10 Favorite Science
Fiction Television Shows
- Space 1999
it is dated, the pacing is slow, and the second season could not
hold a candle to the first, but it makes my list because of the
magnificent model work and special effects. If I had to choose the most
convincing-looking spacecraft of all time, I would pick the Eagle
Transporter. I have fond memories of driving to my friend Bob
Caron’s house in Biddeford, Maine during the original 1976/77
broadcast run because he had an antenna powerful enough to pick up the
UHF channel out of Boston that aired Space 1999. That Boston channel
was smart, they showed an episode of Star Trek first.
- Lost In Space
File this
under childhood nostalgia. To
be honest, I cannot today sit through an entire episode of the third
season – it is that bad, but every day after school in the
early 70’s I would park my butt in the living room and watch
reruns of Lost-In-Space and Gilligan’s Island. If only the
scripts could live up to the detail and thoughts put into the Jupiter
II sets this show could have been the best.
- Battlestar Galactica, New Series
I can hear
you now “but Larry,
how can you not include the original 1978 series?” Did you
not watch it during its first run in 1978-of course I did. Did you not
purchase the Viper Pilot Jacket from the Starlog Magazine ad-yes, and
it fit great, but had no inner lining. Did you not think that Dirk
Benedict was a good actor-yes, and the A-Team only supported that
opinion. Can I watch an episode now without being embarrassed-no. I
defy you to watch “Gun on Ice Planet Zero” and not
feel a degree of embarrassment for the actors.
There is no
greater example of
television shows being a reflection of their time than the two
Battlestar Galactica’s. People have criticized the new series
as being The O.C. in outer space, not having seen that show I cannot
comment. The 1978 Galactica was also a reflection of the morals,
issues, and production techniques of that time. When the third attempt
at a Galacticica series is made in 2035 I suspect reviewers and fans
will make the same arguments. I am writing this page during the
mid-season break in the 4th
season, after they have found Earth. Why is that not the Last
episode….have they jumped the shark? Also,
Starbuck’s a girl; deal with it!
- Star Trek, The Next Generation
They said it
could not be done. Me
included. Lightning could not strike twice. I was
wrong…sorry. Seasons 2 through 5 were the some of the best
science fiction ever presented on television.
- Doctor Who
Baker will always be my favorite incarnation, but the new franchise
has stayed true to canon and I continue to be a regular fan. On a side
note: DAMN YOU PBS, you show Dr. Who marathons during pledge week to
get me to give you money and then…and then….and
then no Dr. Who for the entire year. Burn in hell PBS.
- Firefly
Never caught
during original broadcast
because they were always pre-empting it and moving it around. Since
purchasing the DVD set I have fallen love with the premise. If only
some television executive could pull his head out of his ass long
enough to commit to this type of quality entertainment imagine what
could be done.
- Stargate SG1
SG1 is the comfortable pair of slippers you put on when you
get home from a hard day at the office. It features a likeable group of
people you care about and does not ask you to think too hard. That is
not a put-down. That is what I watch television for, sorry. If I want
to learn something or challenge my mind I will watch Nova or read a
book. I have found that since purchasing the series on DVD I still find
myself tuning to the Sci-Fi channel many nights, it is just comfortable.
- Babylon 5
they have taken the original Star Trek episodes and re-issued
them with all-new CGI effects. Forget about Trek, somebody do Babylon
5. Here is a show with believable stories about interesting people in a
fascinating surrounding completely sidetracked by 1994 CGI effects. The
story arc is magnificent, grand in scale, epic, classic, adult, and
timeless. They were even able to seamlessly write out the main
character after the first season with no visible continuity bump. This
show DESERVES better.
- Star Trek, The Original Series
Not going to say
much about this. This
survived Shatner’s ego.
- UFO (Gerry Anderson, 1969)
If you have
seen an episode of this series you cannot appreciate any of the
comments I will write. It would be like trying to explain lobster to
someone who has only eaten fish sticks. The series was produced by
Gerry Anderson, who had made his name making marionette shows such as
the Thunderbirds and Captain Scarlet, so critics and viewers did not
know what to make of an adult show having difficult themes such as
divorce and interracial affairs. It was picked up by CBS in 1970 and
did well in its demographics, but television executives were confused
(their normal state) so they did not pick up a second season. The show
did well on the Sci-Fi channel during the 1990’s but has
since faded into obscurity. I urge you to seek it out on DVD or maybe
YouTube and see what you are missing.
What make
UFO my
all-time favorite:
Cars with gull-wing
Real people that
screw up, make
mistakes, and can’t balance work with family
Blue wigs on the Moon
Submarines that
launch fighter jets
Ed Bishop as
Commander Straker
Mobiles (its like a
tank only cooler!)
Straker smokes and
has a full bar in his
Moonbase Commander
Gay Ellis
SID (Space Intruder
Hey man, it takes
place in the fabulous
future of 1980
The great model work and special effects – everything blows up
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