· Susan
Oliver, best known as Vena, the Orion Slave Girl from TOS,
wanted to direct an episode of “Star Trek: The Next Generation.
Paramount Studios said no.
· Early
in the planning stages of the series, Roger C. Carmel was
offered the chance to return as his original TOS series
character; Harry Mudd, but he died long before shooting began.
· Attempts
were also made to have Leonard Nimoy appear during the first
season, but that had to wait a few more years.
The Walking Dead
Several times during the series, a major
character has died, only to be saved at the last minute. Some of
these episodes include:
"Hide And Q"
- Worf and Wesley get impaled by soldiers.
"Time Squared"
- The Enterprise is seen being destroyed.
"The Most Toys"
- Data is believed to be dead by the crew.
- Worf falls down in the shuttle bay, only to be saved by John
- After a barrel crashes on Worf back, Worf dies during an
experimental surgery. However, his "redundant" body organs
kicked in at the last minute.
"Cause And Effect"
- A collision with a starship causes the Enterprise to explode,
killing everyone on board, and causing a time loop in which the
Enterprise encounters a collision with another starship, killing
everyone on board, causing a time loop...
"Man Of The People"
- Deanna is killed in order to stop an ambassador from passing
his evil emotions to another empathic person.
"Gambit" - Captain Picard is believed to be