) If he'd made it off that planet instead of me... don't you think he would have made the same choices I did? Troi is struck by this insight. RIKER I just don't want you to get hurt... again. Troi looks at him and knows he's not speaking to her from hurt or jealousy, but from friendship. He's given her a lot to think about... 33A INT. RIKER'S QUARTERS (OPTICAL) (FORMERLY SCENE 36) Where Commander Riker, Data and Worf are playing poker. Data has already folded and Worf now shows his hand with a confident air. WORF Two pair. Riker holds his cards for a beat, then lays them down with a smile. RIKER Three of a kind. Worf glowers -- he's been having a bad night. Riker starts raking in the chips. RIKER I'd like to thank you both for your very generous contributions. Data prepares to deal another hand. The door CHIMES. RIKER Come in. Riker is facing the door, so when it OPENS, he's the first to see Lieutenant Riker standing there. There is an awkward moment. LT. RIKER I thought -- you'd be alone. Excuse me. STAR TREK: "Second Chances" - 03/17/93 - ACT FOUR 42A. 33A CONTINUED: He moves as if to leave. RIKER Why don't you join us? STAR TREK: "Second Chances" - REV. 03/18/93 - ACT FOUR 43. 33A CONTINUED: (2) Lieutenant Riker hesitates for a beat, but when he sees the welcoming looks from the others he decides to come in. LT. RIKER Why not? Riker stands and starts to cross around the table to get him a chair. Lieutenant Riker sees one right by the door but Riker's trombone is laying on the seat. He picks it up intending to find another place for it, but when he has it in his hand he recognizes it as his trombone, the one he had learned to play on. As he looks down at it Riker enters the frame... there is an awkward moment as Lieutenant Riker hands it back to him -- two people can't share the same momentos. Riker puts the trombone elsewhere and Lieutenant Riker slides the chair to the table. DATA The game is five card draw, no limit. Lieutenant Riker nods and Data pushes a pile of chips at him. Lieutenant Riker joins the ante, and Data starts dealing cards -- first to Lieutenant Riker, who is at his left, then to Worf, who is across from him, then to Commander Riker, who is at his right, across from Lieutenant Riker. Everyone sizes up their hand. Data turns to Lieutenant Riker. DATA Lieutenant? LT. RIKER Three. He puts down three cards and Data deals him another three. DATA Mister Worf? Worf thinks for a beat then frowns. WORF Four. Riker smiles at Worf's bad luck as Data and Worf exchange cards. Data then turns to Commander Riker. RIKER None for me. STAR TREK: "Second Chances" - REV. 03/18/93 - ACT FOUR 43A. 33A CONTINUED: (3) Everyone reacts -- Riker must be holding something. DATA The dealer will take two. STAR TREK: "Second Chances" - REV. 03/19/93 - ACT FOUR 44. 33A CONTINUED: (4) Everyone sizes up their new hand. After a moment, Data turns to Lieutenant Riker. DATA You control the bet. Lieutenant Riker fingers his chips for a beat, his face even. LT. RIKER Fifty. Everyone reacts -- this is quite high for this table. Everyone turns to Worf. He glowers at his cards and puts them down. WORF Fold. All eyes turn to Riker. RIKER (tossing in his chips) I'm in. Lieutenant Riker looks at him. LT. RIKER You didn't take any cards -- you must be holding something. Why not make it sweeter? Questioning a man's poker game used to get people killed, but Commander Riker just shrugs it off with a smile. RIKER No thanks. LT. RIKER Playing it safe? There's something almost accusatory in Lieutenant Riker's tone. Riker regards him evenly for a moment, then turns to Data. RIKER You in? Data has been watching this exchange with fascination. He gets back in the game and matches the bet. DATA I will see your fifty and call. STAR TREK: "Second Chances" - 03/17/93 - ACT FOUR 45. 33A CONTINUED: (4) Lieutenant Riker looks at his cards for a moment, then pushes in another hundred. LT. RIKER Staying in will cost you another hundred. Everyone reacts. DATA The dealer folds. Commander Riker studies his double's face for a long moment. Unexpectedly, he breaks into a broad grin. RIKER I spent too much time practicing in the mirror to be fooled by that face. You're bluffing. Though Commander Riker says this good-naturedly, Lieutenant Riker's face hardens. LT. RIKER If there's one thing I thought would be clear by now, it's that you and I play things a little differently. Riker stiffens at his pointed tone. RIKER We'll see who comes out on top. LT. RIKER I thought you didn't mind settling for second. Commander. His emphasis on Riker's rank is all too clear. The tension between them is suddenly out in the open. RIKER I've never settled for anything in my life. I've made choices that some people may not understand, but I know what I want -- and I know what I've got. You'd be lucky to do as well. (beat) Lieutenant. STAR TREK: "Second Chances" - 03/17/93 - ACT FOUR 46. 33A CONTINUED: (5) Lieutenant Riker bristles. RIKER (bets) I'll see your hundred and call. Riker sits back and waits to see what Lieutenant Riker will do. Lieutenant Riker assembles a stack of chips worth three hundred and bets them. LT. RIKER Three hundred. RIKER Now I know you're bluffing. LT. RIKER (sharp) Are you in or not? Riker loses his patience with this. RIKER Why don't we just get this over with? I'll match your three, and raise you whatever you have left. Riker slides some more chips in, eye-balling the chips to match what Lieutenant Riker has left. Their eyes lock, Lieutenant Riker's gaze conveys barely controlled anger. STAR TREK: "Second Chances" - REV. 03/19/93 - ACT FOUR 47. 33A CONTINUED: (6) RIKER Well? Riker's question hangs in the air for a moment... he's called Lieutenant Riker's bluff. Both men are on edge and there's a sense this could easily get physical. Suddenly Lieutenant Riker pushes all his chips directly into Riker's pile. LT. RIKER Take it. You win. He pushes his chair back and stands, eyes Commander Riker. LT. RIKER You were dealt the better hand, Commander... all the way around. He turns and EXITS. Off everyone's reactions... 34 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as it orbits Nervala IV. 35 INT. TROI'S QUARTERS Troi is alone, contemplating her situation. After a moment, the door CHIMES. TROI Come in. The door OPENS to reveal Lieutenant Riker. LT. RIKER I'm sorry to just drop by like this... but there's something important I need to talk to you about. She gestures that he come in. LT. RIKER Captain Picard made some inquiries -- he helped me find a posting on the Gandhi. Lieutenant Riker can barely contain his enthusiasm, but Troi doesn't know how she feels about this. LT. RIKER Considering how long I've been out of commission, it's an amazing opportunity. STAR TREK: "Second Chances" - 03/17/93 - ACT FOUR 48. 35 CONTINUED: Troi keeps an even tone. TROI When would you leave? LT. RIKER About a week. TROI I see. LT. RIKER Deanna... He moves to her. LT. RIKER After I've served on the ship for six months, I'll be eligible to bring family aboard. Troi's face almost blanches when she hears these words, but Lieutenant Riker is holding her so close he doesn't see. LT. RIKER If we got married... Troi pulls away. TROI You said those exact words to me once before... when you first went to serve on the Potemkin. LT. RIKER I remember. (smiles) I got held up for a while. TROI But if you hadn't... what would have happened between us? He looks at her, knows what she's asking. LT. RIKER I wouldn't've made the mistake of letting you go. I know that much. TROI I don't know if I can believe that. STAR TREK: "Second Chances" - REV. 03/18/93 - ACT FOUR 49. 35 CONTINUED: (2) She takes a breath, makes an admission she hasn't made before. TROI It took me a long time to get over what happened between Commander Riker and me. I don't know if I want to put myself in that position again. He moves to her, tries to reassure her.. LT. RIKER I would never hurt you, Deanna. She looks at him, torn. TROI It's not just that... I've worked hard to make a life for myself on the Enterprise. I'm happy here. His plans for their life together seem to be falling apart in front of his eyes. STAR TREK: "Second Chances" - 03/17/93 - ACT FOUR 50-51. 35 CONTINUED: (3) LT. RIKER If the situation were different, I'd stay here. But I can't... not while he's aboard. Troi can't deny this. TROI I know. Lieutenant Riker looks away, pained by the thought that after all that's happened, he might lose her again. LT. RIKER Are you saying it's over? TROI No. He looks at her -- at least there's hope. She moves toward him, touches his face. TROI I just don't know if I'm ready to give up my life here. He takes this in. TROI Maybe we both need time to think. He nods. They look at each other for a long moment, then he goes to the door. LT. RIKER Good night. She nods and he EXITS. Off Troi's face we... 36 OMITTED FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR STAR TREK: "Second Chances" - REV. 03/17/93 - ACT FIVE 52. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 37 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as it orbits Nervala IV. PICARD Captain's Log, supplemental. The third transport window has opened and the Away Team is making their final attempt at retrieving the database. 38 INT. RESEARCH STATION Worf and Lieutenant Riker are at the center console; Commander Riker and Data are at a wall console. LT. RIKER Once we restore the servo-link, you can shunt the database up to this console. Worf acknowledges and Lieutenant Riker moves to Data. LT. RIKER (to Data) Ready, Commander? RIKER (to Lieutenant Riker) You're with me, Lieutenant. Lieutenant Riker reacts -- he'd rather not go down there with Commander Riker. LT. RIKER I thought Commander Data's expertise in -- RIKER It doesn't take that much expertise to repair a servo-link. You and I can handle it. Lieutenant Riker stiffens at being cut off -- but follows as Commander Riker moves off. The two Rikers head to the back of the station and EXIT frame. Data watches as they leave, then turns to work the console. After a moment. STAR TREK: "Second Chances" - 03/19/93 - ACT FIVE 53. 38 CONTINUED: DATA I am curious about something, Lieutenant. If you met a double of yourself, would you find it difficult to interact with him? Worf considers. WORF I think so. DATA Why? WORF I am not... easy to get along with. Data can't disagree. DATA But Commander Riker and Lieutenant Riker are. Yet they seem to have trouble getting along with each another. Worf nods an acknowledgement. Data thinks for a moment. DATA I have found that humans value their uniqueness, their sense that they are different from every one else. The existence of a double would preclude that feeling. Could that be the source of friction? WORF Perhaps it is more a matter of seeing something in your double... something you don't like about yourself. Data nods thoughtfully, then returns to work. 39 INT. THE CAVERN (OPTICAL) underneath the station, as the two Rikers EXIT a Turbolift and come out into an area that is part rockface, part finished surface. STAR TREK: "Second Chances" - REV. 03/24/93 - ACT FIVE 53A. 39 CONTINUED: In addition to phasers, Lieutenant Riker carries a Tricorder and Riker carries a shoulder pack with equipment in it. A series of pipes and conduits run parallel to each other along the ceiling, and there are structural supports at various places shoring up the walls. In front of them is a chasm that is spanned by a bridgelike scaffolding. The core is visible on the far side, but they can't see the point where the bridge touches their side of the chasm. LT. RIKER There's the core over there. Riker nods and waits for him to lead the way, but Lieutenant Riker just stands there. RIKER Are you waiting for something? LT. RIKER Your order. Sir. Riker looks at him for an explanation. LT. RIKER How would you like me to get there? Riker sees that Lt. Riker doesn't intend to make this easy. RIKER You've been down here "dozens" of times -- I'm sure you know the best way. Lieutenant Riker hears the slight tinge of sarcasm in his voice but ignores it, acts as if he's just trying to "follow orders." LT. RIKER Yes, sir. I do. He moves off -- Riker shakes his head and follows. They round a bend and come to a doorway that leads out across the bridge. But a conduit in the ceiling has come unmoored and fallen across the doorway, rupturing in the process. STAR TREK: "Second Chances" - REV. 03/24/93 - ACT FIVE 53B. 39 CONTINUED: (2) Lieutenant Riker reacts, backs away. He takes out his tricorder and scans it. LT. RIKER It's leaking ion radiation. They back off, moving around the bend to put some rockface between them and the leak. Riker is concerned that this unexpected obstacle will prevent them from getting to the core. RIKER Why didn't you report this? LT. RIKER It wasn't there before; it must have happened recently. Riker frowns. LT. RIKER If we have to repair this conduit, we won't have time to access the computer core. Lt. Riker is all but admitting that his plan may cause them to fail. But Riker is looking up at the ceiling, eyeing the maze of conduits up there. As Lieutenant Riker watches, Riker starts tracing the path of the broken conduit, using its distinctive colorcoding to track it against the other pipes. He follows it back toward the elevator area where the conduits run down along a wall and disappear into the floor. He finds a VALVE in the conduit and starts trying to close it. He strains for a moment and it finally gives. RIKER Scan it now. LT. RIKER (off tricorder) It worked. Radiation levels are dropping to normal levels. Riker nods and starts heading back toward the door that leads out onto the scaffolding. As he passes Lieutenant Riker: RIKER Next time don't give up so easily. STAR TREK: "Second Chances" - 03/19/93 - ACT FIVE 54. 39 CONTINUED: (3) Lieutenant Riker's jaw tightens as he watches Riker walk past. He turns and follows. 40 ANOTHER ANGLE (OPTICAL) Riker clambers past the broken conduit and starts heading across the scaffolding... Lieutenant Riker follows a few steps behind. A few yards into it, Riker takes a look over the side -- we can see from his face that it's a long way down... As they walk, the scaffolding creaks occasionally under their weight. Lieutenant Riker is about half-way across when a segment of the walkway suddenly gives way underneath his feet. Riker reacts and reaches back for him, but the segment Lieutenant Riker is on flaps down like a hinge, attached to the rest of the scaffolding only on one end (the end closest to the core). Riker just manages to grab hold of one of Lieutenant Riker's hands. 41 ANOTHER ANGLE Lieutenant Riker is hanging over the abyss, supported only by Riker's grip. Riker is on his belly, an arm reaching down toward Lieutenant Riker. 42 INSERT - THEIR HANDS clasped to each other's wrists, as they struggle to keep a grip. 43 RESUME SCENE as the weight of Lieutenant Riker's body begins to pull Riker forward. RIKER I'm being pulled in -- Their eyes meet. It is clear to both of them that Riker might have to let go to keep from being pulled in himself. STAR TREK: "Second Chances" - REV. 03/23/93 - ACT FIVE 55. 43 CONTINUED: LT. RIKER Let go. But Riker ignores him, reaches back with his free hand to try and grab a hold of something -- but there's nothing there. The scaffolding groans under the pressure of their combined weights -- it's threatening to tear loose and plunge them both to their deaths. 44 INSERT - THEIR HANDS as Lieutenant Riker lets go of Rikers hand -- the only thing holding him up is Riker's grip on his wrist. 45 RESUME SCENE LT. RIKER Let go. But Riker won't do it. LT. RIKER One of us has to make it out of here -- Riker manages to hook a foot behind one of the supports that hold up the handrail. He reaches his other hand down for Lieutenant Riker to grab hold of. RIKER Take my hand -- LT. RIKER No -- RIKER Take it! Lieutenant Riker sees the resolve in Riker's face. He reaches and takes Riker's other hand. RIKER Climb -- Supporting his weight with one hand, Lieutenant Riker reaches up with the other to get a grip farther up Riker's arm. He then switches hands and reaches further still. STAR TREK: "Second Chances" - 03/19/93 - ACT FIVE 55A. 45 CONTINUED: Both men are breathing hard as they strain through this arduous process. Finally, Lieutenant Riker is able to crawl up and over Riker's back onto the scaffolding, then help Riker up. Once they're both on firm ground, they make their way across the rest of the bridge. When they're safe on the other side, they both look back at the broken segment that almost cost them their lives. As they try to catch their breath, their eyes meet. They regard each other for a moment... then move toward the core. As they set to work we cut to: 46 thru OMITTED 47 48 INT. RESEARCH STATION as Data and Worf work the console. A previously dark section of the panel LIGHTS UP. DATA They have restored the servo-link to the core. We can begin downloading the database. Worf manipulates a (TECH DEVICE) they have attached to the console. STAR TREK: "Second Chances" - 03/19/93 - ACT FIVE 56. 48 CONTINUED: WORF Initiating data transfer. As they work. 49 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) as it moves at warp. PICARD Captain's Log, Stardate 46920.1. We have retrieved the database from Nervala station and are headed for our rendezvous with the Gandhi. 50 INT. LT. RIKER'S QUARTERS (OPTICAL) where he is packing his few belongings. The door CHIMES. LT. RIKER Come in. The door OPENS to reveal Troi. STAR TREK: "Second Chances" - 03/19/93 - ACT FIVE 57. 50 CONTINUED: Lieutenant Riker gestures that she come in. He knows she's come to give him her decision but he's got a bad feeling about what it's going to be. To cover, he returns to his packing. After a moment. TROI I understand the Gandhi is going on a terraforming mission to the Lagana Sector. LT. RIKER (nods) It'll take four months just to get there. STAR TREK: "Second Chances" - 03/19/93 - ACT FIVE 58. 50 CONTINUED: (2) They look at each other for a long moment. Troi tries to break it to him gently. TROI I won't be going with you. His face betrays his disappointment. LT. RIKER I guess I'm not surprised. She moves to him, but he can't look at her right now; the emotions are too raw. TROI I'm not ready to give up my life here. She touches his face, gently turns him so that he's looking at her. With meaning: TROI Not yet. He realizes what she's saying: maybe, someday... she will be ready. He reaches to take her hands, nods that he understands. She smiles, grateful to hear the words. The door CHIMES. He looks at her to see if they should ignore it, but she nods that it's all right. LT. RIKER Come in. The door OPENS to reveal Riker, holding a carrying case. When he sees the two of them: RIKER I'm sorry -- LT. RIKER It's all right. RIKER I wanted to give you something... STAR TREK: "Second Chances" - REV. 03/24/93 - ACT FIVE 58A. 50 CONTINUED: (3) He steps in and hands Lieutenant Riker the case. Lieutenant Riker recognizes it as the trombone case he had so many years ago. He looks at Riker, unsure... But when he opens it he finds his trombone... the one he learned to play on. He knows what it means to Riker and is amazed that he's willing to give it up. RIKER My quarters are full of things that used to be yours. I figured you should at least have this. Lieutenant Riker looks down at the trombone in his hands. Words can't express his appreciation. LT. RIKER Thanks. Riker nods. He steps back as if to leave. RIKER Good luck, Wil. This is the first time Riker's called him by their given name and it doesn't go unnoticed. LT. RIKER Actually... I was thinking of going with the name Thomas. TROI Your middle name. RIKER (with a grin) I guess we are different. I never really cared for it. LT. RIKER I've always kind of liked it. They share a smile at this. LT. RIKER Well... I better get going. He picks up his things and crosses toward the door. He glances at Riker. LT. RIKER Take care of her. Riker meets his eye, nods. Lieutenant Riker turns to Troi, leans in and kisses her, brief but tender. He looks at her with a playful smile. STAR TREK: "Second Chances" - REV. 03/23/93 - ACT FIVE 58B. 50 CONTINUED: (4) LT. RIKER I waited a long time. I can wait a little longer. She smiles, and he EXITS. Troi watches him go, her face betraying the complex emotions the last few days have elicited. Riker watches her silently. He knows she's hurting -- if she needs him, he'll be there to take care of her... just like Lieutenant Riker asked... Off this moment we... FADE OUT. 51 OMITTED END OF ACT FIVE THE END