· The
corridor, engineering, transporter room, and battle bridge sets
were derived from the sets originally built for the first four
Star Trek movies. A majority of the sets also served as
different locations on the Enterprise-A in the fifth and sixth
Star Trek films.
· The
sliding doors were very loud on the show and have been compared
to sliding glass doors. The actors were instructed to hold their
dialogue until the doors stopped; you rarely will see an actor
delivering lines while a door is opening or closing.
· When
the Enterprise was initially being designed for Next generation,
the producers conveniently located a transporter room directly
off the main bridge. Gene Roddenberry nixed the idea, saying he
wanted the characters to have conversations in the turbolifts
before/after embarking on a mission. The original designs for
the first movie Enterprise also toyed with the idea of having a
single-person transporter on the bridge.
· Gene
Roddenberry’s original scripts for Next Generation’s premier
story, “Encounter at farpoint,” did not include any scenes set
in the Enterprise’s engineering room. When he learned that
Paramount was therefore refusing to pay to build an engine room
set, he revised the scripts to include the engine room.