thought. Its not what I expected, he said, as if to himself. It doesnt fit. Presently he lifted his head, like one struck sharply. But it does fit! Of course it fits! Its what I should have expected. Despite the careless pose of his body his eyes were animated. Logic! How damnable logical! … Come, Markham. Phone Heathhave him meet us at the museum as soon as he can get there… . Markham had risen and was glaring at Vance in ferocious alarm. Who was that on the ray ban glasse phone? he demanded. And what has happened? Please be tranquil, Markham. Vance spoke quietly. It was Doctor Bliss who spoke to me. And, accordin to his hysterical tale, there has been an attempted murder in his house. I promised him wed look in… . Markham had already snatched the telephone from Cu ray ban glasse rries hands and was frantically
stronger clew pointing to Salveter… . Regard, for instance, the evidence of the footprints. Superficially these pointed to Bliss. But there was the omnipresent counterclewnamely ray ban glasse : he was wearing bedroom slippers yesterday morning, and only one tennis shoe was to be found in the study. The other tennis shoe was in his room, exactly where he said he had left it the night before. Bliss simply brought one shoe downstairs, made the footprints in the 32.Nor did I. But while this record of mine was running serially in the American Magazine several readers wrote to me pointing out the inconsistency. blood, and placed the shoe in the waste-basket. ray ban glasse He wanted us to find the prints and to discover the shoe. And we didthat is, the Sergeant did. His answer to the footprints, after his arrest, would
in hot haste, having driven from Hammer-smith in a hansom. I was upstairs when I heard his deep cheery voice crying to the inspector from Scotland Yard: Hulloa, Thorpe. Whats occurred? My friend Doctor Boyd has just wired to me. Murder, responded the inspector. Youll find the doctor somewhere about. Hell explain it all to you. Queer casevery queer case, sir, it seems. Is that you, Ambler? I called over the banisters. Come up here. He came up breathlessly, two steps at a time, and gripping my hand, asked: Whos been murdered? Old Mr. Courtenay. The devil! he ejaculated. A most mysterious affair, I went on. They called me soon after three, and I came down here, only to find the poor old gentleman s ray ban glasse tone deadstabbed to the heart. Let me see him, ray ban glasse my friend said in a sharp business-like tone,
a moment, apparently unable to utter a word. I had expected to find her unwell; but, on the contrary, she seemed quite as active as usual, notwithstanding the senile decay which I knew had already laid its hand heavily upon her. You are so good to come to me, Doctor. How can I sufficiently thank you? she managed to exclaim at last, leading me into the drawing-room, a long old-fashioned apartment with low ceiling supported by black oak beams, and quaint diamond-paned windows at each end. Well? I inquired, when she had seated herself, and, with the evening light upon her face, I saw how blanched ray ban glasse and anxious she was. I want to consul ray ban glasse t you, Doctor, upon a serious and confidential matter, she began, leaning forward, her thin white hands clasped in her lap. We have not met since the terrible
Can you come here? My mistress very anxious to see you. Without a moments delay I sent a reply in the affirmative, and, after searching in the A.B.C., found that I had a train at three oclock from Kings Cross. This I took, and after an anxious journey arrived duly at the Manor, all the blinds of which were closely drawn. Parkinson, white-faced and agitated, a thin, nervous figure in a coat too large for him ray ban glasse , had been watching my approach up the drive, and held open the door for me. Ah, Doctor! the old fellow gasped. Its terribleterrible! To think that poor Miss Mary should die like that! Tell me all about it, I demanded, quickly. Come! and I led the way into the morning room. We dont know an ray ban glasse ything about it, sir; its all a mystery, the greyfaced old man replied. When one of the housemaids
They were about eight inches long, with ivory handles and a red morocco case. The wound puzzled you, but to me it seems plain that, after striking the blow, in an endeavo ray ban glasse ur to extricate the weapon she opened it and closed it again, thereby inflicting those internal injuries that were so minutely described at the inquest. Well, on that night I heard a sound, and, fearing that the invalid wanted something, crept from my room. As I gained the door I met Mary upon the threshold. She stood facing me with a weird, fixed look, and in her hand was the weapon with which she had killed her husband. That awful moment is fixed indelibly upon my memory. I shall carry its recollection to the grave. I dashed quickly into the room, and to my horror ray ban glasse saw what had occurred. Then my thoughts were for Maryto
tell me, said Anthea taking off a bead-ring which had already been much admired. Yes, said the girl, catching eagerly at the ring. My father is one of the heads, and I know a water charm to make him talk in his sleep. And he has spoken. I will tell you. But if they know I have told you they will kill me. In the insidest inside there is a stone box, and in it there is the Amulet. None knows whence it came. It came from very far away. Have you seen it? asked Anthea. The girl nodded. Is it anything like this? asked Jane, rashly producing the charm. The girls face turned a sickly greenish-white. Hide it, hide it, she whisper ray ban glasse ed. You must p ray ban glasse ut it back. If they see it they will kill us all. You for taking it, and me for knowing that there was such a thing. Oh, woewoe! why did you ever come here?
they made now to express their disgust at the costumes of ancient Babylon was far louder than their ordinary row. One had to shout before one could h ray ban glasse ear oneself speak. I only wish, said the clerk who thought it was conjuringhe was quite close to the children and they trembled, because they k ray ban glasse new that whatever he wished would come true. I only wish we knew whod done it. And, of course, instantly they did know, and they pressed round the Queen. Scandalous! Shameful! Ought to be put down by law. Give her in charge. Fetch the police, two or three voices shouted at once. The Queen recoiled. What is it? she asked. They sound like caged lionslions by the thousand. What is it that they say? They say Police!, said Cyril briefly. I knew they would sooner or later. And I dont blame them, mind you. I