unpublished, set of Babylon 5 Station blueprints was created in 1996
and consisted of 9 black & white sheets measuring 8-1/2" x 30"
in the same format as the original Franz Joseph Enterprise prints.
These were not picked up by any publisher. In 2003 I re-tooled the set
and began self-publishing on eBay. Click on an image to see a larger
version. These blueprints may be available for collectors on eBay or
iOffer. |

Sheet 1 is a profile view
of the
station. There is a great deal of file line work in this view that does
not come out at this resolution.
Sheet 2 is an overhead
view. This
gives a good look at the non-rotating spine of the station.
Sheet 3 shows what the
support spine
would look like if you removed the rotating habitat section.

4 shows fore and aft views. There is considerable detail on the fore
view showing the docking area.
Sheet 5 shows detail of
Blue Section
and the Cobra Bay Arms
Sheet 6 shows what I have
decided is
the communications array.
Sheet 7 details the
JumpGate and
tells about its operation and limitations.
Sheet 8 details three
views of the
Starfury fighter. These images were hand drawn by me back in the 90's,
I have seen more detailed prints offered by Kennedy Shipyards.
Sheet 9 contains more
detail on the
Starfury fighters.