10 Favorite Science
Fiction Movies
- 2001, A Space Odyssey
is a science fiction movie that had the money and talent to
present space travel in a believable way. Many earlier movies tried for
realism (Conquest of Space comes to mind) but budget or technology were
not adequate. Even 40 years later there is little, aside from Bell
Telephone and Pan Am, to detract from the almost perfect illusion.
- Blade Runner
prefer the version with the voice-over narration to the
“Directors Cut”. By the end of the movie you feel
that this is a viable future if we are not careful. Another example of
a movie that has aged well.
- The Fifth Element
you are in the mood for an over-the-top comic book
experience, and here it is. What cheapens the experience of this movie
is that TNT plays if at least 12 times each week. I try to watch once
per year.
- Star Trek, First Contact
sure, I could list several Trek movies as my favorites but decided to
list what I considered the absolute best here. The story was excellent,
staying true to canon, and played on all the years of established Trek
history. This movie is watchable from start to finish, unlike the first
movie with its 30 minute V’Ger fly-by sequence.
- Gamera, New Trilogy
I like giant monster movies. The original 1960’s Gamera
was sometimes painful to watch but the three movies of the reimagined
series are top-notch (Gamera: Guardian of the Universe, Gamera, Attack
of Legion, and Gamera, Revenge of Iris). Catchy song on the DVD comment
track also.
- Forbidden Planet
takes Leslie Neilson seriously now that he has done the Airplane
movies, but he started out as the leading man, and sometimes the heavy.
This movie was the Star Wars of its time, spawning many imitators.
- Godzilla, Showa, Heisei, and Millennium Series (but never, never,
the American version)
know it defies common sense, but I just love Godzilla movies. How can
you not love a guy in a 200-pound latex dinosaur suit stomping a toy
city. Two hundred years from now, when historians try to unravel where
it all went wrong, it is my hope that Godzilla vs. The Smog
Monster provides the necessary insight into our culture and becomes the
archetype for how we will be portrayed.
- Colossus, The Forbin Project
ever there was a movie that deserved more recognition, this is it.
Even the studio could not decide what to do with it and held back the
release for several years. 40 years of technological advancement has
taken its toll on the computers presented in Colossus, but the story is
as vital and relevant as ever….ripe for a remake (but they
would just screw it up like they did with The day The Earth Stood
Still). If you have not seen this movie, and you probably
haven’t, I urge you to see it.
- Star Wars
No matter
George Lucas has done to tarnish the Star Wars franchise in the past
couple years, the original 1977 version of Star Wars deserves
recognition for the following reasons;
- It
the science fiction movie industry (need I remind you that Starcrash
was released around the same time frame, try watching them both on the
same day and you will swear that there was 20 years between them).
- It made it cool to be a nerd.
- It brought special effects to the next level.
- For me, it killed 21 afternoons during the summer
of 1977.
- Aliens
get me wrong, the first Alien movie is great also, but I have to give
props to James Cameron for taking the world created in the first movie
and turning up the action and suspense to “11”
(Spinal Tap reference). Let me quote from Roger Ebert’s July
18, 1986 review:
movie is so intense that it creates a problem for me as a reviewer: Do
I praise its craftsmanship, or do I tell you it left me feeling wrung
out and unhappy? It has been a week since I saw it, so the emotions
have faded a little, leaving with me an appreciation of the movie's
technical qualities. But when I walked out of the theater, there were
knots in my stomach from the film's roller-coaster ride of violence.
This is not the kind of movie where it means anything to say you
"enjoyed" it.”
don't know how
else to describe this: The movie made me feel bad. It filled me with
feelings of unease and disquiet and anxiety. I walked outside and I
didn't want to talk to anyone. I was drained. I'm not sure "Aliens" is
what we mean by entertainment. Yet I have to be accurate about this
movie: It is a superb example of filmmaking craft.”
is the kind of
movie you can watch one hundred times, each time see something new or
still reacting to the monster popping up. Other movies have tried to
repeat the formula by ratcheting up the gore and violence, but that is
not what made this movie great. It is the anticipation, build-up, and
ultimate payoff that make a classic. In the same way that there was
actually not a lot of on-screen gore in the first Alien movie, the
scene always cut away just before the actual gore, this movie exploits
your prior knowledge of what
is going to happen and your mind
fills in the blanks. When the alien gets aboard the dropship and
attacks Corporal Ferro you will swear you saw it, but look at that
scene again; alien lunging-yes, screams-yes, blood on windscreen-yes,
actual gore-no.
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