Goofs for
"Star Trek: The Next Generation"
or equipment visible: In "Unification (Part
II)", as a Romulan commander is sitting in her
office, a crew member can be seen reflected in a
sculpture. Continuity: Data's cat, Spot, is a male
throughout the history of the show, but is female in
"Genesis" and "Force of Nature".
Boom mike visible:
In "Half A Life", the boom can be seen reflected in the
mirror in Lwaxanna's guest quarters as she talks to
errors: In "Relics", we can see curvature as the
Enterprise approaches the Dyson's sphere. Given the
theoretical size of a Dyson's sphere (roughly the size
of Earth's orbit around the sun), any curvature of the
sphere while the Enterprise was that close would be
Factual errors: In "The Royale", LaForge states that
the surface temperature of the planet below is "minus
291 Celsius". Absolute zero is -273C, making this
Continuity: Data is not supposed to be able to use
elisions. Yet, in the pilot episode "Encounter at
Farpoint", he says the word "can't" at least once.
Crew or
equipment visible: In "The Royale", the camera crew
can be seen in a mirror on the craps table.
Continuity: Before the episode that establishes that
Data is unable to use verbal contractions (elisions), he
has already used them 32 times.