Blueprints of the Star Trek Universe

2004 Klingon Bird Of Prey

This is the 2004 re-issue of my 1986 Bird Of Prey Blueprints. With the cooperation of I can offer low-resolution scans of these prints. Click on the cover art on the right to begin.


2008 Klingon Bird Of Prey

This is my 2008 completely redesigned set of blueprints. I have provided low-resolution scans for your enjoyment. Click on the cover art on the right to begin.

2008 Klingon D-7 Heavy Cruiser

This is my 2008 completely redesigned set of blueprints. I have provided low-resolution scans for your enjoyment. Click on the cover art on the right to begin.

2008 Klingon K'Tinga Heavy Cruiser

This is my 2008 completely redesigned set of blueprints. I have provided low-resolution scans for your enjoyment. Click on the cover art on the right to begin.


2008 Klingon Vor'Cha Heavy Cruiser

This is my 2008 completely redesigned set of blueprints. I have provided low-resolution scans for your enjoyment. Click on the cover art on the right to begin.

VorCha cover
2004 Regula 1 Space Laboratory

This is a re-issue of an earlier set of 17" x 22" black & white illustrations. This set is 11" x 17" and combines color with the original images.

Click on the cover image at the right to view an index of all sheets.


2010 Regula 1 Space Laboratory

This is another re-issue of the earlier set of 17" x 22" black & white illustrations. This set is 14" x 8-1/2" and combines color with the original images.

Click on the cover image at the right to view an index of all sheets.

Starbase 79 Blueprints

This is also a re-issue of an earlier set.

Click on the cover image at the right to view an index of all sheets.


U.S.S. Lynx Timeship Blueprints

This is also a re-issue of an earlier set.

Click on the cover image at the right to view an index of all sheets.



U.S.S. Hornet Blueprints

This is also a re-issue of an earlier set.

Click on the cover image at the right to view an index of all sheets.



Ferengi Merchant Cruiser

I have provided low-resolution scans for your enjoyment. Click on the cover art on the right to begin.

Ferengi Cover art
Starship Recognition Series 1

Click on the cover image at the right to view an index of all sheets.



Starship Recognition Series 2

Click on the cover image at the right to view an index of all sheets.



Star Trek; The Next Generation Episode Guide & Script Archive CD

Click on the case image to the right to view a selection of pages.

TNG Episode Cover

Star Trek; The Next Generation Annotated Writers Guide CD

Click on the case image to the right to view a selection of pages.

Star Trek TNG Writers Guide

Star Trek Classic Bloopers CD

Click on the case image to the right to view a selection of videos.

Star Trek Bloopers

Federation Technological Survey CD

This is an updated digital copy of the 1991 book. Click on the case image to the right to view a selection of pages.


U.S.S. Enterprise Deck Plans CD

This CD takes the original Franz Joseph blueprints and creates a three-dimensional simulation of all decks. Click on the case image to the right to view a selection of pages.

Command Bridge Operations Manual CD

This is an updated digital copy of the 1991 book. Click on the case image to the right to view a selection of pages.

 Star Trek Command Bridge CD