Vance called toward the door, and the detective appeared almost simultaneously. Escort this gentleman to his room, and see that he communicates with no one until we send for him. Salveter, with an appealing look toward Mrs. Bliss, walked out of the room, the ray ban sunglasses china detective at his side. Pray be seated, madam. Vance approached the woman and, aft ray ban sunglasses china er she had sat down, took a chair facing her. We are going to ask you several intimate questions, and if you really want the murderer of Mr. Kyle brought to justice you will not resent those questions but will answer them frankly. The murderer of Mr. Kyle is a despicable and unworthy creature, she answered in a hard, strained voice; and I will gladly do anything I can to help you. She did not look at Vance, but concentrated her gaze on an enormous honey-
mantel. What now? he asked. What has happened? He seemed both bewildered and anxious. Doctor Bliss phoned me that some one had tried to kill him, Vance explained. So we hobbled over… . Know anything about it? Good God, no! Salveter sat do ray ban sunglasses china wn heavily in a chair by the door. Some one tried to kill the doctor? When? … How? He fumbled in his dressing-gown pockets, and Van ray ban sunglasses china ce, reading his movements correctly, held out his cigarette-case. Salveter lighted a Régie nervously, and drew several deep inhalations on it. Shortly after midnight, Vance answered. But the attempt failed dismally. He tossed the dagger in Salveters lap. Familiar with that knickknack? The other studied the weapon a few seconds without touching it. A growing astonishment crept into his expression, and he carefully picked up
habit of indulgin in weird conversations about mythology unless I have a reason. I simply let Hani know there was no legal way of bringing Bliss to justice, and intimated how he could overcome the difficulty and incidentally save you from a most embarrassin predicament… . But Hani was in the hall, with the door closed. Markhams indignation was rising. Quite so. I told him to stand outside the door. I knew very well hed listen to us… . You deliberately Oh, most deliberately. Vance spread his hands in a gesture of surrender. While I babbled to you an ray ban sunglasses china d appeared foolish no doubt, I was really talking to Hani. Of couse, I didnt know if he would grasp the opportunity o ray ban sunglasses china r not. But he did. He equipped himself with a mace from the museumI do hope it was the same mace that Bliss used on Kyleand
spoken to you on the subject? Often. At his country house some years ago a burglary was committed, and one of the burglars fired at him but missed. I think that unnerved him, for he always kept a loaded revolver in the drawer of a table beside his bed. In addition to this he had electrical contrivances attached to the windows, so as to ring an alarm. But it appears they did not ring, said the ray ban sunglasses china coroner, quickly. They were out of order, the servants tell me. The bells had been silent for a fortnight or so. It seems probable, then, that the murderer knew of that, remarked Dr. Diplock, again writing with his scratchy quill. Turning to the solicitor, ray ban sunglasses china he asked, Have you any questions to put to the witness? None, was the response. And then the woman whom I had loved so fervently and well, turned
so that I could distinguish every word. Well, remarked his wife, the whole affair was mysterious, that you must admit. With his friend, a man named Jevons, he has been endeavouring to solve the problem. A curse on Ambler Jevons! he blurted forth in anger, as though he were well acquainted with my friend. If between th ray ban sunglasses china em they managed to get at the truth it would be very awkward, she said. No fear of that, he laughed in full confidence. A man once dead and buried, with a coroners verdict upon him, is not easily believed to be alive and well. N ray ban sunglasses china o, my dear; rest assured that these men will never get at our secretnever. I smiled within myself. How little did he dream that the man of whom he had been speaking was actually overhearing his words! But Ethelwynn, in order to regain her place in the
Bernard; fourthly, the secret motive of Ethelwynn in remaining under the roof of the man who had discarded her in favour of her sister; fifthly, the secret of Courtenays reappearance after burial; sixthly, the secret of the dastardly attempt on my life by those ruffians of Lisson Grov ray ban sunglasses china e; and, seventh ray ban sunglasses china ly, the secret of Mary Courtenays death. Each and every one of the problems was inscrutable. Others, of which I was unaware, had probably occurred to my friend. To him, just as to me, the secrets were seven. Now, be frank with me, Ambler, I said, after a long pause. Youve gained knowledge of some of them, havent you? By his manner I saw that he was in possession of information of no ordinary character. He paused, and slowly twisted his small dark moustache, at last admitting Yes, Ralph, I have.
children were delighted till they remembered how they had once wished for wings themselves, and had had themand then they felt how desperately unhappy anything with wings must be if it is shut up in a cage and not allowed to fly. It must be fairly beastly to be a bird in a cage, said ray ban sunglasses china Cyril. Come on! They went on, and Cyril tried to think out a scheme for making his fortune as a gold-digger at Klondyke, and then buying all the caged birds in the world and setting them free. Then they ray ban sunglasses china came to a shop that sold cats, but the cats were in cages, and the children could not help wishing someone would buy all the cats and put them on hearthrugs, which are the proper places for cats. And there was the dog-shop, and that was not a happy thing to look at either, because all the dogs were chained or
may have been brought from Asia. Or, supposing the charm to have been fashioned in Egypt, it might very well have been carried to Babylon by some friendly embassy, or brought back by t ray ban sunglasses china he Babylonish army from some Egyptian campaign as part of the spoils of war. The inscription may be much later than the charm. Oh yes! it is a pleasant fancy, that that splendid specimen of yours was once used amid Babylonish surroundings. The others looked at each other, but it was Jane who spoke. Were the Babylon people savages, were they always fighting and throwing things about? For she had read the thoughts of the others by the unerring light of her own fears. The Babylonians were certainly more gentle than the Assyrians, said the learned gentleman. And they were not savages by any ray ban sunglasses china means. A very high