was naturally to defend my husband. Against whom? Against you and the police. Do you regret that initial instinct? Markham put the question brusquely. Certainly not! the woman stiffened in her chair and glanced surreptitiously toward the door. Vance noted ray ban sunglasses folding her action and drawled: It is only one of the detectives in the hall. Mr. Salveter is ray ban sunglasses folding sojourning in his boudoirquite out of hearing. Quickly she covered her face with her hands, and a shudder ran over her body. You are torturing me, she moaned. And you are watching me through your fingers, said Vance with a mild grin. She rose swiftly and glared ferociously at him. Please dont say How dare you? Vance spoke banteringly. The phrase is so trite. And do sit down again… . Hani informed you, I believein your native languagethat Doctor Bliss
head on that sheath as a sign that henamed after the jackal-headed god, An.bishad been divinely appointed the agent in this act of vengeance. A charmin theory, was Vances somewhat uninterested comment. But a bit too specious, ray ban sunglasses folding I fear. Im comin to the opinion that Hani is not nearly so stupid and superstitious as he would have us think. Hes a kind of modern Theogonius, who has found it the part of wisdom to simulat ray ban sunglasses folding e mental inferiority. 28 Salveter slowly nodded agreement. Ive felt that same quality in him at times… . But who else? Ah! Who else? Vance sighed. I say, Mr. Salveter; what time did you go to bed to-night? At ten-thirty, the man returned aggressively. And I didnt wake up until Hani called me just now. You retired, then, immediately after you had fetched the memorandum-book from
aid. Your life is a busy onebusier even than my own, perhapsand you have no desire to be bothered with my personal affairs. On the contrary, old fellow, he said. Remember that in mystery Im in my element. I know, I re ray ban sunglasses folding plied. But at present there is no mysteryonly suspicion. What Ambler Jevons had asserted was a fact. He was an investigator of mysteries, making it his hobby just as other men take to collecting curios or pictures. ray ban sunglasses folding About his personal appearance there was nothing very remarkable. When pre-occupied he had an abrupt, rather brusque manner, but at all other times he was a very easy-going man of the world, possessor of an ample income left him by his aunt, and this he augmented by carrying on, in partnership with an elder man, a profitable tea-blending business in Mark Lane. He had
cutors be hanged! I saw them this morning, a couple of dry-asdust old fossilscity men, I believe, who only think of house property and dividends. Our duty is to solve this mystery. The executors can have their turn, old chap, when weve finished. ray ban sunglasses folding At present they havent the key, or any notion where it is. One of them mentioned it, and said he supposed it was in the widows possession. Well, I remarked, I must say that I dont half like the idea of turning out a safe without the presence of the executors. Police enquiries come before executorsre inventories, he replied. Theyll get their innings all in good time. The house is, at present, in the occupation of the police, and nobo ray ban sunglasses folding dy therefore can disturb us. Have you told Thorpe? No. Hes gone up to Scotland Yard to make his report. Hell probably
knowledge of the truth. That they had no inclination to walk further was evident, for they still stood there in conversation, facing each other and speaking earnestly. I listened attentively to every word, my heart thumping so loudly that I wondered they did not hear its excited pulsations. Youve seen nothing of Sir Bernard? she was saying. Sir Bernard! he echoed. Why, of course not. To him I am dead and buried, just as I am to the rest of the world. My executors have proved my will at Somerset House, and very soon you will receive its benefits. To meet the old doctor w ray ban sunglasses folding ould be to reveal the whole thing. It is all so strange, she said with a low sigh, that sometimes, when I am alone ray ban sunglasses folding , I cant believe it to be true. We have deceived the world so completely. Of course. That was my intention.
object. Ralph, he said at last, what time is the next train to London? Two-thirty, I think. I must go at once to town. Theres work for me theredelicate work. What youve told me presents a new phase of th ray ban sunglasses folding e affair, he said in a strange, anxious tone. Does it strengthen your clue? I asked. In a certain degreeyes. It makes clear one point which was hitherto a mystery. And also makes plain that poor Mrs. Courtenay met with foul play? I suggested. Ah! For the moment, this latest development of the affair is quite beyond the question. We must hark back to that night at Richmond Road. I mus ray ban sunglasses folding t go at once to London, he added, glancing at his watch. Will you come with me? Most willingly. Perhaps I can help you. Perhaps; we will see. So we turned and retraced our steps to the house of mourning, where,
my beautiful, beautiful eyes. Tell the others Im herebut tell them to look at some of those low, common beasts while Im talking to you. The creature inside mustnt think you care much about me, or hell put a price upon me far, far beyond your means. I remember in the dear old days last summer you never had much money. OhI never thought I should be so glad to see youI never did. It sniffed, and shot out its long snails eyes expressly to drop a tear well away from its fur. Tell the others Im here, and then Ill tell you exactly what to do about buying me. Cyril tied his bootlace ray ban sunglasses folding into a hard knot, stood up and addressed the others in firm tones Look here, he said, Im not kiddingand I appeal to your honour, an appeal which in this family was never made in vain. Dont look ray ban sunglasses folding at that hutchlook at the
every now and then the children had to cross another brook. Its like between the squares in Through the Looking-glass, said Anthea. At last they came to an orchard which was quite different from the other orchards. It had a low building in one corner. These are vines, said Cyril superiorly, and I know this is a vineyard. I shouldnt wonder if there was a wine-press inside that place over there. At last they got out of the orchards and on to a sort of road, very rough, and not at all like the roads you are used to. It ray ban sunglasses folding had cypress trees and acacia tre ray ban sunglasses folding es along it, and a sort of hedge of tamarisks, like those you see on the road between Nice and Cannes, or near Littlehampton, if youve only been as far as that. And now in front of them they could see a great mass of buildings. There were